Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 242 Amnesia

In this way, Ling Fengyu and Mu Qing left.

Yi Yang stayed behind.


Someone from the Chiyang army approached Yiyang.

Although there are very few soldiers in Chiyang, there are still minimum positions.

For example, the position of general.

"General Yu Zhongliang has an invitation."


Others just have a surname or job title, but Yu Zhongliang, who called him Yu Zhongliang?

"Understood, I'll go right now."

Yu Zhongliang invites Yiyang to a banquet, and Bohou sits with him.

Three meat and three vegetarian wines continue.

"Brother Yiyang, can I call you that?"

Yu Zhongliang said so.

The purpose is not simple, they are all called brothers.

"Everyone is the leader of each army. It seems that we are close to each other in private. However, in front of so many soldiers, we should be generals in military affairs, shouldn't we?"

Yi Yang said with a smile.

Decline politely.

It is better to keep a distance in this matter.

In the end, they will be integrated. These armies will continue to be integrated in the continuous war to unify the first order, but it is definitely not now, so Yi Yang first refused.

Everyone has their own little ones.

What's more, Yiyang promised Chiyang Army to lead them to revival.

So at least not now.

"Hahaha." Yu Zhongliang temporarily suppressed his small thoughts.

"General Yu, if there is nothing important, I think I will leave with the Chiyang Army first, and I need to go after the King of Shu."

Yi Yang looked at Yu Zhongliang with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Yi Yang, Yu Zhongliang knew that Yi Yang's departure was destined, it was just the difference between leaving secretly or publicly.

Since I'm destined to be an alliance in the future, I'll give you face.


"Since that's the case, it's rude to force you to stay." Bohou said with a smile.

"So, of course, it's great."

Yi Yang lowered his head slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but Yu Zhongliang and Bohou saw it.

The current situation is that Luoyang Valley and some surrounding towns and hills are their territory, but the place where Chiyang Army and Yiyang are going is still controlled by other warlords.

So, what does the smile on the corner of Yi Yang's mouth mean?

It seems that the doorway inside is also very deep.

Before leaving, Ling Fengyu bought some good things for Yi Yang.

There is a trick left in Yi Yang's body, which is the key to unlocking the chains of people.

At this moment, Yi Yang was looking forward to using Ling Fengyu's original strength to break the chain in the battle of King Shu.


This is a confident smile, and it is also an expectation for the future. I don't have the pleasure of breaking through the realm, so I must experience it this time.

So Bohou and the others were puzzled as to why Yi Yang had such a confident and weird smile on his face.

Three days later.

"General, do we need to capture the city ahead?"

The soldier asked Xiang Yiyang.

"Fight all the way, and conquer the town all the way." Yi Yang said so.

Not just attacking.

It must be able to keep it safe, be able to provide business and supplies, and at the worst, there must be a horse track for the distribution of supplies.


The soldiers went down to arrange.

The current situation is that every war in Yiyang requires his own actions to gather local generals. It can be said that there is no chance of persuading him to surrender.

All in all, the Yiyang Journey has started from this moment, with two purposes to keep advancing to the ancient battlefield where the King of Shu is located, and the other is to attract the attention of the warlords from the three parties, to see what actions they will take on their own actions, Yu Zhongliang and the others can do it Relying on the changes brought about by Yi Yang, he made a suitable plan to deal with it.

Luanyi Palace.

Several people exchanged greetings, and the guests were seated separately.

Four people, two men and two women.

One person is missing, Mi Lan.

Mi Lan also received a letter from Fetion and set out to find her.

Ling Fengyu told the story of meeting Yi Yanyan.

After discussing with everyone, they decided to bring Mi Lan back first.

Another few days.

Mi Lan rushed to Luanyi Palace.

Ling Fengyu narrated it again, in order to prevent Mi Lan from worrying too much what Mu Qing said, Ling Fengyu described this incident as a test of realm, once a breakthrough is made, the future is boundless.

As a matter of fact, it is true, it is broken and then erected, but where it is broken, how should it be erected, this is a problem.


This matter has come to an end for now.

"I need to go to the Remnant Weapon Realm." Ling Fengyu finally said.

"Although we are not for the same purpose, but the destination is the same, we walk together."

"More combat power, more opportunities, the three of us together, with both wisdom and courage and strategy, are invincible." Mi Lan put her arms around Mu Qing and Ling Fengyu's shoulders.

"What about us women?" Luan Yi asked with a smile.

"Women hold up half the sky. Look, Yiyang is attacking the city at the first level. We need a stable rear."

Mu Qing said with a smile.

"Are you saying that we can only be logistics?"

"Those who can do more work, look at the three of us, which one can do logistics?"

Look at Ling Fengyu.

"I did it, and closed down three."

Ling Fengyu smiled and said,

Look at Mi Lan.

"Forget it, you can't at all."

Look at Mu Qing.

"Sister-in-law, as a wife, wouldn't you know?"

Well, in disguise, these three men are useless and cannot sit in the rear.

Isn't it what leaders need to make arrangements to let people who are good at do what they are good at?

Those without a command can only rely on their familiarity to make arrangements as gently as possible.

At least, it seems plausible now.

