When Mi Lan wakes up,

Looking at Ling Fengyu's pale lips, he smiled and said, "Could it be that you fed me blood."

"If it could be solved so easily, I wouldn't be bothered."

Ling Fengyu also said with a smile.

It's all just a joke.

Ling Fengyu explained everything he saw just now.

"This is also the reason why I am anxious. Yan Yanyan lost his own strength, so he needs to solve the problem of the world as soon as possible. At least, don't let Yan Yan get hurt."

"Hmm~ I'm sure I've been injured, but can you tell me the story between you and Yi Yanyan in this residual weapon world?"

Ling Fengyu asked cautiously.

"There are no stories, but there are historical facts, but they are only embellished with beautiful rhetoric." In this case, it is still possible to make jokes, which shows that Mi Lan and Ling Fengyu are really similar.

"I'm an orphan."

"This~ I'm surprised, but it probably has nothing to do with the story of the Remnant Weapon World, can you fast forward?"

"No, because it's related."

"Okay. Go ahead, I'll find a way to settle down for the few remaining people."

Ling Fengyu shrugged.

With exaggerated movements, Mi Lan narrated along the way.

Yiyang side.

Matters of the war gradually stabilized.

This is not what Yi Yang meant.

It was a big sect who came forward to mediate.

As you can see, it was the pale green man who came out to sign the truce.

Representing Yiyang is Luanyi.

"Luanyi Gongluanyi. A peerless woman who was shocking and powerful in her early years, she wanted to meet you at that time."

"Your Excellency has such a special appearance, so we should have known each other earlier. What's your name?" Luan Yi smiled professionally out of politeness.

The heart is.

This self righteous idiot*.

"Search Ye Xuanwen all over the mountains and seas."

Ye Xuan heard about it, right?

"Your name is very good." Luan Yi smiled.

"Let's talk business."

"it is good."

Looking at Ye Feitian behind Ye Xuanwen and the separated Sky Demon twins, Luanyi smiled more playfully.

In order to prevent the first-order unification of the military world, how many benefits have the big figures above the human race given up.

But this is also good, so that my husband can get more benefits from it.

The bottom line of the negotiation is that the areas that Yiyang and the others have already controlled belong to them, including the nearest ancient battlefield, and then they will mediate on this basis.

In fact, revealing the bottom line of the negotiation will definitely be at a disadvantage.

This is the general case.

The unusual situation is now, just say the bottom line, and then say that each of them will give up the steps, and each will get some visible and invisible benefits.

There is no way, the strength of one side is too strong, not to mention the first level, the second level, for their own benefit, basically the military world above the third level has the same meaning, and now the delusion of making a first level does not include the sects inside , it is impossible to deal with the remaining seven strata.

This is also true.


Before they have the same interests, how could they be differentiated.


This is also a last resort.

It should be said that after thinking about it this way, telling your bottom line, and striving for some benefits that you don't get, this is the best solution.

"Since your bottom line is this, then there is nothing to talk about." Ye Xuanwen smiled.

"For you, there is nothing to talk about, because behind you are the descendants of the demon clan who are spurned by the demon clan." As he said, Luanyi's eyes skipped over Ye Xuanwen and looked at the twins of the demon clan, "but the human race above the third level does not I will evade this truce agreement because of the two monsters who are no longer monsters."

Luanyi knew about the past of the Tianyao twins, and after seeing the Tianyao twins who followed Ye Xuanwen here, she had such an excuse.

Ye Xuanwen wanted to keep the ancient battlefield and the King of Shu, because the Heavenly Demon Twins, and this is not an interest that the human race would consider.

Unless the ancient battlefield here can produce good benefits.

And Yiyang kept opening up roads to the ancient battlefield instead of choosing to develop to the seaside in order to kill the King of Shu.

Speaking of which, from the perspective of war, Yi Yang did something wrong and had no source of income of his own.

But that's right, his original goal was the king of Shu, and to open up other places, Shuang Li Bohou is enough.

Yi Yang himself handed over the [-] troops that had originally gathered to the three of them.

As for military pay and the like, there is Luanyi in the logistics.

In the past, there was no need to think about it. You only need to support the war with war. After it stabilizes, you should consider how to support these soldiers with a circular economy.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Luan Yi continued, "Unification is what Ling Fengyu means."

It's strange, why Ling Fengyu was mentioned at this moment.

"Ling Fengyu?" Ye Xuanwen was silent for a while.

"There is an additional item in this armistice agreement. We are willing to provide hundreds of catties of xuanhuishi and jadeite to meet the operation of your army during the armistice time. Even food supply is also available."

Luan Yi couldn't figure it out here.

Why does Ling Fengyu have such an attitude when it comes to Ling Fengyu?Completely different from the previous attitude?

Ling Fengyu, it's too scary.

"The son of an old friend naturally needs to pay more attention."

The son of an old friend?

Luanyi could tell from Ye Xuanwen's eyes that this was a lie, and it also pushed Ling Fengyu to the forefront.

