Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 251 Distortion

Ancient Behemoth.

The ancient atmosphere is spreading around.

A 50-meter-tall behemoth.

"Cough cough."

Unfamiliar cry.

"what is this?"

"It's over, it's the sleeping ancient behemoth in the secret realm of mountains and seas. Let's run for our lives."

The behemoth that was awakened in advance has an astonishing appetite.

Those monsters that mutated and grew bigger to a certain extent, where is the hungry stomach of this giant beast.

Speaking of which, they are also pitiful. They were ordered to resist in the front and let the giant beast swallow them, but what about the others?

They had already scattered and fled for their lives.

Mi Lan also stood up.


There are still many handicapped people trapped here, and he cannot easily exit.


Mi Lan took out her weapon,

They are already in the Remnant Weapon Realm, so it’s okay to use more power.

If it is really impossible to win, isn't there Ling Fengyu?

I just need to persist until Ling Fengyu insists on coming.

With Ling Fengyu, isn't it still easy?

Mo Yanjian was unsealed again.

A real weapon, real, Mi Lan's natal weapon.

A giant beast approaching twenty feet, a man of seven feet.

No matter how you look at it, it is a disharmonious existence.

How should Mi Lan deal with such a huge creature.

Not far away, Ling Fengyu also saw this giant beast.

"The creatures from ancient times have awakened."

The corner of Ling Fengyu's mouth moved.

Although I don't know why I woke up at this time, but I also know that the direction is the direction of Mi Lan.

Ling Fengyu rushed there as fast as possible.


"Mo Shou Chi Hui!"

Mi Lan's martial arts are all on the sword, when Mi Lan used a move to attack the giant beast's throat.

The giant beast had no time to resist.

Just a trick.

The sword energy pierced the giant beast's throat, and then~

Then, the behemoth fell to the ground and died.

It's that simple?

I don't know how he died, or whether he died in a suspended animation. Let's take these people out first.

But, what about after taking it out?

How to solve it?

Still let them wander the streets?

This is not okay, it will be scolded to death by public opinion.

"Mi Lan, you are so deep that you managed to kill this monster by yourself." Ling Fengyu said with a smile.

"That's right, no, hurry up and move the people here, even letting them live on the streets is better than here."

Mi Lan is also very sensible.



The giant beast suddenly became a little bigger.

It may also be because the size has reached the limit, so it can only be slightly enlarged.

The strange beasts and mutated vegetation that he ate before, all their characteristics were manifested on him.

Isn't this the worm emperor?

Ling Fengyu thought of Chong Ming.

Chongming is not as good as the mutation here, because she can only conjure some characteristics of arthropods.

The monster's injury was also completely repaired at that time.

"Ling Fengyu, it just ate all the mutated creatures."

"I can tell."

If it is eaten, it will mutate. This kind of rapid evolution is simply uncontrollable. It is really a crazy evolution and a crazy experiment.

No, it must not be kept!

Saying that, the azure blue fire spread from Ling Fengyu's right hand to the fan sword.

"Mi Lan, there is fire in my skill attribute, so it's better for me to deal with it this time. The corpse of this giant beast must not be eaten by other creatures."

Ling Fengyu looked serious.

"Well, good." Mi Lan took a moment to take everyone away.

Seeing Mi Lan leave.

Ling Fengyu stopped panicking.

Not only is the azure blue fire in his hand, but also the lines of spells. These lines move like dragons on the ground, forming a huge pictographic array.

Combination of art and soldiers.

I don't even know what is the main focus, maybe self-cultivation is the main focus. Ling Fengyu is also a freak, and he will touch everything.

Therefore, Ling Fengyu is not splitting his mind at the moment.

In addition, the experience of comprehending the so-called black and white clones in the Xing Luo chess game before can be considered to be well used at this moment.

Black and white chains kept emerging in the magic circle.

The servo is sleeping like a swimming snake on the ground.

Opportunity to attack.

To be honest, the strength of the giant beast is really not that strong. He is just a living creature, and a living creature that has not been trained has no advantages other than its size advantage.

So Mi Lan can easily solve it, eh~

The only difference is probably not the handling of the corpse.

After the giant beast died again, the body would be burned by Ling Fengyu.

Otherwise, the outcome is the same.

The black and white chains appeared the moment the giant beast stepped into the magic circle.

The chains that surpassed the number of all chess pieces surrounded the giant beast, huge, like a bug's cocoon.

There is still a small gap on the top.

Ling Fengyu took a few steps forward and jumped up.

A fan sword wrapped in azure blue flames was inserted through the gap.

Burning flames and heat are constantly injected into it.

It feels like it's grilling.

And what about Mi Lan?

Found the female concentration camp.


Many people are mutated, no matter men or women,

Lost everything.

Be an animal driven by instinct.

Devouring everything that bites and moves around.

The bitten person began to howl in pain.

what happened?

Mi Lan watched.


It's because of eating the steamed buns made of yellow muddy water, those who really ate them lost their original nature.


Mi Lan hit the ground with her kick.

The ground shook, knocking everyone to the ground.

There are only ten fingers who have not changed.

Damn guy.

How could he not have discovered it?

