"Sorry, let me explain."

Ling Fengyu smiled.

And, it's not true.

After all, some things cannot be said, such as playing chess to solve the problem leading to the door.

That incident must never be said, at least not at this point in time.

"You actually went in? Can you actually enter it?" Chi Wuyue covered her bright red mouth in surprise.

"Yes, I went in."

Ling Fengyu repeated.

Mu Qing smiled at the side.

This kind of thing is best explained as an accident.

"Okay, this is your chance." Chi Wuyue's face was full of the expression of having to accept the fact.

"It really is."

In order to boost Ling Fengyu's momentum, Mu Qing also gave a voice of admiration.

"Then what should I do now? Elder Chi please answer."

Ling Fengyu asked, after a pause, to give Chi Wuyue enough time to think.

To be reasonable, Ling Fengyu has actually done everything, including entering the secret passage, and explored everything except comprehending the chess game.

And the two kits for the two daughters contained news about Bai Zi's parents.

Certainly not to say that the two humanoid chess-playing stones are Baizi's parents.

"This~" Chi Wuyue thought for a while.

"Can you wait until next month? You two can come to my Star Chess Sect this month, and my Star Chess Sect will treat you as a distinguished guest."

Find a way out of adversity.

The look of killing two birds with one stone.

One is to solve the problem of entry, and the other is to keep people.

It's a good solution.

Isn't it because of Ling Fengyu's brilliant stone?Such a big benefit has been given to herself, if Chi Wuyue is not generous, the news will spread and it will be difficult to be a man.

"Then should we go back too? It's been a long time since we came out." Mu Qing suggested.

"That's right." Chi Wuyue nodded slightly in agreement.

at this time.

There are fireworks scattered from the sky.

It is the direction of Star Luozong.

"problem occurs!"

Chi Wuyue's expression changed again.

In just a short time, Chi Wuyue's mood changed so much.

"Every man is not guilty, but pregnant is guilty." After Ling Fengyu said this, "I'll go and see what's going on first."

Ling Fengyu's speed is very fast.

But it's the end of the matter.

A little bit ahead of time.

Yiyang burned Neiyuan and rushed back to Xingluozong as quickly as possible.

Inside Star Luozong.

Corpses are everywhere.

It's a slaughter among disciples.

There are traitors in it.

Basically, most of the disciples of the younger generation have lost more than half.

Brothers fight against each other, siblings fight each other, peers are jealous, which one is it?

No matter which one is later, because killing has become a fact.

"Xiao Lan, what are you doing!"

The female disciple was stabbed in the back by her fellow disciple and was seriously injured.

Blood is like a fountain.

She really didn't understand that Xiaolan, who was weak and needed her own protection a while ago, stabbed herself in the back when she was focusing on the enemy.

Yi Yang shot an arrow and bounced the dagger in Xiaolan's hand.

Burst out.

Regardless of the blood stains, Yi Yang embraced the female disciple who had lost a lot of blood, and with his free hand, he struck Xiaolan into the air.

The figure changed again, and flew to Baizi's side.

"What's going on here?" Yi Yang sealed the female disciple's acupuncture points and poured his inner energy into them.

"Thank you."

"It's easy."

"I don't know what happened. I originally wanted to take Mei Xiangyuan and Su Fufang to visit the moonlight, but the moon was in the middle, and the change began."

Indeed, there is no sign of fighting in the same room, which can be explained by mutation.

By the way, Mei Xiangyuan?

"Sorry, I couldn't protect Mei Xiangyuan." Bai Zi apologized.

Didn't protect it?

Yi Yang looked around.

There is no trace of Mei Xiangyuan.

"A strange bird took Mei Xiangyuan away." Bai Zi was very guilty, and the guilt was palpable, not pretending.

"What about Su Fufang?" At the same time, Yi Yang didn't see Su Fufang either.

"Su Fufang said that she followed and escaped from our pursuit. A strange bird blocked our movement, so we did not pursue."

Does Su Fufang have the guts?

Yi Yang didn't know, but what he knew was that something big had happened.

It may be an unexpected change that no one has thought of.

Was this change really an accident?

"Let's rescue." Yi Yang clarified the priority of the matter.

"I can do it." The female disciple said weakly.

"I've already set off the fireworks, someone will be here soon."

"You guys? Brothers fight against each other, siblings fight each other, peers are jealous, what do you want?"

It was Ling Fengyu's voice.

Ling Feng's Feather Fan Sword appeared, and Pang Ran Neiyuan guided him into the fan sword.

The fan sword pierced into the ground.

Above the ground, a huge magic circle appeared.

Strength without pain.

Everyone in the formation was stunned.

Too late to ask about the situation.

Bai Zi said loudly to Ling Fengyu: "Ling Fengyu, Mei Xiangyuan was taken away by the strange bird, Su Fufang followed, and they went in that direction."

"Understood, where are the kits on their bodies?"

"Here I am."

"The kit will be opened after the matter is over, Elder Chi and Mu Qing will come soon, Yi Yang, follow me to find them. No, you are right here, your breath is disordered now, you should not move too much."

