I really became a prince

Chapter 410: My Will Has Been Decided

On the second day, the sky had already begun to dim. Normally, the entire Moyuguan would become very busy and extremely lively.

But now it is extremely quiet, with a kind of depression in the silence, and a slowly surging smell of blood.

Ye Xiangtian is already dressed in the other courtyard of Yiwang Mansion near Dongmoyu Pass, ready to attend the establishment ceremony of the Zongmen Mansion. At the same time, he is also preparing to use the power of the establishment of the Zongmen Mansion to put pressure on Yi Wang Mansion and let him bring an army of 30 Into the customs.

Ye Xiangtian looked at the towering Kongtong Mountain dozens of kilometers away, with a wild look in his eyes that would choose someone to devour.

His ultimate goal is to become the master of that Kongtong Mountain, which he will bring up at the inauguration ceremony of the Zongmen Mansion today. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say:

"Madam is at home and has someone to prepare in advance, maybe we will move in a while."

After finishing speaking, she didn't get any response, so she couldn't help turning her head to look, only to see Mrs. Ye beside her was distracted.

There was a surge of anger in his heart. The news that Prince Yi visited the backyard yesterday had already been known to everyone, which also made him, the new Lord Marquis, very green.

No matter what outsiders say, Ye Xiangtian doesn't believe it.Because he knows how powerful his formation is, not to mention that Prince Yi, he is the top powerhouse in the world, as long as he steps into it, he will become a turtle in the urn.

So he was very sure that Prince Yi had never entered this small courtyard, and everything was just rumors spread by the outside world.

However, when he came to Xiaokuayuan last night, he clearly felt the change in his wife. The change was not big, but subtle.

For the first time, he resisted his intimacy, and was distracted all night.

This made Ye Xiangtian doubt his own judgment. Could it be that the two really met yesterday?What even happened?

However, he then denied that this formation was set up by him himself, and he could feel it whenever someone came in and out, and his wife stayed in this small courtyard yesterday and never went out.

Unless that Prince Yi comes in, but this is impossible. In this world, no one can completely hide their aura, so naturally they cannot hide from the supervision of this large formation.

"What is madam thinking?" Ye Xiangtian's tone was a bit sinister.

"It's nothing..." Mrs. Ye came back to her senses, looked at the gloomy smile on her husband's face, felt a little flustered, and covered up, "I'm just worried about whether today's action will be successful..."

Ye Xiangtian stood up confidently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we've already contacted each other. At the same time as the establishment ceremony of the Zongmen Mansion, Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty will launch an attack on Ximoyu Pass."

"At that time, the Marquis will propose to bring 30 troops into the customs to help defend!"

Madam Ye frowned and said, "Prince Yi may not agree easily."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't agree. This Marquis came here with the imperial decree. As the general officer of the East Demon Territory Pass, he should lead the army into the pass. If he doesn't agree... then he will attack directly! Kongtong Mountain will be destroyed by then. It's mine!" Ye Xiangtian said indifferently.

Mrs. Ye couldn't say what she felt in her heart, she just felt that this matter might not be so simple, so she continued to ask: "Will Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty be used willingly?"

Ye Xiangtian fell silent for a moment, Mrs. Ye thought of a certain possibility, her face showed shock, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, please don't do stupid things..."

"What's stupid? Don't worry, Ben Hou knows it well!" Ye Xiangtian didn't want to be too many.

No one in the world would do anything worthless. Mrs. Ye knew that her husband must have made some kind of promise to the two border dynasties. As for the promise, she had already vaguely guessed.

"Lord Hou, Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty are two wolves, we must not let them enter the customs..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xiangtian interrupted him and reprimanded impatiently: "What do you know as a woman, I know it well!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her hands and walked out. Madam Ye confirmed her guess, she looked panic-stricken, and she still did not give up and persuaded: "Your Majesty must not let the army of the Xifan and Baiyue Dynasty enter the pass, otherwise it will become a disaster." The sinners of Middle-earth have been stabbed in the back for generations..."

Ye Xiangtian walked out of the small courtyard as if he didn't hear it.

In his plan, it is indeed to do so.

But it's not really letting the army of Xifan and Baiyue enter the pass, but tearing down the Ximoyu Pass!Using this as an exchange condition to get the assistance of the two border dynasties sending troops.

Since then, there has never been a situation where the East and West Demon Passes stand side by side, and there is only one East Demon Pass left.

This matter was unanimously supported by Queen Ye Xinmei of Dali and the sect outside the world, and even Emperor Jiang Zhenyi of Dali finally agreed after a period of silence.

