However, he said that seeing the signs of failure of the snapping tortoise in the magical realm, Jiang Yi hesitated and swallowed a longan-sized elixir.

Mo Qiuxian next to him twitched his face when he saw it. How rich his "grandson-in-law" must be. Before it was a realm fruit, but now it is this elixir.

This is the pill of endless life, the refining method has been lost, and it only exists in the records of ancient books.

As the name suggests, the Everlasting Pill, after taking it, the power of blood or mana in the body will be endless, and will never be exhausted.

In the Manghuang Continent, whether it is a warrior or a monk outside the world, the blood power or magic power in the body will be consumed when fighting. Of course, the consumption speed will be very slow for those with advanced cultivation bases. It's no problem to fight for a month or so.

However, there are some advanced exercises that require huge blood power or mana support, and even need to be fully charged before they can be used, such as Jiang Yi's sword cage.

Although it can only be used in a full state, after using it once, it is impossible to use it a second time, because it requires a huge blood force to support it.

With the blood power in Jiang Yi's body, he could use it two to three times in a row, but after that, the blood power in his body was basically completely exhausted, which meant that he lost [-] to [-]% of his combat power.

That situation is too dangerous, and Jiang Yi will not put himself in such a dangerous situation.

And with the pill of endless life, the power of blood in his body will always remain full. As long as the effect of the medicine is still there, he will always use the sword cage.

However, he also felt a little pain in his heart, after all, there was only one pill of everlasting life, and it was gone when it was used up.

waste?Jiang Yi didn't think that as long as he could kill this alien race in front of him, everything would be worth it!

"Grandpa, be careful."

After saying something to Mo Qiuxian, Jiang Yi volleyed into the battle circle, and the moment he joined the battle circle, the entire scene of the landscape and martial arts changed completely.

What was originally a beautiful landscape painting turned into a hell-like horror scene in an instant.

The entire sky was dark, with black clouds pressing down on the top. At the same time, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and thunder fell from the black clouds, densely packed, covering the entire Shengtong Territory.

This is the scene in the air, but on the ground and the lake, there is a sea of ​​flames, and the three-inch-high flames cover the entire space.Although the flames were not high, they turned half of the sky red and turned the entire Divine Ability Realm into a sea of ​​lightning and flames. .

Mo Qiuxian who was unprepared was also frightened by the sudden appearance, but soon felt relieved.

Because he found that he did not receive the attack of thunder and flames, and even received a great blessing, which made his combat power increase instantly.

This feeling of soaring strength made him a little dazed for a while. For many years, his cultivation had not improved a single step, but now he unexpectedly re-experienced this wonderful feeling.

He even has some doubts, whether his combat power has already touched the legendary ninth realm...

"Grandfather-in-law, don't be dazed, go!"

A loud cry changed it back to reality, but it was Jiang Yi who had already entered the battle circle. Mo Qiuxian said inwardly ashamed, laughed loudly, played several spells, and joined the fight.

"The feeling of soaring strength is really good. It would be great if I could keep doing this." He muttered to himself, then he became mentally shocked, and devoted himself to fighting with all his heart.

Besides Jiang Yi, after volleying into the battle circle, with a move of his hand, a stream of light pierced the air from the central mountain peak, as white as a cicada's wing, crystal clear, it was the blood-melting flying knife.

"Knife Field Prison!"

After taking the Life and Life Pill, Jiang Yi didn't feel any fear, so he just used the sword cage.

As soon as this move was made, the sharp weapons of the dozens of magical weapons surrounding the snapping turtle froze for an instant, and the snapping turtle also took advantage of this opportunity to avoid the grinding disc hitting its forehead.

And after the blood-melting flying knife, a pair of dark green streamers also flew out from the mountain peak, spinning around, like a pair of sun and moon in the sky, but they are sun and moon wheels.

Jiang Yi made a move, the sun wheel in one hand, and the moon wheel in the other hand. Taking advantage of the vacancy that the spiritual monk was temporarily imprisoned by the sword cage, he made the "Golden Crow Sword Sutra", and instantly slashed at the opponent several times.

At the same time, Mo Qiuxian's several spells also hit the opponent.

"Your confinement technique is really extraordinary, but it's a pity that your own cultivation is too weak."

The spiritual monk was clearly prepared, and was not completely confined like the first time. A soft light burst out in front of him, blocking all attacks. .

Jiang Yi secretly sighed. After the other party took precautions, the power of the sword cage was indeed much smaller, but he didn't have any thoughts of discouragement in his heart. Although he didn't have such a great power, the effect was still good.

At least at the moment when the sword cage was used, all the opponent's attacks were lightly paused. Although it was short, the effect was not small.

Just like that, Jiang Yi, Mo Qiuxian, and the snapping turtle surrounded the spirit monks and started killing them.

On Jiang Yi's side, every move and every move is like a tiger, extremely staunch.On the other hand, the monks of the Spirit Race stood there floatingly without moving at all, it was really like strolling in the courtyard.

Although the opponent didn't move at all, the dozens of magical weapons seemed to be wise. While fighting with Jiang Yi and others by themselves, they also intercepted all their attacks, and they couldn't attack the spirit monks at all. in front of you.

However, Jiang Yi was not discouraged, and a series of exercises such as Taiyin Daojing, Yuekongzhi, and Sky Wubu were used to the extreme, and as the battle progressed.

A nine-petal fire lotus appeared above its head and spun around, casting a circle of flames to protect it, and there were traces of sparkling lace mixed in the flames.

Although there were no fire lotuses on Mo Qiuxian and Crocodile Top, there was a faint light curtain covering them.

"The other party's racial talent is indeed powerful. Compared with using both hands and feet on my side, it is much easier to handle."

Looking at the calm-looking spirit monk floating in the center of the circle, Jiang Yi felt that if the other party wanted to pretend to be taller, he could set up a tea set and drink tea there leisurely.

And the opponent is worthy of being a master of both immortal and martial arts. While attacking with dozens of magical weapons, a series of magic arts were mixed in, not to make Mo Qiuxian and the snapping turtle scream.

This is still in the realm of supernatural powers, and the opponent's strength has been weakened. If it is in the outside world, even if Jiang Yi's side plays all their cards, they may not be able to resist a few moves.

"The opponent's soul fire transformed from a strange fire is quite powerful, and it can faintly incinerate the spiritual power in my body..."

The spiritual monks noticed that the surrounding flames seemed to be different from the soul fires transformed from ordinary fires, and their power was stronger, and the shape of the opponent's soul fires was also strange, it turned out to be in the shape of a fire lotus.

But he didn't care too much, the soul fire of such a low race could not cause much damage to him, and he recovered quickly.

"Hehe, just like their racial identities, this soul fire also exudes a humble aura..."

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