I really became a prince

Chapter 409 Before the War

play by ear?Gu Lun smiled wryly in his heart, he was just comforting himself, or just deceiving himself.

After that Prince Yi won the remaining four banners, he must have appointed a new banner owner, and would not leave them with too much choice for the four banners.

"Korhan Eight Banners..."

Gu Lun's bitterness is inexplicable. Maybe they were too eager to form the Eight Banners at the beginning, and they didn't carefully screen and screen them. As a result, the entire Eight Banners were full of contradictions, and it was basically a mess.

However, compared to that Prince Yi, he was more worried about Xifan and the Baiyue Dynasty. The other party did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to organize this horse herding meeting, and it was in the West Demon Region. They must have other plans.

And they, the Kerhans, are very likely to become cannon fodder.

"I can only take one step at a time. I just hope that Kerhan will not shed too much blood this time..."

"There is really no other way, so let's serve that Prince Yi."

"This may also be a way out for our Kerhan Eight Banners..."

Compared with Xifan and Baiyue, Gu Lun agrees with Dali Wangqi more in his heart.

It's just that the new owner of Dali Wangqi's methods were too strong, and even Kerhan's only golden family was cleared out in a few words.

"Be careful tomorrow, don't mention the 'ten-year period' any more."

Hearing Gu Lun's words, the three of Su Morer nodded.

The frontal lobe glanced at Su Mo'er, who had an aggrieved face, and Gu Lun, but Gu Lun shook his head slightly.

If Kerhan is really closed to a dead end tomorrow, there is only one option for Zhongyi Wangfu, and for Kerhan's future, the only choice is marriage.

But seeing Su Morer's innocent personality, Gu Lun didn't know how to speak.

As far as he knew, the battle between the queens of the Middle-Earth Dynasty was very cruel, and it would be difficult for Su More to deal with the cold arrows from all sides.

"How do you say that Prince Yi will react tomorrow?" Ku Long, the flag owner of the inlaid white flag, said aloud.

"Xifan, the Baiyue Dynasty, the sect outside the world, and the 30 army of the Bailing Ye family... I am afraid that this crisis will not be resolved..." Frontal Ye, the owner of the Xianglan Banner, shook his head.

Su Mo'er obviously didn't understand these words, and asked in confusion: "He is in danger, why is he so eager to control us Kerhan? Could it be that we think that we Kerhan will really rush forward desperately for him? "

Gu Lun and the other three looked at each other and smiled wryly. This was what they were most worried about. If there was any big move tomorrow, Xifan and Baiyue would definitely turn Kerhan into cannon fodder.

As for that Prince Yi, who is so eager to control Kerhan, could it be that he also has the same idea?

"If tomorrow that Prince Yi really fulfills his promise and lets Kerhan ride his horse again, how should we choose?" Frontal Lobe said.

"That's right, it's better for us to finalize this matter early, otherwise we will be very passive tomorrow...or send someone to contact Prince Yi's residence?" Ku Long echoed.

Gu Lun shook his head and said, "Prince Yi obviously wants to show us off, and he won't contact us at all now."

After noticing the bloody smell tonight, they tried to contact Prince Yi's Mansion through the previous secret channels, but all contact channels were closed, and Prince Yi's Mansion cut off all contact with their Kerhan Eight Banners.

"This is the end of the matter, let's play by ear tomorrow..."

After entering the middle of the night, many people suddenly found that the entire Moyu Pass suddenly became very quiet, and there was no one on the street.

You know, ever since Prince Yi took over with King Dali's banner, this Demon Pass has become a city that never sleeps.

Even in the middle of the night, there was still an endless flow of merchants entering and leaving the East Demon Region Pass, even more lively than during the day to some extent.

Horse-drawn carriages full of bulk goods entered from the East Demon Pass, passed through the [-]-kilometer Demon Pass, and waited to leave early in the morning near the West Demon Pass.

But this night, there was no one on the street, and all the inns that had been brightly lit turned off their lights early, and the entire Moyuguan was plunged into the dark night.

