The death of Bo Shidang of the Donglan Dynasty made Jiang Yi feel sad, but at the same time, he also had a strong killing intent.

Now all kinds of adventures, chances, and good fortune must be left behind. He would rather have nothing to gain in the last month, and he will make a big kill.

He wants to use a massacre to fight back against the sect outside the world, and use iron and blood to re-establish the banner of secular martial arts.

"Brother Shidang has encountered an accident, and there is only one missing among the four. We must take care of each other. We will gather together in a month's time and treat Jiuyao to respect Shidang as a brother!"

Jiang Yi silently entered a message into the Yinshan Secret Order, which was passed on to Zhou Buchang, the dwarf king of Xiqi, and Duan Shiwei from the Nanzhao Dynasty.

Then he looked at the group of people opposite him, and with a slight push of his legs, Fliggy got the order, soared into the sky, and directly carried Jiang Yi towards Ye Hui's group.

Jiang Yi glared furiously at his face, and shouted, "I really think that no one in the world of middle-earth martial arts can do it!"

Although the Flying Pig has a unique shape, its flying speed is indeed amazing. Before everyone could react, it was already approaching. Ye Hui and the others did not expect that Jiang Yi would kill as soon as he said it, without delay.

However, in the eyes of the people represented by Ye Hui, Jiang Yi was obviously dazzled by anger, and even rushed up on a flying mount, which was really a cocoon.

In this world, except for large-scale army battles, there is basically no close combat on a mount, especially this kind of life-and-death battle.

After all, compared to human practitioners, mounts are not only inferior in strength, but also have limited wisdom after all, so it is impossible for them to react as sensitively as humans.

Of course, there are exceptions. Rare beasts like Green Flame have some kind of attack method, which is much stronger than ordinary flying mounts.

But they can only cruise outside the station circle, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack or two.

But in the eyes of Ye Hui and the others, this fat, chubby domestic pig in front of them is useless except for its terrifying flying speed.

But Jiang Yi did just that, riding on the flying pig and charging over.

They were about to react, but they saw Jiang Yi tap his feet lightly, and he jumped up from the flying pig's back, took several steps one after another, and killed him at a flash-like speed.

But the flying pig turned around and went straight up towards the sky, far away from the battle circle.

"Arrogance!" This is the common thought of a group of people from the sect outside the world and the foreign race in the frontier. They have two secret disciples in their group. They really think that you can't control them. How dare you fight against them alone? people.

But Jiang Yi did just that, stepping on the sky martial step, a pair of dark green sun and moon wheels, under the control of Yuxue drawing sword technique, broke through the air and attacked the crowd one step ahead.

The target is Ye Hui from the Bailing Ye family!

Ye Hui sneered secretly, pointed with his hand, and the saber hanging on his waist was unsheathed in an instant, facing the sun and moon wheels.

The other esoteric disciple didn't stand idly by either. He made a handprint, and a scarlet palm appeared out of thin air, just like the Tathagata's divine palm in his previous life, and slapped Jiang Yi on the head.

At the same time, without any hesitation, the two urged the flying mounts to retreat rapidly.

They are extraterrestrial monks who are better at long-distance combat in the air, so naturally they will not be stupid enough to fight Jiang Yi in close quarters.

Jiang Yi didn't care about Ye Hui, and pointed at the big bloody red palm that was pressing down on his head, and used the "Yuekong Finger", the finger was a little empty, and directly pointed to the palm of the hand.

Seeing Ye Hui and the other two secret disciples retreat violently, they grinned and did not catch up. Instead, they turned around and rushed towards the other people who were still in place without reacting.

These people are all foreign warriors in the frontier, and the highest cultivation is the sixth mirror of martial arts, but there are only three or four people, and the rest are from the fifth, fourth, and even third realms.

Jiang Yi also had some admiration for these alien warriors, especially those of the third and fourth realms. How could they have the confidence to join in the pursuit of Lord Fenglei Dao.

This may be the so-called "death for money", imagining that he is so lucky that he can find a leak in Fenglei Daojun.

But Jiang Yi is going to tell them now that you are wrong, and you need to have money to pick up the leaks. Obviously, if you don’t have any, then there is only a dead end.

"not good!"

Seeing that Jiang Yi turned his head and killed those alien warriors on the border, Ye Hui's reaction was relatively cold, and he just focused on dealing with the oncoming sun and moon.

However, another secret disciple's face changed drastically. If it was normal, he would not have any intention of helping these alien warriors, and even wanted to kill them when he saw them.

But this time, the Yinshan Mountain Lord and the Shiwai sect came forward together to suppress them. The two of them are already a community.

He didn't have the heart to control his giant void palm, so he directly urged the flying mount to turn back and chase after Jiang Yi.

But it was too late. Jiang Yi stepped on the sky and rushed into the crowd like a tiger descending the mountain.

Those warriors from the sixth mirror of martial arts could react faster, and while retreating one after another, they all launched a counterattack against Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi let out a loud laugh, tapped his fingertips, and broke through several people's ultimate moves in an instant.

Seeing that the general had defeated his ultimate move with such an understatement, several foreign warriors secretly lamented that the King of Daliyi really lived up to his reputation, and at the same time, they were even more frightened, and their bodies retreated one after another.

What Jiang Yi wanted was this effect, like an eagle swooping down, directly killing those low-level warriors who hadn't reacted yet.

Let's start with these people, who can be selected to enter the Yinshan secret realm, and they all have flying mounts. Although they are only the most common, they must be the best of the alien race. As for whether they will be said to be bullying Little, Jiang Yi has no such scruples.

A stream of light shot out between the eyebrows, carrying a brilliant power, as if entering an uninhabited land, instantly piercing through the foreheads of several foreign warriors, it was a blood-melting flying knife ready to go.

It can be used as a trump card that is stronger than the two rounds of the sun and the moon, and it can be used on these low-level warriors. Although it is a bit overkill, the effect is extremely obvious.

These low-level warriors had almost no power to resist. While turning blood and flying knives, Jiang Yi was not idle, and pointed at the remaining alien warriors with his fingertips.

Immediately, like stones falling from the sky, more than a dozen corpses fell one after another, and in the blink of an eye, about ten foreign warriors were killed one after another.

Seeing this scene, the secret disciple who came to the rescue and several sixth mirror alien warriors who avoided in advance were all furious, and their hearts were shrouded in great fear.

They didn't expect Jiang Yi to be so strong. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen warriors were killed on the spot.

Even Ye Hui, who was hiding in the distance and didn't come to rescue, was shocked on the spot.The arrogance of being a secret disciple suddenly vented a lot.

Although these ten people are all middle and low-level warriors, even if he wants to kill them, he needs to spend a lot of time, but the king of Daliyi County in front of him is like chopping melons and vegetables.

At this time, he suddenly felt that Ye Zichen and Ye Feng's deaths were not unjust, and it was indeed their misfortune to meet such a terrifying opponent.

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