I really became a prince

Chapter 268 Ye Hui's Mysterious Hollow Card

At the same time that more than a dozen mid- and low-level alien warriors fell from midair, a shadow swooped down from high in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

It was the Flying Pig that had been cruising high in the sky, and it swooped down like lightning, its long nose arching wildly on these falling corpses.

It can be said that he used his speed to the extreme, and more than a dozen corpses were arched by it in mid-air, and then he groaned anxiously at Jiang Yi, waved his wings again, and flew straight up.

Jiang Yi was also a little dumbfounded when he saw it. He had seen a lot of dead bodies, and he did it himself, but it was the first time he saw someone so clean and neat.

The proficiency of the technique can be said to be done in one go, and it is obvious that he does not do this less often.

However, his heart was also very pleasantly surprised. Apart from its speed, this pig was finally useful. It would be perfect for touching corpses in the future. It was simply the best helper for killing people and looting goods.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and the secret disciple who rushed over saw this and knew that there was no need to rush for help, so he turned around and flew to the side of the surviving alien warriors, being on guard carefully.

Those foreign warriors were also shocked by this scene, knowing that even if they joined forces, they might not be the opponent of Duke Daliyi, so they took the initiative to cooperate with the secret disciple to form a corner.

This is some kind of battle formation, which was specially given by the Lord of the Yin Mountain for this operation, and now they have not hesitated to display it immediately.

Jiang Yi felt the sudden surge of aura from these people, and frowned slightly, but he didn't care too much, because he didn't want to touch these people in the first place.

His target is Ye Hui.

Seeing that the two wheels of the sun and the moon finally gave up their entanglement with him and automatically flew back into Jiang Yi's hands, Ye Hui heaved a sigh of relief.

But then he was startled, because he suddenly found that he was a loner, and there was no one else within a few tens of meters around him except himself.

But Jiang Yi looked at him at this time, with a half-smile expression on his face, with the palm of his right hand facing upwards, and five fingers facing upwards, gently moving the dark green sun and moon wheels, like elves, on the fingertips shuttle.

At the same time, the Blood Transforming Flying Knife was not reintroduced into the body, but was gently suspended at the back of Jiang Yi's head.It was as thin as a cicada's wing, and even though it had beheaded several people, it was not stained with a trace of blood, and it was still crystal clear, exuding a brilliant majesty.

Seeing Jiang Yi's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and the look in his eyes that implied some kind of deep meaning, Ye Hui also felt a little flustered.But after all, he is a secret disciple, and he still has some confidence in his own strength, so he ignored the voice of another secret disciple telling him to rush over to join him.

Jiang Yi likes this kind of "confident" person, because it will save him a lot of effort.

Suddenly, Jiang Yi moved again, aiming at Ye Hui.

From the beginning to the end, his target was Ye Hui, because the other party was a member of the Ye family in Bailing, and since the Dragon Gate Competition, he had no good feelings for the Ye family in Bailing.

Originally, I thought it would take some hands and feet, but I didn't expect Ye Hui to be so cooperative and take the initiative to "isolate" himself.

The movement was like thunder, Jiang Yi didn't hold anything back, and pointed out a series of jumps in the air while throwing his hands at the others, while he himself appeared not far in front of Ye Hui in an instant, stepping on the martial steps of the sky.

Ye Hui didn't expect Jiang Yi to be so fast, so he drove his flying sword towards Jiang Yi in a hurry, and at the same time drove his flying mount towards the other people.

But Jiang Yi managed to isolate the other party, so how could he easily let the other party join a few people?

While the blood-transforming flying knife attacked the opponent according to the original path, the pair of sun and moon wheels on Jiang Yi's fingertips instantly changed into a dark green saber, and jumped to block the opponent's path.

Then, under the horrified eyes of the other party, he slashed out with a single knife, which was the "flame flashing air slash" in the Golden Crow Sword Sutra. At the rear, perhaps because of the angle, there is a gap.

Jiang Yi went all out in this attack, except for the biggest trump card of Shanshui Wujing, it can be said that he used [-]% of his combat power.

After all, the other party was a secret disciple of a sect outside the world, and Jiang Yi didn't dare have any reservations.

Besides, Ye Hui, watching the eight knives slashing towards him, opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of purple air, which instantly turned into eight purple thunderbolts, respectively affecting Jiang Yi's eight slashing knives.

At the same time, the long sword in his hand seemed to have softened, undulating like a wave, and even crossed the knife screen under Lie Yan's flashing sky, stabbing at Jiang Yi.

Ye Hui didn't forget the blood-transforming flying knife that struck behind him, and a talisman appeared in his other hand, which instantly turned into a round shield and stopped in front of the blood-transforming flying knife.

But he seemed to have forgotten that, compared to the sun and moon wheels, the Blood Transforming Flying Knife is the sharpest weapon in Jiang Yi's hands. Even top powerhouses like Fulong are amazed at its power.

It's a bit whimsical to think of blocking the blood-melting flying knife with just a defensive talisman.

The blood-transforming flying knife has its own spirituality, and its speed is indescribably fast, piercing through the talisman shield in an instant.

But Ye Hui is a secret disciple after all, and he is also the arrogance of the Ye family in Bailing. While he has a huge background, he also has a lot of cards.

Smiling at Jiang Yi, the whole body suddenly became very thin, like a phantom.

Seeing this, Jiang Yi was startled, knowing that he had underestimated the enemy, and that he would possess the same teleportation secret technique as Jihou's, and it was much stronger than Jihou's.

Because Jihou's can only be used to escape, but Ye Hui's is used to kill the enemy!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yi turned around and stabbed behind him. A strange scene appeared, but the knife did not miss. With a violent collision sound, a figure appeared behind him who was originally empty.

It was Ye Hui, he didn't seem to have thought that his clone secret technique would be seen through, he only had time to use a tortoise-like thing to block in front of him, and his whole body was thrown upside down by the knife.

At the same time, Jiang Yi's blood-transforming flying knife did not stagnate at all. After breaking through the talisman shield, it directly slashed at the rapidly fading phantom.

But it was still a step too late. At the same time as the phantom was slashed by the blood-transforming flying knife, it had basically completely dissipated, leaving only the half of the arm holding the flying sword.

The blood-melting flying knife directly slashed at this half of the arm, and a miserable howl sounded immediately.

Jiang Yi followed the prestige, but saw Ye Hui, who flew upside down to another secret disciple with the power of his sword, looked extremely painful.

The right hand was covering the left forearm, blood was dripping, and the entire left forearm was broken at the elbow.

Jiang Yi looked at the forearm that was halfway on the ground and was still holding the sword, and then looked at Ye Hui who was looking at him with hateful eyes. He really didn't understand what kind of secret technique it was.

Why did the other party clearly appear in another place, but half of his arm remained in the same place?If he hadn't cut off this arm with a knife on a whim, he might not have been successfully attacked by the opponent.

At this time, the Flying Pig in mid-air made a warning sound of "humming, humming", then swooped down and swallowed the half of the arm in one gulp, Jiang Yi frowned.

"This pig still has this hobby?" He couldn't tolerate a strange beast with such a hobby around him, no matter how powerful the opponent was.

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