Looking at the package picked up by Jiang Yuan's spear point, the leading generals felt a little uneasy, which reminded them of something terrible.

"What will be in the baggage?" Just as this thought flashed through the minds of several people, Jiang Yuan had already galloped several meters away. With a flick of his spear, the heavy burden rolled down at their feet.

The bag opened by itself, revealing a round human head inside.

"How dare he..."

"He actually killed Ye Xiangtian!"

"Prince Yi has completely torn face with Emperor Dali!"

"In the future, I am afraid that I will be double suppressed by the imperial capital of Dali and the Ye Family of Bailing."

Several generals looked at the head rolled to the ground in disbelief. While shocked, their hearts were filled with endless bitterness.

Ye Xiangtian is dead, and the generals who follow their orders will not escape punishment. They will definitely be hated by the Ye family in Bailing, and it will be hard to live away from the imperial dynasty in the future.

"Oh my lord, why is this..." The veteran leader Yang Liujiao ordered someone to put away Ye Xiangtian's head, and said something to Jiang Yi, his words were full of bitterness.

"Does your lord know what this means?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, unmoved, and said: "Of course this king knows, but this king has no choice, because this king has no way out!"

"What? You want to avenge Ye Xiangtian?"

Yang Liujiao was silent for a while, and said in a shy voice: "Ye Xiangtian died in the hands of the prince, and we have no choice, otherwise we will not be able to return our lives to the Emperor Dali!"

The meaning of these words is obvious. After hearing his words, the more than [-] troops standing quietly behind Jiang Yi immediately entered a state of combat readiness, and drew out their swords one after another.

The same is true for the 30 troops on the opposite side.

Immediately, the two sides were at war with each other, and the battle was imminent.

However, neither Jiang Yi nor Yang Liujiao gave the order to attack in a hurry, especially Yang Liujiao, who was a little hesitant.

The 30 troops behind him were not the direct descendants of the Boling Ye family, but they were also not his direct descendants, but were assembled from various state capitals.

From this point, it can also be seen that the Bailing Ye family has a great plan, because once they completely subdue the 30 army, they will lay a foundation in various state capitals.

With the help of the intertwined relationship of more than 30 troops, they can infiltrate the military systems of various state capitals bit by bit.

But again, the 30 army is currently equivalent to a mess of scattered sand, and it is difficult to gather together in a short period of time.

Especially when facing Prince Yi, the great royal family, Yang Liujiao doesn't know how many people are willing to fight for Ye Xiangtian, even if they have the emperor's life.

Jiang Yi gently raised his right hand, and the sound of horses neighing from behind him because of the imminent outbreak of war stopped abruptly and became very quiet.

Watching this scene, the 30 troops on the opposite side sighed secretly. From it, we can see the prestige of the Prince Da Liyi in the army. With a single gesture, the restlessness of more than [-] troops was calmed down.

It can also be seen that the army under Prince Yi's Mansion is well-trained and has reached the point where orders are prohibited.

Jiang Yi raised the reins in his hand, and said, "The Yang family in Dingzhou Prefecture has nine sons, and eight sons died in battle. It can be said that they are 'full of loyalty'!"

Hearing these words, especially the words 'full of loyalty', Yang Liujiao couldn't help feeling a little excited, but also full of bitterness.

A family of nine sons, eight sons died on the battlefield, but after so many years, their Yang family has never been recognized, and even received attacks and criticism from some people.

Because of this, the Yang family was marginalized bit by bit, from a wealthy family in the army to a downcast in the army today, the Yang family in Dingzhou lost its glory because of this.

All these years, Yang Liujiao has been living humbly and carefully, not daring to have any complaints, because he wants to raise the heirs left by the eight brothers.

Now more than 20 years have passed, and under the burden of humiliation, the children of the eight brothers have all grown up.But who would have thought that he was being targeted by the Boling Ye family, and a call-up order sent more than a dozen nephews into the camp at the same time as he was called up.

On this matter, Yang Liujiao was extremely dissatisfied with the Boling Ye family, and even complained about the lord of the Imperial Capital of Dali.

Back then, under the leadership of the old man of the Yang family, nine members of the Yang family joined the army and followed the old man to the northwest border, where they fought desperately against the invading army of the Dog Food Dynasty.

The flames of war raged, and the Yang Mansion in Dingzhou also withered completely. Mr. Yang died, and Yang Liujiao was the only one left among the nine sons.

Dozens of orphans and widowed mothers knelt outside the gate of Dingzhou to meet the coffin, crying all over the house. Yang Liujiao will never forget that tragic scene.

For more than 20 years, the Yang Mansion has never been officially recognized. How could Yang Liujiao have no complaints in his heart.