This is also an important reason for the establishment of the Zongmen Mansion in Moyuguan, because the sect outside the world will become the main force against the two border dynasties of Xifan and Baiyue.

At that time, he will be the commander-in-chief of the garrison of Moyu Pass, sitting in Kongtong.

The seven sects and eight sects of the Shiwai sect will set up many branches in the west of Kongtong, and settle in a large number of sect disciples, so as to block the forces of Xifan and Baiyue. .

This is just the first step. After he formally takes control of Kongtong, the entire Xijiang Moyuguan will become a military center, and the permanent army will not be less than one million, or even doubled.

At that time, the Bailing Ye family will officially become the master of Xijiang, and in time, it will be a matter of course for them to crack the soil and seal the king.

Mrs. Ye stood in the small courtyard, looking at her husband who left without looking back, with her small mouth half-opened, she was shocked and shrouded in fear at the same time.

For many years, Moyu Pass has always been a natural barrier of Middle-earth, keeping the foreign troops from the frontier outside the pass, and guarding the peace of the entire Middle-earth.

In the beginning, the ancient dynasty spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources to build the East and West Demon Passes. During the period, they had to endure the invasion of the foreign army from the frontier. During this period, countless soldiers died in battle. Only then did the two grand passes be built.

But now, my husband actually wants to demolish one of them. The direct consequence is that soldiers from the foreign races on the border will directly arrive at the East Demon Territory Pass.

"Outer world sect..."

Mrs. Ye shook her head lightly. Although she never cared about world affairs, she knew very well in her heart.

The sects outside the world are real wolves, and it is impossible to rely on them to defend the world.

One day, if it is not done well, it will join forces with other worldly sects outside of Middle-earth to invade the secular world of Middle-earth.

"Do you want to tell him in advance?"

A figure appeared in Mrs. Ye's mind, her expression was in a trance, and her eyes became a little blurred. She didn't know what was wrong with her. From last night to now, that figure has been lingering in her mind.

After thinking for a while, he glanced at the direction of the far door, then at the backyard separated by a wall, and then set his eyes on the secret door.

"I did this only to prevent Middle-earth from being trampled by the alien soldiers on the border..." He made an excuse for himself, then took out a pen and paper, wrote for a while, and put the letter into an envelope.

Then he walked towards the secret door.

Over the years, Ye Xiangtian has always regarded her as a caged phoenix, or a tool person.

And when she had nothing to do, she spent time studying this formation, not to mention that she had completely controlled the formation, but it couldn't be easier to get in and out without anyone noticing.

But after she passed through the secret door, she found that the entire backyard was empty, and there was no one in sight.

"Why is there no one? How to pass the news..."

Mrs. Ye showed a sad face, and for some reason, there was still a trace of lost melancholy in her heart.

Originally, she thought that the figure in her mind would definitely arrange people in this backyard, secretly watching the small courtyard next door, but it turned out that she was overthinking.

"I have seen Mrs."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Madam Ye was startled and turned her head to look, but a figure came out from a dark corner.

"Madam, is there something for my lord?" The figure asked respectfully.

"Give this secret letter to your prince. It's a very important matter. Remember to hand it over to your prince." Madam Ye calmed down and handed the secret letter to the other party.

"Madam, don't worry, the little one will definitely be handed over to the prince himself." The black shadow bowed his hands to finish the secret letter.

"Go, don't delay." Mrs. Ye said, then turned and walked back.

But after walking a few steps, he still couldn't let go of the thought in his heart, so he stopped and slightly tilted his head and said, "What is your lord asking you to do here?"

Perhaps because he felt that the purpose of his question was too obvious, his face was a little reddish.

The figure bowed without any hesitation and said, "The little one doesn't know, the whole backyard is already empty, but the prince quietly arranged for the little one to hide here, and only said to always pay attention to the movement next door."

After Mrs. Ye got the answer she wanted, she nodded and turned into the secret door with a hint of shyness hanging from the corner of her mouth.

The figure also turned around and walked towards the dark place, with a sly smile flashing across the corner of his mouth.

Kongtong Mountain, Prince Yi's Mansion, the meeting hall.

Jiang Yiduan sat on the main seat directly above the head, and the two sides of the lower head were full of confidantes.

Of the eight western border tribes, apart from Tian Buyi and Luo Yishou who were stationed at the Eastern Demon Region Pass, the heads of the other six tribes were all listed.

In addition, there are Wang Daniu from the pro-military camp, Chi Lie from the fierce soldier camp, and Li Yan from the servant pioneer camp.

