Song of the Four Realms

Chapter 209 Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Angry

Drank the last cup of tea.

Mi Lan got up.

"I was thinking, let's repair your thatched hut, a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, you bastard, the clothes on your body are covered with moss."

"Don't say that, anyway, I'm also a vegetable."

Mu Qing's explanation made people find it funny.


However, he will be able to control the plants when the time comes.

"Is the old site of Long Yimen still there? I want to go and see there."

"Yes, it was buried in the soil, and a new town was built on it, and after qualifying again, after the ranks were reshuffled at that time, it is currently in the third-tier boundary, and you should be able to go there easily."

"Well, let's go together then, I don't know much about the situation there."

"Just make it clear to me."

"Anyway, let's come together. Come with me to Luanyi first."

"Luanyi? No, I won't go, I won't go."

"Okay, don't make a fuss. You and your husband are both grown up, and you're still having a temper tantrum here. Besides, this house is Luanyi's natal family, right? You are a real person."

Well, there's a lot more information in the conversation.

"She's not called Cheng Luan anymore, she's called Luan Yi now, and she's forgotten her ancestors, so you still tell me not to lose my temper?"

"First of all, the first point is that she got the name Cheng Luan herself. Secondly, Luanyi changed her name not because you insisted that the name Cheng Luan is too common. Look at you, people love you."

"Come on, you have to go by yourself."

"Okay, okay, I'll send you a letter to let you know when I go there."

"Well, I got it, got it."

Mi Lan leaves.

After thinking about it, Mu Qing decided to repair the thatched cottage.

Luanyi, I will definitely go back, just now.

Mu Qing thought so.

"By the way, the scorching sun and the bow, the inheritance left by that person in the arrow is logically only for the nearest person, and it must not belong to the few families that got the arrow back then. Therefore, Yi Yang is not the Yi family. Yes, so~"

Mu Qing was talking to herself.

"Well, when the time comes, let Mi Lan go to Luoyang Valley, um, go there again, kill the Heavenly Demon Twins, and find the arrows of the Earth King. The three kings set the beacon, and the threat of the beacon will also It's time to let it go."

Everyone has goals to strive for.

Except for Ling Fengyu, he even lost the idea of ​​going back,

It can only be said that he lived too freely.

That's right, freedom means unrestrained, no worries,

Although it doesn't look like it is anymore.

Because something new happened.

Yiyang side.

"Let's go, let's go find the King of Shu!" Yi Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I think it's better to go to Taohuayin first." Su Fufang said suddenly.

"Well, what's wrong?" Yi Yang asked.

"Didn't we talk about Taohuayin in the previous chat? It was said to be related to the beacon. I don't know what happened, but I always feel that I have to go back and see if there is something that attracts me."

Su Fufang took out the blood Yihua.

The direction Xue Yihua pointed out was there.

Well, it should be that place.

"Mei Xiangyuan, what do you think?"

Yi Yang looked at Mei Xiangyuan.

"Okay, anyway, I'm just avoiding my family and walking around."

"En." Yi Yang nodded, "Let's go."

Three days later.

"Can those people in the dark be killed?"

Yi Yang asked.

"Oh~" Mei Xiangyuan sighed secretly, "Come out."

Many people came out.

Uniform attire, two uniform attires.

That is to say, two families.

"Daughter, go home~"

A man somewhat similar to Mei Xiangyuan spoke first.

Um, according to what Mei Xiangyuan said before, then this old father sold his daughter.

For myself, selfishly.

"Xiangyuan~Come home with me~" The voice of the young man in another costume was trembling.

Well, according to the previous routine, then this man is nothing.

"You~" Mei Xiangyuan asked, "How did you find this place?"

"Someone told me that you are on the first level, so we brought someone to find you."

Mei Xiangyuan's father said.

"Is it really just to take me back? It's really just to take me back. Why are there so many people here?"

Yes, why so many people?I'm afraid it's courtesy first and soldiers later. I'm afraid Mei Xiangyuan will tie her back if she doesn't want to in the end.

Yi Yang could see something, but he didn't say anything, because he was waiting for something he could do.

"Sister Mei." Su Fufang took out her own bow and arrow and stood in front of her.

"Love is the heart, don't move the heart, don't talk about love, if they want to force you, I will be the first to disagree!"

Well, Su Fufang sees it very clearly.

In other words, because of the environment in which I grew up, I can see it very clearly.

"Who are you?" The young man asked with a frown.

"Su Fufang."

There is no appellation, just a simple name.

"Sister, have a good time."

Mei Xiangyuan patted Su Fufang on the shoulder, signaling her to put down the arrow.

"She's doing well," his father replied.

"No, she's not good!" Mei Xiangyuan said with a smile, "I'm afraid she will turn herself in after I come out?"