But now, he heard the words "full family loyalty" from Jian Jiang Yi's mouth, and it was still under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of troops, this was to rectify his name for Dingzhou Yang family.

How could Yang Liujiao not be grateful in his heart, but he could only bow and salute to Jiang Yi who was facing him from afar, followed by more than a dozen figures standing in various places in the army.

This is also the only thing he can do, because he has a family tradition in the Yang family of Dingzhou: Do not disobey the emperor's order!Never betray the Dali Dynasty.

"It's born from the same root, so why bother with each other, Old General Yang said this is the greatest tragedy of time." Jiang Yi said slowly.

Yang Liujiao's face was tense, and he said in a shy voice: "My lord, there are words from the ancestors, it is really the emperor's order."

Jiang Yi shook his head, and said: "The ancestral training of the Yang family in Dingzhou, I have heard it all, but apart from not disobeying the emperor's order, there should be four words: Yongshu Nine Sides!"

Hearing this, Yang Liujiao's face froze. Since the Yang family withered, he has been deliberately downplaying the following four words for more than 20 years, but now Prince Yi pointed it out.

Yang Liujiao was silent, as if he wanted to express his determination.

But Jiang Yi spoke again, first looked back at the direction of Moyu Pass, and said: "Old General Yang, and you, do you know what the West Moyu Pass is like at this time?"

A group of generals headed by Yang Liujiao were speechless. They could imagine that the Western Demon Region Pass must be raging with flames of war at this time.

Yang Liujiao exchanged glances with several generals in command beside him, and stepped forward and said, "My lord defended the western frontier, resisted the invasion of foreign races in the frontier, and protected the peace of the middle land. This is a great achievement."

"Although we have the emperor's order, the Western Demon Region Pass is at stake. We are willing to temporarily lead our troops and retreat for a hundred miles. The prince can lead troops to support the Western Demon Region Pass."

"The battle at Ximoyuguan lasts for a day, and we will never lead our troops forward!"

Jiang Yi smiled. The loyalty and integrity of the Yang family in Dingzhou is indeed true, but this is not what he wanted. Just as he was about to say something, a voice came from not far behind:

"Mr. Yang's words are wrong. At this moment, the Western Demon Territory is impregnable. The armies of Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty have already been killed and broke through to the north along the corridor of Xijiang. How can we say that it is at stake!"

The voice was passionate, but Jiang Yi always felt that there was some flirtatiousness between the words, especially when the words came from the mouth of his second brother Jiang Zhongchi, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yes, it was the three Jiang brothers who came from the foot of Kongtong Mountain who said this.

On the opposite side, Yang Liujiao and other generals, including the 30 army, were instantly stunned by Jiang Zhongchi's words, and looked at Jiang Yi. Obviously, they had heard about the reputation of the second master of Prince Yi's residence.

Jiang Yi just smiled, but didn't make another sound.

He beat the old master to death with random punches. Although the second brother Jiang Zhongchi was flirtatious, he was not really an idiot. It could be said that a random punch could bring unexpected results.

In addition, Jiang Yi understood that if he took over the conversation at this time, his second brother might feel extremely uncomfortable, so he might as well let him play freely and fight randomly.

"Don't Mr. Yang and the generals believe it?"

The three brothers Jiang Zhongchi had already walked to Jiang Yi's side at this time, and seeing that Jiang Yi didn't stop them, their expressions couldn't help but become even more excited.The youngest Jiang Zhongshu, who was following beside him, wanted to say something at this moment, but was stared back by Jiang Zhongchi.

The youngest, Jiang Zhongshu, let out a dry laugh, stepped aside and stopped checking.On the contrary, Jiang Zhongren, the fifth brother, rolled his eyes from time to time, as if he was examining the surrounding environment and the current situation, preparing for the possible fight.

"Do you know that my army from Prince Yi's Mansion has left the Demon Pass to the west, and I think it has already entered Heishui Pass and Niangzi Pass at this time!"

Hearing this, Yang Liujiao and other generals were shocked, and the 30 army behind them also started whispering.

Yang Liujiao took a look at the three brothers Jiang Zhongchi, seeing nothing but a strong sense of compulsion, so he looked at Jiang Yi and the confidants and generals around Jiang Yi.

"Could it be true?" He couldn't see any clues from Jiang Yi and others, especially in Jiang Yi, who was calm and in control of the overall situation.

If what the other party said is true, it will be a feat that will cover the ages.

Heishuiguan and Niangziguan have always been one of the sources of the nine border troubles of the Middle Earth Dynasty. During the heyday of the Dali Dynasty's prestige, they once conquered two passes.