The heads of the two governments other than the Eight Divisions and the Three Battalions were all present.

The fourth patriarch of Wenzong headed by Dong Chengyang in Wenzong's Mansion, and the former Moyu Guan general headed by Mao Wenhuan in the marching yamen of Shence Mansion

Among the generals, there are also martial arts experts such as Zhang Zhiyuan from Xingwu Yamen of Shence Mansion.

In addition, Lu Fan and Fuquan from [Blood Yiwei] and [Shadow Pigeon], who have always seen the tail but not the head, also appeared.Lu Fan is better, after all, he often appears by Jiang Yi's side.

But it was the first time that Fuquan, who was in charge of [Shadow Pigeon], appeared in front of everyone, and he also attracted the secret attention of everyone in the meeting hall.

Compared with everyone else, this one is the real Shenlong who sees the beginning but does not see the end, and is very mysterious.

And the other party, as the first batch of cronies of his prince, is in charge of a huge intelligence agency, and it is not just a simple intelligence agency, but includes several departments and agencies.

Among them is a killer organization that is not weaker than [Blood Cloth Guards], but everyone is only vaguely aware of it. They don't know anything about the specific composition of this killer organization.

Fuquan was surrounded by ordinary people from top to bottom. They were the kind of people who would not be noticed by being thrown in the crowd, making people ignore him subconsciously.

On the other hand, [Blood Clothes Guard] is the master, Lu Fan, with a bloody evil aura all over him, as if he just walked out of hell.

Jiang Yi sat at the top, with Fulong on one side and Ding Ren on the other. He looked up and looked around, feeling quite moved in his heart.

In just a few years, its background has been established.

The first is Fulong and the fourth patriarch of Wenzong. These five are the strongest fighters under his command. Although Jiang Yi didn't go into it carefully, these five must be the strength of the eighth realm.

Next are Zhang Zhiyuan from the Xingwu Yamen, Mao Wenhuan from the Xingjun Yamen, Lin Yizhi, Tian Buyi, Su Qingfeng and others from the Eighth Division of Xijiang. They can be regarded as the second echelon, and they have already crossed the threshold of the seventh realm of martial arts.

These people are only on the surface. In Wenzong Mansion and Shence Mansion, there are still some experts from the seventh realm of martial arts.

Next are Jiang Xuehen, Chu Kuan, Jiang Zhongshan, Ning Wuze, Luo Yishou, Chi Lie and others, all of whom are also strong in the Fifth Realm and Sixth Realm.

With this strength under his command, it is enough to establish a faction, and it is enough to rank among those big sects.

Jiang Yi didn't make a sound, and the entire conference hall was extremely silent.

But from the expressions of everyone, it can be seen that they are all trying their best to suppress the fluctuating emotions in their hearts.

In particular, the four patriarchs of Wen Zong Mansion, including Dong Chengyang, looked calm, but their hearts were agitated.

Today seems to be the first time that Wenzong's mansion has officially shown its edge, and it is also a battle for the announcement of Wenzong Dao. From then on, the world will know that there is Wenzong Dao in addition to martial arts and other world sects in Manghuang Continent.

As for the others, their hearts were also filled with agitation. Today's battle will be a battle for Prince Yi's Mansion to officially stand on its own.

After Jiang Yi glanced around, he was about to say something, but there was a loud voice from outside the conference hall, and then a figure walked in with his body down.

As soon as this figure came in, the eyes of many people in the conference hall jumped.

This person is very strange to them, and they have never seen it before, but to be able to step freely into this meeting hall, it is obvious that his identity is not simple, and he is probably the tip of the iceberg of the mysterious forces around his prince.

"My lord, it's urgent."

The voice of the person who came was extremely low, but everyone present here are all people with strong cultivation bases, so they can hear it clearly.But the vast majority of people are confused, do not understand what this urgent message means, and where it comes from.

But there are exceptions, that is Fulong and Dong Chengyang.

Because they have already judged the identity of the person who sent the letter from the slight fragrance emanating from the letter.

However, both of them were expressionless, but they sighed secretly in their hearts, the ability of "hands-on" is already perfected by their own princes.

Jiang Yi was also a little surprised when he received Mrs. Ye's secret letter, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.But I also knew that there must be important information inside, so I opened it in public without any hesitation.

At a glance, He Xu's face suddenly became full of murderous aura.

After reading it, it was already murderous.

"I have made up my mind, today's battle will eliminate all hidden dangers inside and outside the Demon Field Pass!"

"Hidden dangers are endless, don't seal the knife!"

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