Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 210 Chapter 1 Chapter 7 Blood Qi

"So that's the case, is it so forced?"

Ling Fengyu opened her fan.

His father's gaze was fixed on his fan.Mountains, rivers and stars, the color of the metal seems to have never been rusted, and it is as clean as new.

"I see. It's too self-righteous. Children are not appendages of parents. On the contrary, parents who are old and careless are appendages."

Of course, this is Ling Fengyu's own opinion.

Because the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, there will always be those who get old first.

And the parents are the elders, they will grow old first.

What's more, cultivation base, yes, cultivation base, lifespan will increase with cultivation base, the middle-aged man in front of him is faintly weaker than Mei Xiangyuan.

As for that young man, his foundation is false, his realm is falsely high, and his stamina is insufficient. Even if he is much stronger than Mei Xiangyuan now, he will eventually be surpassed by Mei Xiangyuan.

That's why Ling Fengyu underestimated everyone.It can't be said to be underestimating, because they are born equal, it's just that Ling Fengyu is confident that these people are not his opponents, and they can be solved by one person.

"Qi Yang, let's go."

His father said no more.

"Father-in-law." Seeing that Mei Xiangyuan's father left without looking back, he followed after taking a deep look at Mei Xiangyuan.

"Ling Fengyu, you are in trouble." Yi Yang also stared at Ling Fengyu's fan, and only looked away after Ling Fengyu retracted the fan.

"Oh? What kind of trouble could it be?" Ling Fengyu didn't care.

Because Ling Fengyu still doesn't know what's going on.Although he feels that the development of many things is made by others after seeing his fans.

"Because Mei Xiangyuan's father left decisively after seeing your fan."

As Yi Yang spoke, he pointed to his fan again.


"What happened to my fan?"

Ling Fengyu was puzzled.

"By the way, I remembered something. I got a copy of Fenghuo Zhiyin, and that person gave it to me after looking at my fan first. The same goes for Zhizhan Zhishang."

It was only after Ling Fengyu thought of these things that he felt that these things were connected.

"Indeed, there seems to be a problem."

"Mi Lan may know something about this matter." Su Fufang gave her own judgment.

"Indeed, Mi Lan has a similar fan."

Ling Fengyu nodded in agreement.

"Not only that, but he is also very similar to you in some small details." Yi Yang added a little more.

Where is it like?

Without knowing it, Ling Fengyu patted his head with a fan.

"That's the action."

Yi Yang replied.

this action?

The act of patting the head.

"And that smile."


Although very similar but.

"Although these points are very similar, this is the action of hitting the head. Those who are used to using a fan will do this."

"What about the smile?"

"It's just a confident smile."

"Then explain to Mi Lan, didn't you say that you have a different relationship before?"

Su Fufang rolled her eyes.

"Who said that?"

"Mi Lan said."

Well, it's about Mi Lan again.

"Okay, I'll go find Mi Lan, are you going to Peach Blossom Yin?"

Ling Fengyu asked.

"Yes, Xue Yihua guided me in that direction."


Blood Yihua's guide.

In other words.

It's those things.

Ling Fengyu frowned suddenly.

Because he is familiar with Xue Yihua's characteristics, he seems anxious.

Why do you say that.

Blood is easy to flower, not born towards the sun, but towards life, that is to say, apart from absorbing the nutrients brought by the sun, what one yearns for the most is anger, perhaps blood.

Of course, it is a normal flower.

The abnormal ones are the ones that like to absorb rotten things, like the ones on ancient battlefields.

To be able to attract Xue Yihua from such a distance, I'm afraid, the intensity of this anger.

"Any questions?"

"Oh. No problem, I just think it will be a fun journey if I go with you. Can I go to Taohuayin with you?"

"Okay, having an expert to accompany you can be regarded as more protection." Su Fufang became active.

"You~" Ling Fengyu's tone was more pampering.

It's like saying the same thing to your own sister.


It seems to be the case.

Really weird.

Obviously amnesia.Feel like a child.

Well, stick to the amnesia setting unchanged for a hundred years.

"Could it be that this guy has a younger sister? Otherwise, why do you love Su Fufang so much?" Yi Yang thought more carefully.


Only then did Qi Yang ask.

"Father-in-law, why do we have to retire? Why don't we bring Xiang Yuan home with us?"

"Hey~ Yang'er, it's not that I don't want to, but ah~" he sighed.

"Does father-in-law have any unspeakable secrets?"

"Do you know where the fan in the latecomer's hand came from?"

"Oh? Please tell my father-in-law in detail."

"Long Yimen from a long time ago. So~"

Qi Yang listened carefully.

"So, the latecomer Ling Fengyu is a descendant of Long Yimen?"

"You can't say that, because the person in charge of the Long Yimen must have the surname Long, and it can't be changed back."

"Its strength is very strong, maybe it was taken from others?"

"It's also possible."

"Then can we also grab it?" Qi Yang really figured it out.

"Don't think about Yang'er, others are very powerful~"

"No matter how strong a person is, there will be weaknesses. Father-in-law, I will deal with it myself, and I will bring Xiangyuan back,"

Peach blossom shade.