Ok?What's the meaning.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Hahaha~" Mei Xiangyuan laughed tremblingly, "Brother-in-law, she was the one who killed her. She told me that for a little benefit of yours, she betrothed her to someone she hated. The next day, The man is dead, and the diagnosis is a fluke right away. In fact, it was my sister who took the medicine, you know? Even if it is recorded as an accident, no one doubts her sister, and she will turn herself in in the end. The reason why I waited so long is because I Still, after you sold me to this person I don't like, and locked me in the basement, my sister told me everything, in order to prevent me from following her old path, told me the truth, and let me go I am coming out."

Well, is that the truth?

I'm afraid yes.

Well, according to Mei Xiangyuan's personality, she can really do things.

The middle-aged man frowned.

By the way, that Mei Lanqing.

What a loyal woman.

Yi Yang thought it was feasible.

So he opened his mouth.

"Can't we find a place to sit and talk?"


Nor can it be said to be a measure of delay,

Rather, he still doesn't understand the reasons for most of them, and Yi Yang feels that he needs to know the reasons.

Although helping the relatives does not help, it is also based on the fact that the relatives are right.

"Good girl, let's go back together."

As soon as these words came out, the two groups of people gathered around and surrounded Yi Yang and the others.

This man really has no intention of repenting at all.

Really are.

Yi Yang sighed.


This person really doesn't have any affection at all.

"Xiangyuan, come home with me." The young man continued.

"From the way you look in your eyes, you are only interested in Mei Xiangyuan's body, and you have no emotion at all. If my intuition is correct, you are only greedy for Mei Xiangyuan's body."

Yi Yang's eyes became sharp, and his own pressure covered everyone, including Mei Xiangyuan and Su Fufang.

It's a great way to use your own strengths, for yourself.

Also for the two women around me.

"Damn, who are you?"

"Chiyang, Yiyang!"

Yi Yang?

"Are you from Bei Ya Yi's family?"

Here Yi Yang didn't refute, and even his eyes were that kind, what do you think.

This kind of leverage is not bad.

The corners of the mouth slightly.

"Mei Xiangyuan, you are getting rich, so you look down on me."

The young man began to laugh.

Because it feels ridiculous.

"Xiang Yuan, is Yi Yang your friend?" His father's voice became softer.

From the looks of it, he felt that Yi Yang was better, so he softened a bit.


Mei Xiangyuan was going crazy, because his father couldn't think of his daughter at all, he was only thinking of himself.

Yi Yang hated this so-called father from the bottom of his heart, he didn't look like a father at all.

"Attachment to Yi Yang is just to avoid your pursuit. When you give up on me, I can be independent."

"Yes, I let Mei Xiangyuan follow, but I can't understand the existence of objectified women like you. When you give up, Mei Xiangyuan will be independent, and there will be no relationship between us, that is, strangers , at most, the most familiar stranger, by the way, if you spend more time on her, then Mei Xiangyuan can still come to me."

Even though what Yi Yang said was his own words, Mei Xiangyuan still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

As if I was real.

Yi Yang is really much younger than himself.

"I'll give you three breaths. If you don't make way, you will become unadopted souls under my arrows!"

It's getting louder.

Bending the bow and nodding the arrow, the aura of the land king spread.

A huge rotating formation protruded from the place under his feet, and there were many arrows protruding from the formation.

This shows that Yi Yang's arrows are aimed at everyone.




"let's go!"

"Qi Yang!" His father said.The young man's name is Qi Yang.

"Father-in-law, let's go back first." Qi Yang is still calling his father-in-law, which means he hasn't given up yet.


Seeing everyone retreat,

Yi Yang released all the arrows.

An arrow composed of inner elements.

The arrow hit the ground, leaving a long visible gully on the ground.

Split the sides.

It symbolizes the two ends of the break, and it is the existence of strangers.

The road is different, why don't we turn our backs and not look back?

However, it's impossible, because his father will really chase after Mei Xiangyuan.


Yi Yang thinks so.

"You guys, standing there is different, what are you doing?"

Ling Fengyu is here.

Feeling the coercion released by Yi Yang, he began to use his own coercion to eliminate Yi Yang's coercion.

Why is there another person who is not weaker than Yi Yang?

"Ling Fengyu, how did you find us?"

After Yi Yang saw that Ling Fengyu released the same coercion, Yi Yang decided to take back the coercion.

"Hey, secret."

Although there was a smile on his face, after the conversation with that one day, there was a wave of anger in his heart. Once someone did something that contradicted him, he would probably jump out immediately.

Yi Yang still didn't know what emotion Ling Fengyu was suppressing, so he spoke the next words without any burden.

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