The rain was about to come, and even the night was filled with an inexplicable depression.

However, there are a few places where the lights are still on, one is the barracks where the eight departments of Xijiang are located, and the Yiwang Mansion on Kongtong Mountain stands in the middle of the Demon Pass.

In addition, there is a small highland in the northeast of Kongtong, which is also brightly lit. It is a newly built mountain gate station.

The buildings and pavilions are magnificent, with a hint of the air of a fairy family outside the world, and at the same time full of a kind of worldly luxury.

This is the residence of the Zongmen Mansion, and the combined power of the sects outside the world is indeed powerful, not to mention moving mountains and seas, but it was completed in just a few months.

It's just that at the beginning, Jiang Yi didn't tell Jiang Yi that the Zongmen mansion of the other world sect would be built here, but that he would build a palace for the Emperor Dali in Xijiang.

This is normal in the Dali Dynasty. Almost every state capital will build a magnificent palace, which is also a sign of the prominent status of the Dali Dynasty.

Jiang Yi didn't believe in it from the beginning, but he didn't stop him either. He watched the completion of this magnificent mountain gate with cold eyes.

At dawn tomorrow, it will be the time for the Zongmen Mansion to establish a sect, so people from the Worldwide Zongmen will settle in as soon as they arrive at Moyu Pass.

"It's really stylish..."

Jiang Yi stood on the edge of the cliff in the martial arts field, looked at the mountain gate not far away, and sighed.

Jiang Ning, the eldest aunt of Prince Yi's mansion, is also here, but at this moment, she doesn't have the heart to admire the majesty of the Zongmen mansion, but worries: "Brother, have you really considered it?"

"What's there to think about? Now, I have nowhere to go." Jiang Yi chuckled.

"But are you sure?" Jiang Ning always felt that she had no idea. Now Yi Wang's mansion was really surrounded by enemies, even the Dali Emperor's Capital was staring at him.

There is also the Zongmen Mansion not far away. As far as she knows, this Zongmen Mansion includes seven sects, eight sects and two holy places, and each extraterrestrial sect selects disciples to enter. Even if it has just been established, the background is very terrifying.

"Sister, don't worry, I have already made arrangements. Tomorrow, our Prince Yi's Mansion will truly gain a firm foothold in Xijiang and become the veritable king of Xijiang!"

However, Jiang Yi knew in his heart that after tomorrow's battle, he and Dali Huangdu would be completely torn apart, including the Zongmen Mansion.

Unless one day his army can reach the hinterland of the Dali Dynasty, it may be difficult to enter the Dali Dynasty.

"But... my sister always feels that the steps are too big..." Jiang Ning's eyes were a little worried.

Jiang Yi did not continue this topic, but looked to the northeast, and said in a low voice: "Sister, when the situation in western Xinjiang calms down, let's go to northern Xinjiang, my father must miss us too, let's go and take my father Bringing it back, it can be regarded as Ye Luo returning to its roots..."

Jiang Ning opened her mouth halfway, her eyes full of surprise.

She had noticed a long time ago that the young brother in front of her had a deep gap with her father, and the relationship between father and son was indifferent. She did not expect that now she would take the initiative to bring his father back.

"Okay..." Jiang Ning nodded, holding back tears.

At this moment, a figure walked into the martial arts arena lightly, but it was Ding Ren who was in charge of [Dark Swan].

"I've met my eldest aunt." Ding Ren saluted Jiang Ning.

Jiang Yi gently wiped the corners of his eyes, then turned around and nodded, and said, "You guys talk, I'm going back to rest."

After speaking, he walked away.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yi didn't make a sound, and waited for Jiang Ning to walk away before speaking.

"Returning to the prince, Yuen Long, Chalande, Nalanzhu, and Boermu have already obtained the tokens of the Four Banners." Ding Ren replied with his head bowed.

"Okay, tell them, tomorrow is the time when they will unveil their four flags."


"In addition, pass on the order, follow the plan tomorrow, and clear the Demon Realm Pass with the force of thunder!""

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