I really became a prince

Chapter 201 This is called life

But it was said that Doro went to drink tea with Fulong, and Jiang Yi walked into the small courtyard alone.

The small side courtyard is quiet, although it is small, it is neatly tidied up, and the cleaning is also spotless. It can be seen that Tuo Xiaoliu is really hardworking in this regard.

Jiang Yi was very satisfied with this, and felt that he might have been really strict before, and considered whether to praise the cook Xiaoliu in the future.

Just at this time, when he heard movement in the main hall, he walked in. The one who was able to enter this small side courtyard, he knew without thinking that it must be her.

Just as I walked to the door, I heard a murmur from inside:

"You deserve it, who made you so cheap!

"It's not enough to clean this small courtyard, and I also took the initiative to take over the work of the small courtyard next door."

"It's exhausting!"

I saw a figure angrily wiping the table, his body bent slightly, his upper body half lying on the table, his side face was already sweating, and his temples were wet.

While grumbling angrily, he raised his half-sleeved forearm to wipe his cheek from time to time.

Jiang Yi didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't make a sound, just stood at the door and watched.

Not to mention, the other party's dress as a cook is really tasteful. She wears small cloth shoes, a flowered cloth apron around her waist, and a flowered cloth headscarf on her head, especially the loose clothes that cover most of the cloth shoes. One can't help but wonder what the legs look like under the underwear.

This cook's attire can be regarded as the unique symbol of Tuo Xiaoliu.

In Prince Yi's mansion, the maids and mothers-in-law all have their own standard attire, but for some reason, Tuo Xiaoliu prefers this cook's attire, whether in the manor or out shopping for errands, it is always this irresistible cook's attire .

I don't know that this is Tuo Xiaoliu's unique way of survival. She knows that she came from a humble background and has no basic contacts in the palace. However, the four daughters are valued by the prince, and they are brought by her side to train and train them carefully. They will definitely be by the prince's side in the future. of oneself.

It's easy for people to be secretly jealous. If she keeps making a high profile in the palace, their mother and daughter will be sniped secretly.

So she has to keep a low profile, and she wears this cook's attire from beginning to end, just to tell some people that she will be a cooking woman in this life, and will not hinder you.

Even though Mo Li watched her do everything by himself, it was too hard, and he wanted to transfer her to his side, but Tuo Xiaoliu refused.

If that was the case, the five of them, the mother and daughter, would all become close servants of the prince and concubine, and they might become the target of all the maids and servants in the palace.

Tuo Xiaoliu thinks that he is too shrewd to do so. He can stay away from his prince, the "black-faced evil god", and let his four daughters grow up safely, killing two birds with one stone!

Besides, Jiang Yi watched quietly at the door for a while, and suddenly felt that it seemed inappropriate to just watch from behind, and was just trying to make a noise to show that he was here.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Little Six's cook stopped talking to herself, and changed to another topic:

"Oh, I don't know where I'm getting in the way, the prince doesn't want to see me so much..."

"Every time we meet, they are so fierce, scaring me to death!"

"Oh, but bear with it, anyway, the prince is really kind to those four little hooves."

"As for my old lady, just take a little anger..."

Tuo Xiaoliu propped himself up with one hand, raised his other hand and wiped the corner of his face again with half of his forearm, and at the same time he did not forget to sigh.

Jiang Yi was a little funny, and he didn't know why he was so angry every time he saw the other party, especially the timid and frightened little rabbit in front of him, which made him even more angry.

At this time, the camel Xiaoliu who took a break

"Hmph, I don't know what's so rare about such a black-faced god, but they all look like they've taken ecstasy..."

"My old lady is not rare!"

"Yes, I don't even want to give my wife away for free!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that this was not in his room, and it seemed that the chief executive had said that the prince would come over today, if his words were heard, he would be in great trouble.

Thinking of Jiang Yi's ferocious face, he trembled all over his body, and he didn't care to wipe the table with his hands. He kept stroking his heart with both hands, and he didn't forget to look around to see if anyone else was present.

"I'm scared to death..." Turning his head quickly left and right, Tuo Xiaoliu let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he really scared himself, this is the forbidden area of ​​the entire palace, and no one except himself can sleep.

But it didn't take long for him to be proud, his little face turned pale, it looked... It seemed that there was a figure at the door just now... Could it be?

At this moment, a voice came from behind him: "I don't know whose old lady you are?"

Tuo Xiaoliu cried out in shock, and dropped the rag in his hand to the ground. He turned around and looked at the expressionless Jiang Yi, with his mouth half-opened in panic and his hands grabbing the apron vigorously.

It's over, the sky is falling, this is the only thought in her mind.

"Is this the king who doesn't welcome you?"

Jiang Yi walked into the main hall slowly, and sat directly on the grand teacher's chair at the top.

"No...it's not..." Tuo Xiaoliu wanted to cry, she really didn't mean any harm just now, she was just having a mouthful, and she didn't expect to be caught.

Looking at the camel Xiaoliu who was about to shed tears, Jiang Yi smiled angrily, although he wasn't really angry, but he couldn't take advantage of the other party so much, he still wanted to frighten him, and waved: "Okay, this matter I will settle accounts with you when I return home."

"Is Master Mi at home?" Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Jiang Yi asked.

He still learned the title of Master Mi from the mouth of the cook in front of him. I have to say, it is quite appropriate.

Tuo Xiaoliu lowered his head, glanced at Jiang Yi cautiously, and replied: "Master Mi has gone out on something, and I will inform the servants when I come back."

out?Jiang Yi nodded, but looking at Tuo Xiaoliu's appearance like a bag of air, he felt angry, his mouth was broken behind his back and he was arrested, but he looked like he had been wronged by the sky, and he couldn't help but sternly shouted:

"Why are you standing there stupidly, why don't you come here and beat my leg!"

Like a frightened little rabbit, Tuo Xiaoliu stepped forward grabbing the calico apron, half squatted down, lifted Jiang Yi's right leg to his knee, and began to hammer carefully.

"Too light! Didn't eat..." Jiang Yi scolded.

Tuo Xiaoliu hurriedly increased his strength, but was greeted with Jiang Yi's "too heavy" scolding, he was at a loss for a while, and aggrievedly reduced his strength a little.

Seeing that Jiang Yi was no longer picky, Tuo Xiaoliu breathed a sigh of relief, and flattered him: "My lord, is this strength good?"

"Well, yes, but I'm a little nervous."

Tuo Xiaoliu looked at his knees, and immediately knelt down on his side carefully, leaning Jiang Yi's right leg against his thigh, and said carefully, "How about this?"

Looking at his stretched and rounded thighs and the slight warmth coming from him, Jiang Yi nodded, feeling weird in his heart, and closed his eyes and half-lyed on the grand master's chair to enjoy it.

He secretly sighed in his heart, this is life, this camel Xiaoliu is really good at serving people.

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