Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 323 Zhu Yuanzhang Gains Power

Feeling anxious, Bai Haonan handed over his hand to the blind man.The blind man took it casually, touched the lines on his hand, and said after a while: "Boy, your relationship in this life is not going well. There will be two marriages in succession. The first marriage will be more than ten years after the second marriage comes. Break up. And from your palmistry, you can see that you are a philandering person~! And your luck is good. For you, God has brought you the best luck in your life. You just need to follow the right Man, then you will definitely be able to occupy a high position in this life." Bai Haonan couldn't help but asked curiously: "How high is this position, what do you say?" The blind man shook his head involuntarily and said: "You looked down on me just now, so I won't tell you " Bai Haonan couldn't help being speechless, and said with some annoyance: "If you don't say it, don't say it. Are you the only one who knows fortune-telling?" Tang Wangshan also said calmly: "If you like to calculate, you don't count it as a failure." The blind man looked at Tang Wangshan With a glance, he said, "Of course it has to be counted. Take your hand here." After speaking, Don Wang Shan took it directly.The blind man couldn't help but sighed in admiration: "You have been devoted all your life, and you will never leave. You are a good person. It's a pity that in the end your own rigidity will bring trouble to your family in the future. Your fate is also the same as before. That boy is the same. As long as you follow the right person, you will definitely be a prince and general in this life." Tang Wangshan was a little puzzled and said, "So, the person I am following now is the future emperor?" When Tang Wangshan said this, the blind man couldn't help but hey He laughed straight and said, "I can't help you if you say that, but the point of me now is not to tell your fortune, but to wait for an opportunity~!" Don Wang Shan felt a little strange after speaking, and retreated directly.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't need a fortune-telling to know that this person came to find him in all likelihood, but Zhu Yuanzhang was not sure.Zhu Yuanzhang stepped forward and said: "You are not blind, are you here to find me?" The blind man couldn't help pushing his sunglasses and said: "Why are you so sure?" Zhu Yuanzhang pointed to the blind man's frame and said: "Because you The eye sockets are a bit rotten. But when you touched your palm just now, you squinted your eyes through this gap." Zhu Yuanzhang's words immediately surprised the two people next to him, and then Bai Haonan couldn't help but retorted: "I Why didn’t he touch it carefully, so it’s because he’s not blind~!” The man finally took off his glasses, opened his eyes and said, “That’s right, I’ve seen three of you, Liu Bowen. I’m here to look for You are here. I don’t know if Big Brother Zhu will really ask me to make a fortune?” Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t care and said, “No problem, as long as you are willing to join us. We welcome one hundred of you~!” Liu Bowen couldn’t help admiring: “Okay, It’s easy to talk to smart people.” After speaking, Liu Bowen glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang’s handprint and said: “You have only three relationships in your life, and the first one has already happened. The second one happened after you rose up. Dewy love. The last part belongs to foreign love, so this part doesn’t count. Because you don’t value her.” After a pause, Liu Bowen continued: “Your life is full of ups and downs, and it’s also turbulent. It will be beyond redemption. Of course, whether you can achieve supremacy in the end depends on your conduct. That’s all I have to say.” Zhu Yuanzhang could hear Liu Bowen’s affirmation of himself, but he also knew that his current situation was somewhat embarrassing.Therefore, he did not make it clear that he is the true son of heaven, but reminded Zhu Yuanzhang to pay attention to his own conduct.Bai Haonan couldn't help but directly insulted humanity: "Then why don't you do the math for yourself? Maybe it's a mortal situation~!" Liu Bowen couldn't help but said speechlessly: "Brother Bai, you have to be modest in everything you do, don't you even think about this? Don't you know?"

Bai Haonan rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, then why didn't you say that just now?" Seeing this, Liu Bowen replied directly: "That's because some people just don't think others are good, so this kind of person is not very good." Bai Haonan was so choked up by such a sentence that he couldn't speak.Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's situation at this time, Liu Bowen couldn't help saying bluntly: "Now you don't really have your own army, and most of them are from Guo Zixing. For the current plan, it is best to take advantage of the time when the five generals are fighting for power. Vigorously develop your power. Only with an army that truly belongs to you is the ultimate guarantee in troubled times~!" Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated: "But now I haven't really taken over the banner of Lao Guo... Do I want to betray Old Guo?"