The four of them disguised themselves again, except Mei Xiangyuan, because after she blew herself up, it seemed that it was not good to use her sister's identity.

"Yi Yang, I'm surprised that you were able to undo my disguise technique, but at this moment, there are many masters lurking on the field who are much stronger than you, so don't undo it easily to reveal your true face."

Ling Fengyu said in a low voice.

"Well, I know, it was broken because of carelessness in cultivation before."

As for Su Fufang?It was always like this from the beginning to the end, so Ling Fengyu also changed her face a bit.

Speaking of Taohuayin, it has now become an outlet to the sea.

It has only been a few months and it has become so prosperous.

So, the introduction of the sharp fire is just an excuse?

Hmm~ it seems so.

Ling Fengyu thought so.

"Boss, a basket of oranges." Ling Fengyu bought a basket of oranges at the pier.

"One basket, can you eat it?"

Su Fufang said in surprise.

"I didn't say I ate alone."

Ling Fengyu smiled.

Poor people are really poor, and this basket of oranges is only a silver coin with change.

And any good tavern in the nearest town costs more than three silver for a meal, and I don't know if I can eat enough.

This is the smell of rich wine and meat, and there are frozen bones on the road.

"Do you have roast chicken?"

Changed a store.

"Guest officer, are you packing or taking away?"

Wait, what's going on, the logic is not right.

Isn't there no difference between packing and taking away?

"Oh, guest officer, it's like this. The package is made of lotus leaf paper, and the takeaway is made of a plate. You need to return it."

The shop boy explained.

Oh, that makes sense.

"Let's pack it. One roast chicken, half a drunk goose, one leaf mixed with pork liver, two taels of peanuts, and two catties of jade yellow."

Yuhuang, Zhibai, Zhaoxia, Wanshuang, Lufei, Beigong, etc. are all names of wines.The last name is a bit weird though.

"Okay, roast chicken, drunk goose... a total of three silver."

After Ling Fengyu gave it.

"Wait a moment, the little one will go get it."

"Ling Fengyu, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm thinking, I'm probably going to be fine tonight, so let's treat it as our September Festival."

Well, although no one cares about celebrating the September Festival, since Ling Fengyu mentioned it, let’s celebrate it. There is no custom about the September Festival.

Oh, the most, is to start preparing the salty goods for the New Year.

Inside the station.

Several people were eating and drinking.

After the moon is in the sky.

Even Yi Yang and Ling Fengyu could feel the strong anger.

"Ling Fengyu?" Yi Yang asked Ling Fengyu with common sense.

Ling Fengyu took a sip of Yuhuang and nodded slightly.

"One of the characteristics of blood and flowers."

"We were attracted by Xueyihua?" Su Fufang asked, "What happened?"

"There is a huge energy here, or the energy of essence and blood. Xue Yihua was attracted by this energy."

Ling Fengyu explained.

Yeah, that's it.

And it didn't take long to feel such anger, with so many masters lurking around, it would be unreasonable if there were no problems.

"Will there be any danger?" Yi Yang asked in a low voice.

Ling Fengyu doesn't know yet.

So I can only whisper, "There must be some, but the greater the danger, the greater the benefit, we have to see if it is what we need."

If it's not what you want, it's okay to take it out and sell it.

Well, that's a bit of a hassle, because every now and then someone's staring at you, and that alone is a hassle.

Even in disguise.

"Ling Fengyu, I have an idea."

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

"Before, Yi Yang disguised himself as you and fought Heiyu Yiren. The purpose was to create an opportunity for you to use Zhizhan Zhishang. Isn't this the best time for you to use Zhizhan Zhishang to show off your talents?"

Su Fufang's idea is good, but it's not so good to implement it.

Because Ling Fengyu had no intention of showing off.

But Yi Yang, Ling Fengyu felt that Yi Yang needed some fame, for himself.

"hurry up."

"What's the matter, it's late at night."

"The seaside is red!"

"What's red? Wait, you mean the water is red?"

"Yes, it's red!"

"Let's go and have a look together."

"Wait a minute, your pants fell off!"

"Forget about these little things!"

"Swallow the steamed bun in your mouth, don't run and choke to death."

"Don't tell me, I forgot, wait until I get some snacks to enjoy."

"You guy, two hooves, is this a snack?"

People follow the crowd, and the number is increasing.

"Ling Fengyu, are you going to take a look?" Yi Yang asked.

"I'm interested, but I went out before there was a small change in the light."

Yi Yang got up, took a sip of the wine in the glass, and turned the glass upside down: "Then I'll go out and have a look first."

"Wait, I'm going too." Su Fufang also got up quickly.

"Well~ you and Ling Fengyu will come together later, it's enough for one person to go for this kind of trivial matter."

The decision Yi Yang made was to go, he must go, and only one person is enough, let's see what the situation is like.Since Ling Fengyu doesn't want to go, then go by himself.

Putting down the Chiyang bow, he brought an ordinary bow and arrow that he bought on the side of the road before.

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