Wuding Jiangshan

Chapter 322 The Wise Blind Man

Wu Anying, who was following behind, said hesitantly: "I don't know why Brother Zhu was able to make a quick decision when he was forced to fight Ding Kefu at that time? How can I not behave like this when facing my father?"

? "Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help being speechless: "The kind of thing between life and death

, It's different from the usual father and son quarrel.For example, no matter how much you hate your father, it won't kill him. "Wu Anying thought carefully and said: "That's right, although I am not good to my father.But we are relatives after all, no matter how great the hatred is, we will not turn our faces. " Zhu Yuanzhang enlightened: "That's not right, what are you talking about, you are father and son after all. On this side, Bai Haonan, who was receiving guests next to Zhu Yuanzhang, couldn't help being very interested in this kid. Bai Haonan looked at it for a while and said, "Actually, if you want to know your big brother Zhu, the most important thing is to have a good relationship with your big brother Bai."

.Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to understand any important secrets, or about Brother Zhu’s love history…” Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t help but directly expose it: “At that time, you probably heard only topics that some people wanted to hype up. Bai Haonan couldn't help but glared at Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Yes, you are the only one who is smart and capable."Can I just say something?

? "Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said helplessly: "I also want you to say whatever you want.

, but my honor and innocence are at stake.If you just talk about it.What if Xiao Wu takes it seriously? "Bai Haonan sighed and said: "Okay, okay, I'm unlucky."In the future, I'll brag less and tell the truth more, won't it be enough? "Zhu Yuanzhang 1 did not believe: "If you are afraid, you are afraid, what you are saying now is not the truth

. "Bai Haonan said helplessly with a stern face: "Come on, isn't it just because I'm afraid that others will know some of my nonsense~!Really..." When Bai Haonan said this, Wu Anying next to him couldn't believe it even more: "Then it's better to seek the truth from the facts, it's better to listen to the real story of the original version~! "Bai Haonan was a little discouraged and said: "Okay, okay, can't I not say it?"Really..." Zhu Yuanzhang pulled Wu Anying away. The banquet officially began, and Wu Yongming's topic was taken away by Wu Anying from the very beginning. Wu Anying's first sentence was: "Let's talk about Brother Zhu. It's time to outsmart Dingkov's matter~! "Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but stop him and said: "It's better not to discuss Xiao Wu at the banquet. After all, have you forgotten the real theme of this banquet? "Wu Yongming squinted at Wu Anying and said: "I know you worship Zhu Yuanzhang, but this time the matter is related to our survival.So it's best not to focus on your big brother Zhu first. "Wu Anying couldn't help being wronged and said: "Okay, I understand. After Wu Yongming finished speaking, he and Guo Zixing began to discuss the union of the two companies. Guo Zixing first said: "Old Wu, in fact, I have already stated the theme of this time.Then just discuss the details. "Wu Yongming said: "No problem, let's discuss how to arrange manpower to guard against Sun Pai and Zhao Pai. After speaking, the two exchanged their opinions. Guo Zixing said: "First of all, we must pay attention to the communication between them.Whether it involves the military level.Second, if they have military operations against us.It is very necessary for us to act in unison after we get the exact information. After a pause, Guo Zixing finally said: "Finally

, which is the most important point: the cooperation between us will not end with the termination of the cooperation between the Sun and Zhao factions.And we must prevent them from alienating us~! "Wu Yongming couldn't help nodding his head when he heard the words and said: "Then I will add one point: the cooperative relationship we have established is not only reflected in the military, but also in many fields of cooperation.For example, business and transportation..." After a while, the talks finally reached the final conclusion. Guo Zixing couldn't help directly asking Zhu Yuanzhang to conclude.

Zhu Yuanzhang paused to clear his mind, and explained the central ideas and core interests of the two: "First, the two marshals both talked about military cooperation, such as intelligence sharing and military operations. This is also an important part of the cooperation between the two The second is business cooperation and transportation communication. Although the two marshals are not too in-depth, I am considered a half-expert in this area. The most important point in business cooperation is honesty and trustworthiness, mutual benefit and win-win results. Since the two marshals have With these, mutual benefit should be achieved. Since we are brothers, we should leave the best to each other and the worst to the enemy. Secondly, the most important thing in the transportation industry is safety. Now that the two marshals have no war to fight, We should concentrate on the development of the transportation industry, which will not only promote the development of commerce, but also consolidate the foundation of the two armies. The third point, which is the last point, the two marshals mentioned the cooperation in military forging. I think the most important thing is the two sides There is no mutual exchange between them, and in the matter of real cooperation

, and go all out to create the best weapons for the army.Equipment that makes enemies envious and jealous~! After speaking, both sides of the cooperation burst into warm applause. Amidst the applause, Zhu Yuanzhang stepped off the ring.

