Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 241 The Role of People

"Understood." Ling Fengyu smiled slightly.

"It's best not to understand some things." Mu Qing also smiled.

"I'll go see Mizugen."

Ling Fengyu got up from the bed.

Soft beds will certainly make people nostalgic.

But there are also other things that make people nostalgic, such as food, such as chatting.

Find water roots.

But Yu Zhongliang left.

Maybe it was because of the busy military affairs.

"Please sit down."

The root of water replaces the master.

A cup of tea.

"How do you say it? It's not long since I left you, and I saw that you have already said goodbye to me."

"Shuigen, what do you mean by that?" Ling Fengyu smiled.

The pain in his body made Ling Fengyu sit upright all the time.

From Shuigen's point of view, Ling Fengyu's sitting like this looks like a formal meeting.

"That is to say, Ling Fengyu, I haven't seen you for a long time, your strength is not the same as before."

Shuigen said with a smile.

But in fact, it was Ling Fengyu who appeared to be vain because of his essence and blood.

If all you meet are weak ones, it's okay to say, but if you meet strong ones, at least they are slightly weaker than Ling Fengyu himself, I'm afraid it's not a direct reveal.

"Okay, this kind of thing is not popular among martial arts practitioners."

Ling Fengyu didn't want to waste his time on flattery.

No matter whether it is his own flattery or facing him directly, he doesn't want it.

Others listen to slander because it sounds good, but Ling Fengyu only feels disgusted.

Shui Gen no longer entangled in this aspect.

He speaks the truth.

Of course, it is not the conflict between the aristocratic family and the warlord, but the various stories encountered during the training abroad, including the water torture sword, and the story of several swords juxtaposed with the water torture sword.

It is also a human story.

The story of a villain who uses his own life to protect the lives of other human beings.

Is it to save your own soul?

How is it possible, how can it be so illusory.

It's just a matter of time and fate, of course.If there is some goodness in it, it is possible, after all, it is a human being.

Although their profession is, ahem.

"Water torture sword has found its own way. As for other swords, I have never come into contact with them." Ling Fengyu planned to change the subject, "Oh, that's right."

Ling Fengyu took out a bead.

"This is the remaining power of the water torture sword. I left it in the bead, thinking that the water torture sword is your property, so I will give it to you."

In fact, Ling Fengyu was also thinking about when he would be free, so he ran back to Shui's house to give things to Shuigen.

No matter what, Ling Fengyu will not be greedy for things that are not Ling Fengyu's own.

"Haha~" Shui Gen laughed awkwardly.

After receiving the beads, he was about to hand them back to Ling Fengyu.

"Patriarch, you should keep this item for yourself." Grandpa Niu stopped Shuigen at the right time, "Patriarch, my treasure, his tasteless."

Chicken ribs?

Yes, it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless, but if it is given to others, some people will discard it like a shoe, some people will love it, some people regard it as a treasure, and some people will be tasteless.

All personal opinion.

In fact, this bead is almost inferior to the current Ling Fengyu, but for, um~ how should I put it, just to put it nicely, so it is a chicken rib.

Shuigen understood what Grandpa Niu meant.

"I understand, thank you Ling Fengyu in advance."

In this way, it can be regarded as letting go of one thing, um, for Ling Fengyu.

A little less things can make things easier, at least Ling Fengyu is like this.

Go find Yu Zhongliang.

Ling Fengyu approached Yu Zhongliang.

Yu Zhongliang, Li Zhan, King Li, and Bohou are all there.

They were discussing military affairs, and Ling Fengyu broke in at this moment.

"Everyone, I want a unified first order."

That's what Ling Fengyu said.

Unified first order.

The military world has never been able to unify, but Ling Fengyu has.

"The first step, I will find the king of Shu and kill him. The second step, with your strength, you will definitely be able to talk about strategies. Attacking the heart is the first, and attacking the city is the next. Furthermore, what we want is no The inner ghost's human realm, instead of being consumed by the inner ghost now."

Ling Fengyu looked serious.

I don't know why Ling Fengyu suddenly wants to unify at the first level.

Very simple.

After the unification, the number of soldiers decreased, and the other energy-collecting devices parallel to the earth veins were really useless. At that time, they would definitely act as demons. As long as they acted as demons, Ling Fengyu could grab its tail and pull it out in one go.

The unification of the first level is Ling Fengyu's own appeal, otherwise the changes here are just changes in the general trend, and outsiders like Ling Fengyu cannot intervene.

Of course, this matter cannot be said, lest it cause unnecessary panic.

"Once the king of Shu is dealt with, the supply of bows and arrows will be gone." Yi Yang entered the camp as a representative of the Chiyang army, "and the king of Shu is the one who supplies the arrows."

"Unification, what's the benefit?" Bohou asked such a question.

"It's good for the vast majority of people, but basically not good for you."

Ling Fengyu stared at Bohou seriously.

How could this man who had worked his way up to the position of General Yu in the Banner Army fail to see the meaning in Ling Fengyu's eyes, what's more.

