I really became a prince

Chapter 202 Isn't it a neighbor again?

Under Tuo Xiaoliu's thumping and pinching, Jiang Yi actually sat on the teacher's chair and squinted for a while. When he woke up, he was a little surprised to see Tuo Xiaoliu who was still being pinched gently.

This kind of behavior of sitting on the master chair and taking a nap is only done in the spare time of work in the previous life. Although it is not comfortable to lie down, it is better than lying on the desk with numb hands.

It was also the first time I had such a peaceful nap since time travelling.

"My lord, are you comfortable?"

Seeing the camel Xiaoliu's slightly flattering expression, for some reason, Jiang Yi felt a little angry in his heart, but he didn't open his mouth to scold him, but asked, "Your Master Mi is back?"

"Not yet..." As soon as Tuo Xiaoliu finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of Xiaokuayuan, and Mi Qingqing happened to come back.

Jiang Yi retracted his legs and stood up, Tuo Xiaoliu still maintained that posture, but suddenly felt empty in his arms, but he didn't take it too seriously, his face still had that kind of cautious pride.

Jiang Yi was thinking of going to the next door, seeing her expression, always felt that he had to do something, stopped and thought for a while, and suddenly said:

"how old are you?"

"Ah? It's 26..." Tuo Xiaoliu was dazed by the question, and subconsciously replied.

"It's not big, it should be well maintained, there are wrinkles around the corners of the eyes..."

Jiang Yi left the sentence, and walked out of the main hall with his hands behind his back, and walked to the small courtyard next door.

Only Tuo Xiaoliu was left kneeling in a daze at a loss, touched the corners of his eyes, and murmured: "Wrinkles? It shouldn't be. Yesterday Jiang Xue was envious of how well she took care of herself. She didn't have any wrinkles at all. It doesn't look like a child has been born."

For her body and skin, Tuo Xiaoliu has always been very confident. Don't look so hard, it's smoked all day long, but it's better than many boudoir girls who are dedicated to maintenance all day long.

But now, this confidence was shattered by Jiang Yi's flirty words, and she panicked in her heart. Although she didn't plan to do anything with her body, which woman doesn't want to keep her young body all the time.

Just kneeling on the ground like this, I couldn't help but start thinking about how to take care of my body.

In Mi Qingqing's small courtyard, Jiang Yi half-lyed there quietly after a conquest, enjoying the comfortable scene just now.

On him, Mi Qingqing was lying sideways on his chest, wearing a pair of soft obscene clothes and trousers, with her bare feet resting on Jiang Yi's lap, her face blushing in confusion.

Smelling the faint and strange body fragrance, Jiang Yi stroked Mi Qingqing's back back and forth. He was suddenly obsessed with this woman's underwear, and felt that wearing it on a woman was very attractive.

"Your sister doesn't know the origin of snapping turtles?" Jiang Yi asked.

"Hmm." Mi Qingqing murmured lazily, her whole body was limp and she had no strength at all.

"In addition, the concubine also asked my sister about the secret technique of cultivating sword servants, and my sister said that the prince should go there in person."

Mi Qingqing turned her small face, still lying on Jiang Yi's body, looking at her sweetheart with watery eyes.

About the sword servant, Jiang Yi just asked Mi Qingqing casually, but he didn't expect that the other party had already remembered it in his heart, so he went to ask Mi Xiang specifically.

"The concubine can feel that my sister doesn't value the three thousand sword servants at all. As long as the prince goes there in person, my sister will definitely give it to the prince."

After she finished speaking, she hesitated for a while, and Mi Qingqing felt that she should also do something for her sister, so she lightly tapped Jiang Yi's chest with one hand, and continued to whisper:

"Actually, my sister's thoughts are all on the prince. She used to protect me, so she was so competitive."

"This time I went to Lishui Lake, I can find out that my sister's previous desire to compete has faded..."

Jiang Yi just stroked the obscene clothes on Mi Qingqing's back lightly, savoring the warmth in his hands, and didn't speak.

Mi Qingqing bit her inner lip, stood up, looked at Jiang Yi and asked, "Isn't the lord not interested in my sister?"

Then it seemed that it was a bit strenuous, or a little embarrassing, and buried her small face in Jiang Yi's arms again, and whispered softly: "From now on, we sisters will serve the prince together, isn't it good?"

Jiang Yi heard that the fire that had already been extinguished in his heart rose again, turned over and pressed Mi Qingqing under him, and laughed loudly:

"Okay! After the meeting, I will go to the Lishui Lake."

Mi Qingqing was suddenly pressed under her body, and let out a coquettish cry. Before she had time to say anything, her little mouth was bet on her, and she could only let out a dreamy sound of "woo woo"...

"My lord, don't forget what you said just now." Mi Qingqing, dressed in obscene clothes and trousers, lowered her head to straighten Jiang Yi's clothes with loose hair, her eyes shy.

"En." Jiang Yi nodded. Although it was only a few times, he had already fallen in love with this small courtyard.

Jiang Yi walked out of the small courtyard refreshed and refreshed. As soon as he entered the small courtyard, he saw Tuo Xiaoliu sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, and he hadn't returned to the palace yet.

According to the usual practice, after tidying up the small side courtyard, she will go to the palace to prepare meals, after all, it is her job to be a cook.

"Twice in such a short time?"

Jiang Yi thought there was a problem with his stamina, subconsciously looked up at the sky, and breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that his time was short, but that Tuo Xiaoliu had been in a trance for too long.

"Ah, why did the prince stay for such a short time?" Tuo Xiaoliu came back to his senses when he saw Jiang Yi came back, and said slightly blessed.

Jiang Yi suddenly had black lines, is the time short?Obviously very long!

"Look at the sun, how long has it been!" Jiang Yihu said with a straight face, "If you don't go back to prepare meals, why are you staying here!"

Tuo Xiaoliu realized that he had been in a daze for so long, saluted Jiang Yi, and left in a panic.

As soon as he left the small side courtyard, he met Fulong and Duoluo who were already waiting not far away, and saluted in a panic: "Your maidservant will go back to the palace to prepare meals..."

Looking at Tuo Xiaoliu who left in a panic, Fulong remained calm, while Doro was thoughtful.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yi walked out of the small side courtyard refreshed, and Doro quickly put away the strange look in his eyes. It was not his business to think about the prince's affairs, but he bowed and asked:

"My lord, do you want to go back to the mansion?"

Jiang Yi thought of Mi Qingqing's words, the most important thing is that he urgently needs to understand the method of cultivating Dao soldiers, so he shook his head and said:

"Don't go back to the mansion yet, go to Lishui Lake."

Duo Luo felt a "thump" in his heart, he knew very well that there was still a former Princess Su living by the lakeside of Lishui, and she was also surnamed Mi.

"My lord is just getting bigger and bigger..." I sighed secretly in my heart, and didn't take it too seriously, and said in response:

"Yes, the slave will send a message to us to sit down at the farm by the lake and get ready."

Jiang Yi was surprised, and said: "We also have a farm by the Lishui Lake?"

After getting Doro's affirmative answer, he felt strange, wondering if he was a neighbor again, right?

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