I regretted pulling Ling Fengyu out.

Although there are many benefits, but~

Luanyi already knew that he had made a mistake, well, after Ling Fengyu came back and told him everything, let him solve the rest.

Any kind of blame is acceptable.

"Okay, let's sign it."

Luan Yi continued to smile,

What expression can you make if you don't smile now?

"The deadline is three months after Ling Fengyu sees me again."

In other words, if Ling Fengyu appeared now, he would not have to worry about food and grass for three months.

This is of course excellent.

After things are over.

"This is the arrow of the king of the land, and, out of a personal act, this is for the palace master and your husband."

Saying that, Ye Xuanwen took out the arrows of the King of Earth and a small brocade box.

The brocade box is beautifully decorated with gold, gold inlaid with jade and rosewood, which is extremely luxurious.

The arrow of the Earth King is for Yi Yang, and the brocade box...

Come to your temporary residence.

Open the box.

It's a pair of golden rings.

No, it's the position of the wrench.

Because there is a word "one" on each finger.


Still a couple.


Luanyi took back the brocade box, but she didn't put it on.

Because the current situation is unclear, and I don't know what Michelle Ye's plan is.

"The matter has come to an end for the time being, back to the third level, now I need to take care of Su Fufang, Xu Fufang, and assist Mei Xiangyuan to deal with the Mei family's affairs."

Luanyi made the next plan.

Remnant world.

Although it is not possible to arrange a few people with disabilities reasonably.Because they couldn't even find their family members, but it still had some effect, so they found Li Ruyi and others.

Gave them a lot of money.

It is enough to require three meals a day to be provided like ordinary people. For this reason, Ling Fengyu also gave them suitable cultivation methods, which are more useful than money.

Maybe this is the best solution.

No one wants to help someone who is not their responsibility for free.

Mi Lan finally finished telling the story about herself and Yi Yanyan.

It's over.

It's really over.

"It's a good story between you two."

Ling Fengyu couldn't help complaining.

Speaking of it, Ling Fengyu's body is really weak.

After releasing so much essence and blood one after another, it is already strong outside but dry inside.

Although Ling Fengyu looks so beautiful on the surface, behind his back, he is still very nervous. Once he encounters a strong enemy, how can he protect himself and the people around him?

"Mu Qing, how do you feel now?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

"It's okay. At least I've gotten used to it a little bit, and I can live freely, vomit~" Before the verb was uttered, he vomited again.

"I think you should go back to the military world." Mi Lan raised her forehead.

"I think I'm okay!"

"No, you can't. Hurry up and go back to Luanyi Palace to rest."

Under coercion and temptation.

Mu Qing was finally coaxed onto the boat and returned to the military world.


I am a burden, and if I have no combat power, isn't it a burden?

It's better to go home, take good care of your body, and do logistics.

Then wait for the triumphant return of the two.

Mu Qing was sent away.

"Ling Fengyu, let me report my physical condition first." Mi Lan said suddenly, smiling, and the smile was wrong, "This time, I will kill the world, so I will die, there is no room for maneuver."

"Then let me also report that I have released blood essence three times in the past period of time, and now I have already done my best, so I may not be able to give you much assistance in this matter. Of course, a body that is refined is stronger than yours The current body is still much stronger." The last half of the sentence was added, Ling Fengyu was worried that her seal would not work well, and she said it to the old world, and wanted the old world to think that Ling Fengyu's body was suitable, from Mi Lan Get down.

In this way, Ling Fengyu can be given a chance.

Well, it's the kind of opportunity to seal again, one level lower than the critical scale beast, not to kill.

Because it doesn't look very easy to kill.

"Well, brothers and sisters in need, cooperation will benefit both."

Mi Lan smiled.


"Go to the secret realm of the world!"

Mi Lan stretched out her index finger and pointed into the distance.

"The giant beast is dead." The bone flute in the hands of the people in the distance shattered.

"Ah, what's going on? But it's normal. Didn't one escape from your control before and went to the military world and was killed?"

"To shut up!"


"You go to the residual weapon world to see what happened."

"However, it's been almost a year since I've been here in the World of Remnant Weapons. I'm afraid the daylilies are cold."

"It's okay, just go."




There was only one person left.

A ring can be seen on her middle finger.

"The demon king's pair ring has also appeared in the world, and the chains connecting it should also be activated. The human nature of the seal, the rules of disorder, the silent words, and sin are eternal topics."

Mozun~ pair of rings?

It is the ring of the Demon Lord, one of the Ten Commandments of the Demon City.

So, which ring is the ring on the middle finger of this demonic woman?

Also, in that story, the ring was used as a medium to seal the magic city, and it should have disappeared into the void, but why, now there are three rings appearing.

It is hard to say that there is no mysterious reason for this.

"That man." For some reason, Ling Fengyu's face appeared in her mind. She had never seen it before, but it just appeared.

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