Did the Xuanhui stone be given to Ling Fengyu on purpose?

So, isn't Ling Fengyu?

"Don't be nervous, just follow the trend." Xia Bumo smiled.

Hmm~ follow the trend.

It means that it is possible.

The Xuanhui Stone must be there clearly.

It should be placed in Star Luozong.

Good guy.

Others may be different, but Mei Xiangyuan and Su Fufang are still inside, if something happens, it will not be a good thing.

Thinking of this, Yi Yang became more and more anxious.

But what Yi Yang failed to consider was that this is the case for now, but what about the future?Because it is impossible to protect a lifetime.

Only when one's own strength becomes stronger is fundamental.

Obviously once the emotion is overdone, it's easy to forget that.

Yi Yang tried to break through.

"You don't need to try, unless you can activate the scorching sun bow now, otherwise~" Yaozi paused, "It's simply impossible."

Absolute words, absolute words.

But also because it is absolute, Yi Yang read different meanings inside.

You can escape, but you must go, Yaozi has been playing riddles.

But the only thing that can be determined is that at this moment, a possibility of escape must be found.


"The scorching sun is burning!"

Yi Yang's heart beat violently.

A blood arrow flew out, and the scorching temperature instantly became a reality in the curtain.


Seeing things can be done, Yi Yang looked for the right time, guided by the breath of the earth, the door of the earth opened wide, and Yi Yang flew out like this.

Now that it's out, it's easy to handle.

Yi Yang instantly took out the Chiyang Bow.

Six arrows flew out together.

"King, it's dangerous!"

Tianxia Bumo once again stood in front of Yaozi.

Yi Yang is not yet the opponent of the world's magic.

With a wave of the magic robe under heaven, the arrow was shot down.

Very simple to shoot down.

That day, Xia Bu Mo wanted to pursue Yi Yang.

"Don't chase anymore." Yaozi said casually.

"But the king." The world cloth demon did not understand.

"This matter is not my business. I'm just playing around. It changes with the changes. My Xuanhuishi's plan has failed. Why not let Yi Yang go and let the variables change again."

Yaozi said so.

"My subordinate understands."

"Change, change, anyway, we are all outsiders and let's just watch. But, the world is full of demons." Yaozi turned to ask the world's demons.


"You killed a lot of people before." Yaozi didn't show any emotion.

"This~yes." Bumo Tianxia replied very calmly.

"Didn't I already say it? Don't kill people when there is no need for profit." Yaozi emphasized again, "The people you killed in Xingluozong were just to satisfy your own desires, not for profit, do you understand? ? In the future, there will be no such senseless killings without benefits.”

"The subordinates will follow the instructions."

This is how the world spreads demons.

I still follow the teachings, just talk, I won't believe it, Yaozi won't believe it.

But I still have to say it, and express my position.

"Well, you go down, your left hand is injured, go back and repair the injury." Yaozi waved his back to Tianxia Bumo.

"Subordinates obey."

The world cloth demon also turned around to leave, and then he thought about Ling Fengyu again.

"This subordinate has one more thing to report to the king." Bu Mo under the sky stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter, tell me."

"There is something about Zhizhan Zhishang Baiyu Meteor. So so, so so."

Bu Mo in the world completely described his encounter with Bai Ye and Day Xie.

"Bai Ye and Day Xie? He's not dead yet." Yaozi knew him? "He's not dead yet, so Mu Shi and Ming Xie should still be lingering. What should we do as demons?"

He looked at the world and clothed demons.

"The evil spirit is crooked, a nest of snakes and rats."

The world's cloth demons blurted out without even thinking about it.

"But, snakes eat rats for half a year, and rats eat snakes for half a year." Yaozi laughed uncontrollably.

Tianxia Bumo understood what Yaozi meant.

What a nest of snakes and mice say is the same crooked way, but they will also deceive each other, the devil is the devil, and the evil is the evil.

"The king means~" Xia Bumo became excited because Yaozi wanted to make trouble.

"Let's talk about it after you mend the wound on your hand, Bai Ye and Day Xie are not easy to deal with." Yaozi once again sent Tianxia Bumo away.

An old man with only so much cultivation, if he didn't want to show off, Yaozi would not have taken him down.

"Bai Ye and Day Xie? It will definitely block my plan, but you have never killed anyone, so I can't cross the line of defense to take the initiative." Yaozi narrowed his eyes, "But at this time, Bai Ye and Day Xie should be in Ling Fengyu or In Zhi Zhan Zhi Shang, someone as clever as Ling Fengyu must be looking for a solution to kill Bai Ye and Day Xie, let's wait and see what happens."

It's over, Ling Fengyu has long forgotten about this matter.

Since Zhizhan Zhishang would seal an evil spirit, there must be a reason for it.

Ling Fengyu thinks that he is just an outsider, as long as he does not complete the threat to the outside world in his own hands, there is no need to intervene too much, and he will wait for Zhizhan Zhishang to get the right person and then hand it over to professionals, that's fine.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye.

Day is day, so what about combining the two?

Evil door, yes, it is evil door.

In the middle of the month, Lintan.

The fish in the pool can have hundreds of heads, all of them are like swimming in the air with nowhere to support, and under the moonlight, there is no shadow.