He also has the same goals and ideals as Yu Zhongliang.

"It's no good, it's hard for us to do things." King Li interrupted.

People's pursuits are not the same. King Li wanted his own army and power, which was different from Yu Zhongliang and Bohou.

"Second brother!" Li Zhan told King Li not to speak, the height of the current discussion is not something they can interrupt.

"I agree with Ling Fengyu's idea. War is to make money for the warlords, and the benefits we can get can only be reflected after peace." Mu Qing entered the tent.

He said to Ling Fengyu: "I know you don't want to say it out loud, but sometimes you just want to say it out, do you trust me?"

It's not trustworthy, because they don't have much contact, but in terms of certain interests, Ling Fengyu feels that Mu Qing still has something in common.

So, nod slightly.

"Okay, let me explain."

Mu Qing was about to talk about it, but Ling Fengyu walked out silently.

"This official." Ling Fengyu patted a soldier who seemed to have a certain position.

"Ah, it's Ling Fengyu, do you have anything to do?"

Well, Ling Fengyu is famous.

"Is there any wine?"

"Yes, just wait a moment, the little one will be brought for you."

Is it really okay to think you are inferior?

Ling Fengyu was suspicious again.

Wine is just ordinary wine, but the taste is special.

Ling Fengyu drank alone.

He was thinking about whether he had been involved too much in the military world.

No, because if I hadn't come, the course of history would have been pretty much the same as it is now. The protagonist would have been replaced by Yi Yang, but Yi Yang would have suffered a lot.

Everything will be as it is now.

So what is the function of self-existence?

Ling Fengyu had another question.

Earthworms turn over the soil, dragonflies eat mosquitoes, these are their own functions.

Self-cultivation belongs to self-cultivation, but from time to time, he intervenes in other things, as if he wants to get involved in everything.

And in the end, it seemed that Ling Fengyu didn't get a share of all the credit.

These are Ling Fengyu's thoughts.

Aimless, but always doing things.

Forget it, don't think about it, the reason why people are human is because of their hearts.

Just do what you have to do.

Ling Fengyu once again made excuses for himself.

"Ling Fengyu, they think it is feasible to unify the first order."

Mu Qing and Yi Yang found Ling Fengyu.

"Shouldn't the condition be who among them will be the king?"

Ling Fengyu smiled.

"more than."

A long list.

"It was proposed by King Li Zhanli, I know it."

"Yeah, it's just the two of them, the layout is too small."

Yi Yang pouted.

"Everyone has their own limitations, you and I are no exception, as long as you don't overdo it, you don't need to take it to heart."

Ling Fengyu said with a smile.


Why do you have to make more entanglements in this regard.

"Shu King, it must be resolved." Ling Fengyu said the murderous words with a smile.

"I think you don't just want to deal with the King of Shu." Mu Qing saw some clues, "It must be because of the accumulation of the energy of those deaths."

Ling Fengyu nodded again.

This is indeed the reason.

Mu Qing is a good guy with peerless intelligence.

"I have encountered similar things in the northern desert."

Ling Fengyu told how to draw out the water source.


After all these things are combined.

I came to the conclusion that there are these things in order to keep wars in the military world.

Or maybe war is needed for these things.

"I'm afraid, since the beginning of the existence of the military world, it is the beginning of the spread of war."

"Speaking of which, when did the military world start?" Ling Fengyu asked.

Ah this.

The three looked at each other, as if there was nothing to prove the existence of these histories.

So can't prove it.

No one knows.

But it is recognized that the military world has actually existed for a long time, whether it is long or short.

"King of Shu, let me kill you." Yi Yang said suddenly.

Ah this.


Why did Yi Yang say that suddenly.

"Yi Yang, why do you say that?" Ling Fengyu asked.

"Because of this, such and such."

Having said so many excuses, the root cause is that I have emotions and want to fight back.

That's what it is.

"it is good."

How could Ling Fengyu disagree.

"Since the matter has come to an end, Ling Fengyu, let's go to Luanyi Palace together."

Although the incident was short, it also contained a lot of information.

For example, it speeded up the process of Ye Feitian's exposure, showed his strength, and promoted the unification of the first order.

There are also some small ones.

That is to untie the trap set by the dark man invisibly.

Of course, the person in the light green clothes has his share of the credit.

However, what benefit does this guy want from Ling Fengyu?

Or, what does Ling Fengyu need to do for him.

"Is there any mysterious existence in the military world?" Ling Fengyu asked.

While there was still some time, Ling Fengyu asked.

"A mysterious person?" Mu Qing pondered slightly, "For example, the couple who founded the two sects of the Xingluo Star Chess Sect, and a grand elder of the Baishou Sect who passed away suddenly..."

"Oh? They are all sects and casual cultivators who had accidents before and after my arrival."

Ling Fengyu smiled.

Only Ling Fengyu could laugh, really, so many people died.

Because so much time has passed.

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