Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 953 Tianfeng Silang, Two Swords

In the blink of an eye, many Fusang ninjas hiding in the darkness all died under Lin Pingzhi's sword.


The weeping blood ghost blade was sheathed.

Lin Pingzhi sensed his surroundings.

After making sure that there was no one blocking him, he continued on his way to Fuwei Escort.

When he came to Fuwei Escort.

Fuwei Escort was already brightly lit.

Moreover, in the escort agency, there were intermittent shouts of killing.

"Chen Youliang!"

Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth secretly, holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and charged into the Fuwei Escort.

To his surprise, in Fuwei Escort, he did not see a single beggar sect disciple.

"Could it be..."

Lin Pingzhi frowned.

He began to wonder whether this incident had nothing to do with Chen Youliang.

In front of his eyes, all the running around, except Fusang's ninja, are ronin.

"Damn Japanese pirates!"

Lin Pingzhi roared.

His appearance finally attracted the attention of Fusang Japanese pirates who besieged Fuwei Escort.


Cursing sounded.

Lin Pingzhi was in a hurry, and he had a six-veined sword with his fingers.

"call out!"

The sword energy pierced through the air.

Suddenly, the Japanese pirate who scolded earlier had a blood hole in his forehead.

Lin Pingzhi showed no mercy when faced with the Japanese pirates who surrounded him.

He used both hands together, one for the sword and the other for the palm.

The sword energy and palm wind kept flying in Fuwei's bodyguard.

None of the Japanese pirates was Lin Pingzhi's unanimous enemy.

With ease, Lin Pingzhi reached the entrance of the lobby.

Outside the lobby, he saw that Miao Renfeng was guarding the gate alone, standing at the door with a long sword in his hand, like a god of war.

Behind Miao Renfeng are Li Mochou and other women of Lin Pingzhi.

Many bodyguards and heads of Fuwei Escorts were scattered all over the place, fighting against the Japanese pirates.

Perhaps most of the Japanese pirates wanted to break through the lobby, so there were not many Japanese pirates fighting with the bodyguards, and both sides suffered casualties.


As the person who seemed to be the leader of the Japanese pirates shouted with a Fusang knife, many Japanese pirates who besieged the lobby started a new round of killing again.

Miao Renfeng used the Miao family's swordsmanship, and when the swordsmanship opened and closed, it would definitely take the life of a Japanese pirate.

"Come on! Come on!"

He shouted, and the long sword in his hand was completely stained red with blood.

I don't know what the pirate leader next to him shouted.

Behind many fusang ronin, the ninja appeared again.

They were holding cross darts, obviously wanting to shoot Miao Renfeng into a honeycomb.

"Uncle Miao, back off first, I'll stand in the way for a while!"

Li Mochou came to Miao Renfeng's side and pulled Miao Renfeng into the hall.

She held the Ziying sword given by Lin Pingzhi, and her beautiful eyes showed a murderous intent.


The sound of cross darts passing through the air sounded.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He tapped his toes and appeared in front of Li Mochou in an instant.


With a loud shout.

His hands were like kneading dough.

Countless cross darts condensed into a big ball in front of Lin Pingzhi.

What he performed was exactly the unique skill that only the leader of the Mingjiao could learn - the Great Teleportation of the Universe!

Wait until the ninjas have no cross darts in their hands.

Lin Pingzhi's whole body was shaken, and he opened his arms wide.

"Give it back to you!"

The cross dart gathered by the great shift of the universe exploded in an instant and flew towards many ninjas.

Although the cross darts are not accurate enough, they cannot stand up to a large amount.

Many Fusang ninjas lost their lives under the flying cross darts.

"Lin Lang, these are Fusang pirates brought by Chen Youliang!"

Standing behind Lin Pingzhi, Li Mochou said with hatred.

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi's expression also became gloomy.

Originally, he thought it had nothing to do with Chen Youliang.

Unexpectedly, these pirates were actually brought by Chen Youliang.

If Chen Youliang didn't collude with the Japanese pirates, perhaps for Huang Rong's sake, he only planned to capture Chen Youliang and take him to Xiangyang to let Huang Rong be punished.

Now it seems that Chen Youliang deserves to be killed for collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country!

"Where is Chen Youliang?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at the Japanese pirates who were gathering more and more in front of him, and asked.

Li Mochou looked at Lin Pingzhi's back in surprise.

"Lin Lang, have you met Chen Youliang?"

Her eyes were full of astonishment.

But these words also puzzled Lin Pingzhi.

"What do you mean?"

He glanced back at Li Mochou, looked at the pirates in front of him again with vigilance, and asked.

Li Mochou explained:

"Chen Youliang brought the members of the Beggar Gang to hold you back and not let you come back. I thought you came back after killing Chen Youliang."

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Both Li Mochou and Chen Youliang underestimated his lightness kung fu.

He has reached the realm of perfection, and his speed is already extremely fast.

Neither Li Mochou nor Chen Youliang knew about this.

Therefore, he was able to enter Fuzhou City before Chen Youliang stopped him.

It is even possible that in Fuzhou City, he and Chen Youliang passed each other on different streets.

"Chen Youliang will talk about it later, don't worry, you go back first."

He glanced at the many beauties in the lobby, and said in a deep voice.

"Lingsu, heal Uncle Miao's injury for you, and leave it to me outside."

After speaking, he went to the door of the lobby, closed it again, and faced thousands of Japanese pirates alone with his sword.

But Lin Pingzhi's women, how can they wait in peace.

Unable to bear the worry in their hearts, they secretly opened the door and looked nervously at Lin Pingzhi outside.

"You don't do it, what are you waiting for? Don't you dare?"

A playful look appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

He looked at the Japanese pirates standing still in front of him, and tightened the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand.

The more calm he was, the more he felt something was wrong.

He also showed his strengths before.

These Japanese pirates must have been prepared in their hearts.

Standing still at this time, I'm afraid there will be some damage in the dark.

He scanned these pirates vigilantly, the internal force in his body surged crazily, ready to deal with the pirates swarming up at any time.


The sound of breaking wind.

It rang in Lin Pingzhi's ear.

Lin Pingzhi's heart tightened, and he looked sideways.

A figure appeared among the pirates.

Under the light of the orange fire and the silvery moonlight, the figure stepped forward to face Lin Pingzhi.

This is a man about 40 years old, with a scar on his face, wearing a white martial arts uniform dotted with cherry blossoms.

At his waist, there are two Fusang swords crossed.

"You, are you Lin Pingzhi?"

The man stared at Lin Pingzhi with sharp eyes, and spoke broken Chinese.

Lin Pingzhi could feel the faint killing intent emanating from the man.

The killing intent is not surprising, after all, it is a pirate, so it is normal to want to kill him.

What made him curious was that the Fusang pirates actually knew his name.

"You know me?"

he looked at the man and asked.


The man pulled out two knives at the waist at the same time.

Under the moonlight, the sharp Fusang knife gave off a frightening chill.

"My name is Tianfeng Shishiro!"

Fusang Japanese pirates paused and said.

When Lin Pingzhi heard this name, he instantly understood everything.

Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang, this man is not ordered by Chen Youliang, he is here for revenge!

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