There is no need to face each other, the three stand together.

Luanyi, Mi Lan, Xu Fufang.

"We fell for it."

Luan Yi smiled.

"But it looks like it's just a delaying tactic. We won't be attacked."

However, what Mi Lan is most afraid of is the trick of procrastination.

Because of Yanyan.

"Information from the Proud Sect." A flying letter arrived in Luan Yi's hands.

After opening it, Luan Yi handed it to Mi Lan.

Mi Lan took a look.

A few large characters.

The Proud Sect is completely destroyed.

Didn't explain why, just said it was all gone.

"Who did it?"

Mi Lan asked knowingly, because no one knew who did it.

At least now their information is not equal to the outside world, so I don't know who did it.

"I think it's the person who actively initiated the resurrection of the evil king."

Luanyi's words are astonishing.

"Evil king?"

Mi Lan was not surprised anymore.

"Your Yan Yanyan has disappeared, you can't have any accidents, the death of the world is one of the foundations for the resurrection of the evil king."

"No, it's not the evil king, it's the demon twins!" Mi Lan figured this out.

"The Sky Demon King?"

Luanyi is familiar with this.

"It doesn't have to be the Sky Demon King. The Sky Demon King was killed by the Heavenly Emperor, but her two children are still alive."

"So, what do you think?"

"Someone wants to use the evil king's excuse to make troubles, and this is the simplest way, which is to divert our energy to other places." Mi Lan has been trying to think for herself.

"So Yanyan is alright?"

There was a doting smile on Luanyi's mouth.

"Yes." Mi Lan replied.

Xu Fufang, who was silent at the side, saw that Mi Lan's analysis was not right at all for Luanyi.

"You make a lot of sense." Luanyi did not break through Mi Lan's thoughts, "All your thoughts are based on the fact that Yanyan is still alive, or you only think that Yanyan is still alive, so A series of judgments made."

"But, Yanyan is still alive." Mi Lan couldn't find any evidence, but once Yanyan died somewhere else instead of in front of her, her body would react, and the world would break her apart. body, thus fleeing.

This is what he firmly believes in.

But you can't tell anyone else.

"Okay, Mi Lan, are you sure that Yan Yanyan is still alive?" Luan Yi decided to follow Mi Lan's words.

"I can!"

After all, there is a contract on him, and he knows life and death.

"Well, I see."

Luan Yi looked seriously.

"Just follow your train of thought."

Does Xu Fufang think these people are messing around?

How could things involving their relatives and friends be decided so easily?Is it because of trust?

mutual trust?

Come less, where is the trust between people, so much trust.

Xu Fufang felt disdainful in her heart.

But didn't you trust Mu Qing before handing over the Scorching Sun Bow to him?

Double standards are unacceptable.

On the plains of the mountains.

In the middle of the month, in the middle of the month.

The full moon and the sky full of stars that should not coexist with it illuminate the appearance of day for the earth.

The ground shook slightly.

A stone gate suddenly appeared with stone steps going down.

It's a good idea to use the principle of light and dark to make organs.

But what about rainy weather?

This was Ling Fengyu's initial thought.

Now Ling Fengyu's thinking is that this is the middle of the month, so it is a periodic law.

In short, Ling Fengyu has not yet figured out the rules of action of these organs.

Mechanism is indeed a very fun thing.

For example, here, for example, a fully automatic mechanical snake.

Frogs that can spy on beautiful women bathing in hot springs.


"Go in, No.1 will not trigger the mechanism when entering."

"What about the second person, the third person?"

Mu Qing asked abruptly.

"The second person entering will trigger the formation, and then get lost in the secret passage forever, becoming a part of the chess game of heaven and earth."

It means dead.


Mu Qing nodded.

Just when Mu Qing was about to enter.

"Hahaha~ It's still me, it's still me. Only mine. It can only be mine."

The middle-aged shemale Daojiao appeared.

It turned out to be at the door?

He stepped into it and rolled down.

Good guy.

But not long after, a voice that should not have existed came from inside.

The sound of swords and guns clashing.


It was screams.

But it disappeared after a while.

Everything around is quiet.

is dead?

Well, it's dead.

Mu Qing looked at Chi Wuyue with a playful smile on her face.

"Beauty, can you explain me?"

"Well, I don't know either." Chi Wuyue panicked all of a sudden.

Even though she is as strong as Chi Wuyue, such a strong woman, the self-confidence and natural things in her common sense have changed at this moment, and she didn't step out in an instant.

"It's a step late."

Only then did Ling Fengyu come out.

"What do you mean?"

Chi Wuyue looked at Ling Fengyu.

The reason why Mu Qing asked this question was that at that time, Ling Fengyu said that he had entered once, and Mu Qing needed to ask Chi Wuyue once for his own safety.

Looks like something is going to happen.

Reincarnation once a month, the timeliness has not yet passed.

No, there is a question, how did Ling Fengyu get in?

Very simple.

Ling Fengyu fiddled with the chess pieces on the stone, and then the door appeared.

So before arriving here, Ling Fengyu thought that Chi Wuyue had to straighten the pawns to open the door if someone brought them here, but this never occurred to her, it still needs to wait for the nourishment of time.


Are these things belonging to the Star Luo Sect, the Star Chess Sect since ancient times?

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