At this moment, Ling Fengyu showed what he should have.

"Got it, Ling Fengyu, take this."

Yi Yang gave Ling Fengyu a black feather, the feather that Yaozi gave him.


Ling Fengyu left.

The moment they left, Mu Qing and Chi Wuyue rushed over.

What came into view were corpses all over the floor and male and female disciples who passed out.

"This, who did it?"

Chi Wuyue's mood kept changing.

Bai Zi explained.

"This effect, from the looks of it, is the method of the Yaozu." Mu Qing thought it was the method of the Yaozu after hearing this.

"Yaozu?" Chi Wuyue couldn't believe it, "The territory of Yaozu is thousands of miles away, I'm afraid~"

"The twin towers of the Sky Demon Twins are still in Luoyang Valley." Mu Qing reminded.

It seems that this is the case.

"What's your name?" Mu Qing asked the weak female disciple.

"Feng Feng."

Feng Feng replied.

"Okay, Fengfeng, I want to ask you, do you smell anything?"

Mu Qing asked.


"Yes, the smell is a smell that you can't usually smell."

"Let's think about it, by the way, Xiao Lan once smelled like a man."

"A man's ~ smell?" Bai Zi was puzzled.

"Oh, you mean the smell after the bridal chamber?" Mu Qing quickly understood what Ji Feng said.

"Jifeng, you!" Bai Zi glared at Qifeng.

Bai Zi thought that Feng Feng was no longer a virgin.

It's not that Bai Zi doesn't let Feng Feng have that kind of thought, but without warning.

How should I put it, it's just that Feng Feng was subjected to other people's rhetoric, and entrusted her body to a stranger who had not met for the first time, and then ran away. If there is still a child, isn't it an orphan and widow?

Ji Feng is very simple and trusts everyone.

"Elder Baizi, don't ask people about private matters." Mu Qing blocked Baizi.

Because didn't Mu Qing also fall in love with Luan Yi at first sight?

Maybe they are in love with each other?

The words of those who came.

"Jifeng, what's Xiaolan's answer?"

"Not talking, but laughing."


"Yes, smiling. Her smile seemed to say that I have what you have, and it's better than yours."

"However, Xiaolan is a virgin." Yi Yang checked the comatose Xiaolan.

How did you check it?

Of course~

Cough cough, just look at the blood.

It doesn't have to be observed carefully, besides, if it is injured and lost in normal carelessness, it will not be seen.

"Oh, it looks like it's really a monster race." Mu Qing imitated Mi Lan's tone of voice.

This tone seems disdainful and mischievous, you see what I said is quite right.

"That strange bird too?" Bai Zi asked.

"I'm not sure about this. I won't know until Ling Fengyu comes back. As the elders of Star Luozong, what should you do in the current situation?"

Yes, you are elders, you can't chat with people like this, with such a big mess in front of you, if you keep idle like this, people's hearts will be unstable.

"Bai Zi, this is the territory of your Star Luo Sect, you can handle it yourself." Is Chi Wuyue dividing responsibility or shirking responsibility?

Mu Qing just thought about it.

This kind of thing is an internal matter of the sect. If you are a big man or an outsider, if you intervene, it will make people think that you have taken a fancy to that girl's family.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

If Mu Qing intervenes.

"All Star Luo Sect belongs."

Hmm, there didn't seem to be many, and those few came here after Ling Fengyu left.

"The disciple is here."

"Bring all your peers back to their own rooms."

Bai Zi gave a stupid order.I'm afraid she hasn't experienced these things.

"Wait! Elder Bai Ye, everything is under my arrangement."

It was all over, and Bai Ye rushed over.

However, this arrangement is well arranged.

Let Baizi distinguish which ones are normal and which ones are abnormal, and then come to the school martial arts field to arrange a temporary bed.

Separate the two sides, one side is rebellious, one side is normal.

This is normal practice.

"Mother~" Bai Zi hesitated to speak but stopped.


"Elder Bai, I'm going down to arrange other things."

"Go down."

Hmm~ As elders, the tone of this order?


Black and white has never been mixed with other colors, and has always been advanced.

However, in Ling Fengyu's view, red is high-level, because it is the color of blood, the color of life, and it is the proof of the existence of living beings.

Red is the most advanced color!

Of course, purple too.

"Elder Bai Ye." Mu Qing saluted, but he had been waiting beside Yi Yang who was adjusting his breathing.

That Fengfeng was always beside Yiyang.

This is wrong, don't you already have a man?

"Your Excellency is the number one in this competition?"

Bai Ye deeply felt that Mu Qing's cultivation was not inferior to hers, and he couldn't help being a little surprised in his heart.

There is also Mu Qing's external age, the internal and external age can't be told, it can't be seen, but the external age can tell how talented Mu Qing is, because the earlier he enters the state of cultivation, and the more diligently he is able to improve his face. stay so young.

"I can't say that I'm the first, but I can be the champion." Mu Qing said humbly.

Because the championship is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and the first is a thing from ancient times to the present.

This person is not bad, not worse than the Ling Fengyu Bai Zi was looking for.

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