I really became a prince

Chapter 280 Really Controlling the Landscape and Martial Realm

With the ability to control thoughts, Jiang Yi was very curious about how strong the opponent's racial talent was, so that he lost his hands and feet directly.

The hundreds of meters of waves just now can only be said to be the tip of the iceberg. After all, human practitioners are very capable, relying on their own skills, they can also do this scene

But just when the snapping turtle was about to throw its tail at the other side, a golden fist appeared out of thin air, and it hit the giant tail with one punch, and even knocked the snapping turtle's tail back.

The snapping turtle was indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so it didn't care at all. It opened its mouth slightly, and a long tongue more than ten meters long protruded from between the teeth, rolling towards the spiritual monks, with two forks at the tip of the tongue.

After the golden fist hit, it didn't disappear immediately, but turned into a palm, with five fingers slightly bent, grabbing the snapping turtle's long tongue.

But it was caught by the long tongue and shattered instantly.

Then a huge millstone appeared out of thin air, but it was blown away by the snapping turtle's tongue... Then all kinds of weapons appeared out of thin air, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, and launched a siege to the rough-skinned and thick-skinned snapping turtle.

And that Spiritual Clan monk stood there quietly all the time, without even the slightest fluctuation of his cultivation aura, just like a spectator, those who didn't know would really think that the other party was an irrelevant outsider.

Jiang Yi also really saw the power of mind control. Dozens of weapons of various types appeared in midair at the same time, and it was inextricable to fight against snapping turtles.

"Manipulating so many magical weapons at the same time, the opponent is able to handle them with ease. The talent of this race is really powerful." Mo Qiuxian sighed beside him.

"Yeah, from this point of view, hands and feet are indeed a burden to them..." Jiang Yi smiled wryly to himself.

He has also experienced quite a few battle scenes, and he has never seen such a weird battle, whether it is a secular martial art or an extraterrestrial sect.

In his heart, he also secretly called out luck, if it wasn't for the other party, a strong alien from the wilderness, who came to the Shanshui Martial Realm, the Shanshui Martial Realm would not have issued a warning.

However, Jiang Yi released the landscape and martial arts outside, and after he circled the other party in, he suddenly received a warning.

Originally, Jiang Yi thought it was from the Shanshui Wujing, but finally found out that it was the snapping turtle in Qianyunshui's mansion.

Then a method appeared in his mind, which is a forbidden technique. Only when he has completely cultivated it can he truly control the landscape and martial arts.

It wasn't until then that Jiang Yi realized that he had never really fully controlled the landscape and martial arts before.If the snapping turtle didn't take the initiative to teach this secret technique, he might not be aware of this fatal hidden danger for a long time, and he might capsize in the gutter at some point.

Since the mysterious snapping turtle can automatically warn him and teach him the technique of restraint, it shows that this spiritual monk is very powerful, so powerful that the snapping turtle is very afraid.

Jiang Yi didn't dare to delay at all, just as the other party was also deliberately delaying time, Jiang Yi asked the golden villain who had re-entered his eyebrows to start deducing this prohibition technique.

Perhaps it was because the landscape martial arts itself was connected with Jiang Yi's bloodline and had the same origin, the golden villain deduced it very quickly.

It was completed in such a short period of time when Jiang Yi had a conversation with the monks of the Spirit Race, and Jiang Yi finally completely controlled his own landscape martial arts realm, to be exact, the supernatural power realm.

After completely controlling the supernatural realm, Jiang Yi got a lot of relevant information about this supernatural realm, one of which moved him a lot, and that was the supernatural beast.

The magical domain beast can be said to be the guardian beast of the prosperous domain. Once cultivated, it will become one with the domain and become a relationship of coexistence and death.

The supernatural beast can be said to be the strongest thug of the master of the Shengtong realm, and can use the many powers of the realm just like the master of the realm.

Jiang Yi naturally thought of the mysterious snapping turtle, but he wasn't sure if the other party was willing to become his domain beast, after all, it was equivalent to losing his freedom.

And if Jiang Yi dies accidentally in the future, the snapping turtle, which is a beast in the supernatural domain, will also be wiped out. Any intelligent life will not be willing to do this.

Jiang Yi tried to communicate with the snapping turtle, but what he didn't expect was that the snapping turtle agreed without any hesitation, and even showed a secret joy that "the trick has succeeded".

Soon Jiang Yi knew why the other party agreed so readily, and was secretly delighted.

Because in order to have a magical beast, a fairy must evolve in the magical realm, and this fairy mansion has since become the private residence of the beast.

After receiving a lot of news about the supernatural realm, Jiang Yi also understood the preciousness of the Immortal Mansion.

Not every Shengtong domain can evolve into a "immortal mansion". To evolve an immortal mansion, the conditions are very harsh.

The first point is that the supernatural realm needs to have a strong background. It is a coincidence that after Jiang Yi absorbed the flower of Wanji, his background was so thick that it was incredible.

The background is the premise, because without enough background, the Immortal Mansion cannot be conceived.

The second point is the master of the domain, which must have strong enough luck. The fairy mansion is not an ordinary mansion, and it cannot evolve without strong luck to suppress it.

Jiang Yi was satisfied with these two points, so it was a matter of course that Qianyunshuifu, the fairy mansion, came into being.

Obviously, the snapping turtle has been coveting this fairy mansion for a long time, otherwise it would not have been stuck in it and unable to get out.

Or maybe it was because the crocodile turtle entered the landscape martial arts realm that the Immortal Mansion really appeared. After all, the bottom of Qianyun Lake was always empty before again.

Jiang Yi had never seen the Immortal Mansion, and he didn't even know what the Immortal Mansion looked like, so he was a little confused.

He doesn't even have a fairy mansion himself, but now he wants to give the only fairy mansion in his hand to the snapping turtle, and he always feels a little distressed.

However, after a comprehensive balance, Jiang Yi still chose to abandon the Immortal Mansion in exchange for a magical domain beast that connected with him.

Now it seems that this choice was right and did not disappoint him.

The snapping turtle, which has completely transformed into a supernatural beast, has soared in strength under the blessing of the entire landscape and martial arts, and is already able to withstand the attack of the spiritual monk.

But it's still not safe, what Jiang Yi wants is to be safe, so he couldn't help but glance at Mo Qiuxian next to him.

Mo Qiuxian was looked at a little inexplicably, he pointed to himself and then to the two figures fighting in mid-air, while hesitating, he couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

"Don't worry, grandfather-in-law, I have a way to boost your combat power."

After finishing speaking, he was about to explain further, but he frowned, because the crocodile in mid-air actually showed a decadent appearance, and it became scarred and bruised just in the blink of an eye.

The opponent is too powerful, so Jiang Yi will never allow the opponent to step out of his supernatural realm, even if he can only wander in Ruoshui Lake forever.

Maybe on that day, practitioners from the Manghuang Continent would come to their door automatically, and it would be too easy for the other party to obtain a secret order from Yinshan Mountain.

At that time, in the entire Manghuang Continent, who can stop the other party?

"Oh, that's the only way..." Jiang Yi sighed secretly, and swallowed a pill the size of a longan into his mouth, and Mo Qiuxian next to him twitched.

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