Liu Bowen continued: "For the current plan, you must first find a point in the balance of power. As long as most people admit it, then you are the actual marshal. Now Guo Zixing has less than 3 people, and the current contradiction There are five people and two factions fighting for power. What you have to do is to draw the rest of the people and use them for me. The most difficult person to deal with is Sun Deya. Although he has few people and different people, he is more capable than Lao Guo .With your current strength, you don’t even have the right to speak, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t win people’s hearts. Have you forgotten the fame you accumulated during your travels?” After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered that he went to Shandong a few years ago When I was young, I inadvertently saved some fame.Liu Bowen suggested: "You'd better take your loyal subordinates away from here now. When Guo Zixing is weak, accept him, and then incorporate his army into it. Wait until you have the ability to capture Chuzhou City, and then come back soon. " Zhu Yuanzhang was a little bit reluctant to part with the army he recruited in Dayu Town, and Liu Bowen thought of a way: "You wait for the two factions to have a dispute, and then use your own army to settle it. After the incident is over, take the army away secretly, so that both It won’t arouse Guo Zixing’s resentment, and it can save some money for future hegemony. Why not do it?” Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Liu Bowen’s face and asked Liu Bowen a question: “Then do I have to carry all the money with me? Funding?" Liu Bowen first affirmed: "I have to bring it, but it is best to replace it with military rations. The most important thing in this era is not money, but to fill the stomach~!" Liu Bowen then emphasized again: "Now the strength of our army is comparable to Fame is seriously lacking, and I have not thought of formulating a policy that can win people's hearts. You must design it well in the future." Zhu Yuanzhang first thought: "Strictly discipline yourself and treat others with kindness. Is this good?" Liu Bowen couldn't help but think Reluctantly said: "This is the most basic, okay? Is your army only emphasizing this?" After speaking, Liu Bowen followed the three of them and left here.

Sure enough, as Liu Bowen expected, the two factions were not at peace at this time.Not long after, Guo Zixing, who was visiting relatives near Haozhou City, was kidnapped by Zhao Shiying from Sun Deya's side who was ambushing in the dark, and was hanged and beaten.Zhu Yuanzhang, who got the exact news, led a group of people he brought with him with Wu Yongming's acquiescence, and rescued Guo Zixing at that time.Then Zhu Yuanzhang took away his troops and left Haozhou.Before leaving, Zhu Yuanzhang bought food for about 5 people, and arranged for some aged people among the 1000 people to look after the rations.Then, according to Liu Bowen's policy, conscription began along the way.At this time, there was a food shortage, and many people could not eat a bite of food because of poor harvests.Coupled with Zhu Yuanzhang's high reputation among the people some time ago, nearly ten thousand people responded for a while.After Liu Bowen eliminated the old, weak, sick and disabled, he recruited 500 people.Zhu Yuanzhang, Bai Haonan, and Tang Wangshan selected elites who had combat experience to form a death squad, laying the foundation for the city of Dayuan in the future.At this time, Tang Wangshan, who was silent at first, suddenly said: "Now there is a Dayuan army in the south of Chuzhou City. If we can take them down now, we will be able to take down Chuzhou soon~!" Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated After a while, he said: "Well, let's march into Dingyuan overnight, and try to take it there in three days. I think the commander there is also an idiot, and there are more than 5 people, but he is sticking to an empty city~!" After finishing speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang took More than 500 horsemen set off from Nanlue and rushed all the way to Dingyuan City.

During the attack, Liu Bowen dispatched the cavalry of the army to hijack the enemy's grain transporters, and then distributed part of the army grain to the nearby people.The people were grateful and told Zhu Yuanzhang's army some of their most valuable information.Among them were deserters from Dingyuan, which made Zhu Yuanzhang's reputation even stronger.All of a sudden, another 500 people were recruited, and there were many strong people among them.Several times afterwards, Liu Bowen used the same method to intercept the enemy's food, and in the process of hijacking, intentionally or unintentionally spread panic news-Zhu Yuanzhang led a hundred thousand forbidden troops to kill Dingyuan!The news was spread ten to ten, and as soon as Zhu Yuanzhang settled down, many people defected.At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was already close to the strength of the general of the Great Yuan.Zhu Yuanzhang finally confirmed the location of the enemy general through many inquiries, and at the same time knew the name and appearance of the enemy general.On this day, Zhu Yuanzhang took advantage of the famine and mutiny of the enemy, and led his army to take Dingyuan City effortlessly.In Chuzhou City in the distance, it was also reported that Guo Zixing was squeezed out by Sun Deya, which led to a mutiny... and eventually lost Chuzhou City.

Zhu Yuanzhang cleared his mind and took Guo Zixing to Dingyuan City. Taking advantage of the uncertain foundation of Chuzhou City, he went north to take down Chuzhou City and besieged Sun Deya in Haozhou City.At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang's strength has grown from more than 1000 people to 5000. While his military strength has increased, he has also greatly enhanced his military control capabilities.In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang himself is proficient in pharmacology, and he bought almost all the healing medicines in nearby towns.At this time, Guo Zixing had about 5000 people left, and with the addition of Zhu Yuanzhang's original troops, the army suddenly rose to 5.In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang learned the essence of Deng Lao in managing the army, and Zhu Yuanzhang took the [-] troops firmly in his hands at once.At the same time, Wu Yongming, who was attacked by Sun Deya outside Haozhou City, approached Zhu Yuanzhang who was still in the barracks.Zhu Yuanzhang was not surprised, and met the former old marshal directly outside the camp.

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