Wu Anying was the first to applaud, followed by Guo Zixing and Wu Yongming.Afterwards, the eyes of many people of the opposite sex present were filled with brilliance.Many opposite sexes are asking whether Zhu Yuanzhang is married

.Wu Anying shouted even more exaggeratedly: "It turns out that you are my big brother Zhu~! Big brother Zhu is really amazing~!" Zhu Yuanzhang went off the stage silently, packing up the script he had prepared.Guo Zixing couldn't help but sighed: "It's true that talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years~! The times have changed, and we are getting old." Wu Yongming couldn't help but admired: "Yes, if I were at this age

, I guess I didn't say anything... I just blushed~! "Zhu Yuanzhang said modestly: "Two marshals, what's the matter.The two are polite

, I just showed my ugliness to everyone. "Wu Yongming couldn't help but said helplessly: "If you say that, will I only have humor when I speak? "Guo Zixing was rarely happy and said: "No, you don't call it humorous.

, but nothing to say.Isn't this just jealousy and hatred towards me?

? "Wu Yongming couldn't help being speechless and said: "If you say that, I will go to Lao Sun's place~! "Guo Zixing quickly confessed and said: "Okay, okay, I'm talking too much, isn't it okay? "Wu Yongming couldn't help but proudly said: "I feel comfortable when you say that. "

After talking, everyone drank for three rounds, and then dispersed after tonight.On this day, Zhu Yuanzhang was patrolling near the Guo Mansion.I saw a 20-year-old man in the disguise of a blind man telling fortunes along the street. (Note: Zhu Yuanzhang is now over 23 years old

, and there are more than 25 historical records. ) The man had a pair of crutches in his hand, which looked neither fish nor fowl.What's even more peculiar is that this man looked serious, as if he was making an important decision.In short, Zhu Yuanzhang saw that he was really full of flaws, and he didn't look like a real fortune teller at all.Zhu Yuanzhang walked over, stopped him and said, "Where is this gentleman going? In the future, if you have nothing to do, don't wander around the Marshal's Mansion, be careful what dangers you encounter~!" The man smiled and said, "Then I will ask you a question, as long as If you can answer, I will leave immediately." Zhu Yuanzhang asked: "What's the problem?" The man said: "Who can walk at night without a lamp?" Zhu Yuanzhang had an idea: "Of course it is you who are blind "The man shook his head and said: "It's wrong, a blind man needs to light a lamp when he walks at night, because he is to prevent others from bumping into himself, and at the same time he is to illuminate the path of others." Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but said speechlessly: "Then what do you say?" Who doesn’t need it?” The man couldn’t help but replied: “There are two types of people, one is the dead; As the name suggests, if an assassin lights a lamp, he will kill himself and deceive his companions." Zhu Yuanzhang thought thoughtfully: "The blind man may not light the lamp for others, but also for himself. What about you? You no lighting

. The man then laughed and said: "Those who have a direction in their hearts will definitely see the way, and those who are lost in their hearts must need guidance from others."Regardless of whether I light a lamp or not when I walk at night, my heart will always guide me in the direction I am going.And besides, a blind man can't

, otherwise why go out so late?So, are you showing off your IQ lower limit with this question? " Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help asking: "Then I don't believe in fate, can I do the math with you? Don't go, I'll find someone else to do the math with me." Zhu Yuanzhang realized that if this person missed, then I can only look at the ocean and sigh for a lifetime.So Zhu Yuanzhang quickly called Bai Haonan and Tang Wangshan.Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's call, the two of them were a little dazed, and Bai Haonan couldn't help but said speechlessly: "My dear brother, what did you ask us to do? Is there anything urgent?" Tell your fortunes."

Bai Haonan looked at that person up and down, and couldn't help complaining: "Just this person, he's younger than us, what can he understand?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but helplessly said: "Just one click, you won't die." Bai Haonan left and right He waved his hand to test the man's eyes and said, "Why, are you still blind?" The man couldn't help but sneered and said, "Some people are blind even though they can see. Some people are blind but can still hear." Liulu. This is the difference~!" Bai Haonan couldn't help but said: "I've never heard your words before, and it's probably fabricated by you, a boring person." The man couldn't help but replied directly: "Since you believe it This sentence was deliberately said to be made up by me. It is clear which is right and which is wrong." Bai Haonan really didn't believe in evil and said, "How do you know that I believe it?" The man couldn't help but directly said: "If you don't believe it , why do you keep denying me, and still can't find a reason?" Bai Haonan had nothing to say, and for a long time, Bai Haonan couldn't help joking: "Other fortune-telling is based on palm reading, how about you? Do you touch or rub?" The man couldn't help but hehe He laughed straight and said, "You don't need to care whether I pet it or rub it, a white cat is a black cat, the one that catches mice is a good cat~! Give me your hand, and the result will come soon."

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