But it was a pity that he couldn't hold it, and it didn't take long for it to be recaptured by the Xifan and Baiyue dynasties.

But now, if Prince Yi's Mansion really captures the two passes, the situation in the entire Western Xinjiang may be completely reversed. Of course, the premise is that they can stick to Heishui Pass and Niangzi Pass.

"Haha, that's more than that. Do you know who is the vanguard of my army in Prince Yi's Mansion?" Jiang Zhongchi looked very high-spirited, and then he didn't wait for Yang Liujiao and others to react, and said directly:

"It's the Kerhan cavalry!"

This was another thunderstorm, which made Yang Liujiao and others completely stupefied, but soon a general refuted it: "Impossible, the Kerhan cavalry has long been a legend, how many years have they been extinct, you guys Where are the Kerhan cavalry?"

Jiang Zhongchi had obviously put himself into it, and raised his voice: "If it weren't for the consideration that God has the virtue of good life,"

"The battle at Ximoyuguan lasts for a day, and we will never lead our troops forward!"

Jiang Yi smiled. The loyalty and integrity of the Yang family in Dingzhou is indeed true, but this is not what he wanted. Just as he was about to say something, a voice came from not far behind:

"Mr. Yang's words are wrong. At this moment, the Western Demon Territory is impregnable. The armies of Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty have already been killed and broke through to the north along the corridor of Xijiang. How can we say that it is at stake!"

The voice was passionate, but Jiang Yi always felt that there was some flirtatiousness between the words, especially when the words came from the mouth of his second brother Jiang Zhongchi, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yes, it was the three Jiang brothers who came from the foot of Kongtong Mountain who said this.

On the opposite side, Yang Liujiao and other generals, including the 30 army, were instantly stunned by Jiang Zhongchi's words, and looked at Jiang Yi. Obviously, they had heard about the reputation of the second master of Prince Yi's residence.

Jiang Yi just smiled, but didn't make another sound.

He beat the old master to death with random punches. Although the second brother Jiang Zhongchi was flirtatious, he was not really an idiot. It could be said that a random punch could bring unexpected results.

In addition, Jiang Yi understood that if he took over the conversation at this time, his second brother might feel extremely uncomfortable, so he might as well let him play freely and fight randomly.

"Don't Mr. Yang and the generals believe it?"

The three brothers Jiang Zhongchi had already walked to Jiang Yi's side at this time, and seeing that Jiang Yi didn't stop them, their expressions couldn't help but become even more excited.The youngest Jiang Zhongshu, who was following beside him, wanted to say something at this moment, but was stared back by Jiang Zhongchi.

The youngest, Jiang Zhongshu, let out a dry laugh, stepped aside and stopped checking.On the contrary, Jiang Zhongren, the fifth brother, rolled his eyes from time to time, as if he was examining the surrounding environment and the current situation, preparing for the possible fight.

"Do you know that my army from Prince Yi's Mansion has left the Demon Pass to the west, and I think it has already entered Heishui Pass and Niangzi Pass at this time!"

Hearing this, Yang Liujiao and other generals were shocked, and the 30 army behind them also started whispering.

Yang Liujiao took a look at the three brothers Jiang Zhongchi, seeing nothing but a strong sense of compulsion, so he looked at Jiang Yi and the confidants and generals around Jiang Yi.

"Could it be true?" He couldn't see any clues from Jiang Yi and others, especially in Jiang Yi, who was calm and in control of the overall situation.

If what the other party said is true, it will be a feat that will cover the ages.

Heishuiguan and Niangziguan have always been one of the sources of the nine border troubles of the Middle Earth Dynasty. During the heyday of the Dali Dynasty's prestige, they once conquered two passes.

But it was a pity that he couldn't hold it, and it didn't take long for it to be recaptured by the Xifan and Baiyue dynasties.

But now, if Prince Yi's Mansion really captures the two passes, the situation in the entire Western Xinjiang may be completely reversed. Of course, the premise is that they can stick to Heishui Pass and Niangzi Pass.

"Haha, that's more than that. Do you know who is the vanguard of my army in Prince Yi's Mansion?" Jiang Zhongchi looked very high-spirited, and then he didn't wait for Yang Liujiao and others to react, and said directly:

"It's the Kerhan cavalry!"

This was another thunderstorm, which made Yang Liujiao and others completely stupefied, but soon a general refuted it: "Impossible, the Kerhan cavalry has long been a legend, how many years have they been extinct, you guys Where are the Kerhan cavalry?"

Jiang Zhongchi had obviously put himself into it, and raised his voice: "If it weren't for the consideration that God has the virtue of good life,"

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