How can it be unreasonable, none of the three big men will do it.

I can only go up by myself.

"Xu Fufang."

On the way, Ling Fengyu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qing asked.

"I think this woman is very familiar."

"Haven't you seen it before? Isn't it normal to be familiar?"

I've seen it, in Yi Yang's description.

"No, I saw it from another side."

Ling Fengyu used to say that his amnesia was an excuse, but at this moment, he really felt that he had seen it somewhere.

"Oh~ I understand."

Mu Qing smiled and patted Ling Fengyu on the shoulder, men understand the law, but Ling Fengyu really didn't mean it that way.

Ling Fengyu felt familiar, yes~

A childhood memory that has been seen but deliberately erased.

and many more.

and many more.

"Take a detour and go to Star Luozong." Ling Fengyu asked the two of them.

"There's nothing urgent, you can go around for a while, what's the matter? I'm going to find a woman."

Oh~ woman.

Star Luozong.

Beiya Yi's house, Mei's house where Mei Xiangyuan lives.There are also some people who don't like watching a theater, but like people who are on fire.

Several aristocratic families blocked the mountain gate.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

Ling Fengyu was stopped by Mu Qing, and Mu Qing spoke.


Ling Fengyu directly opened the folding fan to fan the wind there.

Dude, what the hell are they doing.

Ask about it.

The Yi family is an important person, and his Mei family is also an important person.

One asked Su Fufang, saying she was a member of her family.

Needless to say another one.

That is to say, Xing Luozong was kind, did not scold mothers, and did not do anything, otherwise, the Mei family would be gone, and the Yi family would also feel bad.

Asked why.

Haha, Su Fufang and Mei Xiangyuan are all related to Yi Yang, or Ling Fengyu.

Now that it is like this, it seems that no one is controlling it, Ling Fengyu doesn't believe it.

"The fate is so."

Ling Fengyu shook his folding fan lightly, he passed Mu Qing and stood in the front.

"Then you should know my identity?"

The nature of a gentleman is not different, and he is good at things.

Ling Fengyu just wanted to use something that didn't exist to make a test.

Asking can make people think about the question of the questioner.

Some are for clarity, some are for making things more chaotic.

For example, now, Ling Fengyu just wants people to misunderstand his identity.

"Ah, Long Yi!"

What?Long Yi?

Has it resurfaced?

Well, they didn't go in the direction Ling Fengyu thought, they all gathered at one point, Long Yi.

Although he knew that the fan in his hand was most likely Long Yi's suzerain token, but if he pointed it out so directly and forgot about his other identity, Zhizhan Zhishang, it might not be aimed at him.

He looked at Mu Qing and Mi Lan.

The two of them understood what Ling Fengyu meant, that they were targeting Ling Fengyu. Since they were targeting Ling Fengyu, it was more appropriate for them to come by themselves (me).

So, Ling Fengyu backed away, and Mi Lan opened her folding fan first.

Although it is a folding fan made of paper, the picture is exactly the same.

"I am." Mi Lan said surprisingly.

Then, Mu Qing.

"If you don't get out of the way, we want to enter it. There are important things."

With that said, Mu Qing lightly stepped on the ground.

The ground shook slightly, and bushes grew thickly on the ground.

If you can't have more language exchanges with them, if you say one more sentence, you lose.

To overwhelm others with one's own strength, there is no need to use lip service.

Forcibly speaking without speaking to open the way, the three of them entered.

"Ling Fengyu, you're here." Hou Huan, the ghost doctor, washed his hands.

"How's Su Fufang?"

As soon as they met, Ling Fengyu asked.

"Woke up, and even woke up with all the unconscious disciples."

"Do you know why?"

"Not urgent."

As he spoke, he wiped his hands dry with silk and brought the three of them into the house.

Su Fufang is still a little sluggish now, mainly due to the stagnation of strength.

It's not something a doctor can fix.

Inner hedging is required.

Here, it is Ling Fengyu's domain again.

Ling Fengyu put his hand on Su Fufang's shoulder.

The huge internal energy was instilled into Su Fufang's body.

Create vitality for Su Fufang's gloomy internal energy.

Xue Yihua was also greedy for Ling Fengyu's internal energy.

It's easy for anyone to be gluttonous without knowing it.

This is not something rational can decide.

Because ignorance cannot allow reason to make judgments.

a while.

Ling Fengyu stopped.

Within a few breaths, Ling Fengyu's dissipated inner energy was replenished.

I don't know how Ling Fengyu replenished so quickly.

"Su Fufang, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay."

Su Fufang's eyes became brighter.

I don't think it will work.

Mu Qing put her hand on Su Fufang's wrist.

"It's strange, Ling Fengyu's internal energy doesn't have any residue, it's a strange feeling."

Ling Fengyu smiled and said nothing.

Some things are better not to know.

For example, Ling Fengyu's origin.

"What kind of plant is that?" the ghost doctor asked with a smile.

"This, I have the right to speak."

Mu Qing interrupted.

"It has the same effect as the blood flower."

So-and-so, and so-and-so, in simple terms, it's an enlarged version of blood and flowers, and it's also possible that they came from the same school and came from the same family.

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