Neither I nor Ling Fengyu ate it, but I thought it was not poisonous, so I let them eat it.

It was my own fault, and it was also Ling Fengyu's fault, both of them were responsible.

Because the two of them are normal people.

When Mi Lan dragged the unmutated people aside.

These people began to devour each other and turned into another huge creature.

And not only one came from somewhere.

Pretty much the same, with some differences in features.

It can be seen that the lines on the body of the Gui people are still there.

It was the one who ran away before.

How did they become like this.

Mi Lan has to fight two giants.

This is a collection of people, and one of them still has a cultivation level. Although one plus one is less than two, the sum of so many people will never be zero.

Kind of hard.

Mi Lan's Mo Yan Sword was placed in front of her.

Inky torrents swim on the sword.

Like the clouds like the wind.

Even more like a dragon!

It can be seen that there is a shadow of Molong on Mi Lan's body.

Isn't Mi Lan a human being?

"Ink scale sinks into the abyss!"

Ink dances around, dipping into the true colors of black and white.

When a sword comes out, the person follows the sword, and the sword protects the person.

There is no such thing as absolutely saying that the sword is a disposable item, nor is it said that the sword is the only one that is not willing to use it.

Except for Ling Fengyu, because Ling Fengyu felt that Shan Jian was weak and could not support herself.

However, it feels like a bit of a double standard.

do not care.

Seeing the ink color chasing life attacking him.

The weirdo raised his hand to block.

However, how can the flesh be the opponent of the ink color composed of sword energy.

But it was blown, or it was cut into several sections.

And this one is just a weirdo made up of people who haven't cultivated before.

The other one who was cultivated was not harmed at all.

The main reason was that Mi Lan was going to break through one by one and did not target at the same time, and it was also because the strength of this weirdo was much stronger.

Did you spot anything in common?

That is, similar things have happened in the border, except that one side is an exoskeleton and the other is an endoskeleton.

Although it feels the same way.

Is there any deep connection in it?This is unknown.


Mo Yanjian pointed at another weirdo.

Composed of black colors all over its body, it is a handsome black dragon with five claws.

The ink dragon with five claws.

Majestic, handsome, calm and silent, not like the usual Mi Lan at all.

"Look, it's obvious that you just killed a creature, but your hands are shaking. Why don't you let me solve the next battle for you."

There is a vague voice in the dark that is tempting Mi Lan.

It was also a one-time success.

The ink is gone.

What remains is a strange dark red.

"As expected of you, you have cooperated with that idiot to seal me for so long, and I owe it to you, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get such benefits from you." It's the world!He actually got upper body, upper body like a ghost upper body.


With a movement of his body, he stabbed straight at the strange man.

A strange power was infused into the strange man's body.

After seeing strange black lines resembling characters from other worlds appearing on his body, his body continued to disintegrate.

It is the power of magic.

"The Ten Commandments of the Demon City, the Demon Emperor, haha~"

He gave a ghostly laugh.

People around him fell into a coma because of his laughter.

"You're here." The expression on his face changed, he became serious, and he turned around.

But see.

The white-haired Ling Fengyu held Zhizhan Zhishang sideways and looked at him quietly.

"It's not you!"

"It's me, but I'm not a day and night evil!"

The sounds of frenzy and unrestrained words, accompanied by guns, seemed so wild in the secret mountain and sea realm.

Blocking with the horizontal sword of the world, it completely blocked Ling Fengyu's offensive.


The past is consuming Mi Lan's vitality!

Isn't this the same as Yi Yanyan?


Because he found something was wrong, Ling Fengyu pulled back a little bit.

It was also because of the retraction that the next generation sent out an extra force to knock Ling Fengyu into the air.

Ling Fengyu streaked across the sky and inlaid on a mountain.

Ling Fengyu was not injured.

The body is dirty.

The water mixed with mud turned the pure white Ling Fengyu into the dirtiest existence.

The heart is constrained but the power is not enough. It is not that one's own ability cannot be achieved, but that one dare not make efforts to achieve one's own ability. Who is the opposite?Regardless of things, a friend is also the body of a familiar person.

It is impossible for Ling Fengyu to kill him ruthlessly when it is possible to save him.

"You are afraid, afraid that I will spoil the child's body."

Mo Shimoyan pointed at Ling Fengyu who hadn't come out in time in the mountain.

"However, this time it's just an attempt, it's not bad."

After speaking, the dark red color disappeared, and Mi Lan fell into a coma for a short time.

Ling Fengyu also withdrew the Zhizhan Zhishang, and her white hair turned black again.

It's not that he doesn't want to swallow Mi Lan's consciousness at this moment and become the master of this body himself.

Rather, what appeared in front of him was Ling Fengyu who could manipulate the power of Bai Ye and Day Xie, not Bai Ye and Day Xie who occupied Ling Fengyu's body.

According to common sense, it was Bai Ye and Day Xie who was the one, but the behavior of Bai Ye and Day Xie who only worked hard and did not work made the world puzzled, so he got out of control and returned to the seal of Mi Lan's body, allowing Ling Fengyu to strengthen the seal, Although Ling Fengyu's lips turned white again.

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