Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 952 Fuso Ninja Reappears, Flying Fairy

The next day.

Lin Pingzhi escaped from Yingying Yanyan.

According to yesterday's agreement, Chen Youliang will come here today with darts and money.

Early in the morning, he went to the lobby, waiting for Chen Youliang's arrival.

It was near noon.

Chen Youliang was belatedly bringing someone.

"Mr. Lin, I've been waiting for a long time, Youliang has brought the darts over!"

When the voice sounded, Lin Pingzhi raised his eyes and saw Chen Youliang, leading many disciples of the Beggar Clan, to the lobby of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Among the many disciples of the beggar gang, Lin Pingzhi did not see the box.

It stands to reason that the dart should be sealed in the box and affixed with a seal to ensure that the dart has not been opened when it is received.

"Where's the dart?"

Looking at Chen Youliang, Lin Pingzhi raised his eyebrows and asked.

Could it be that Chen Youliang turned back on what he said?

Chen Youliang had a lively smile on his face.

"The dart is here."

He took out a small long box from his pocket.

There was nothing special about the box, it was just an ordinary mahogany box with a seal on it and sealed it with wax paint.

"Where are the bank notes?"

Lin Pingzhi asked indifferently when he saw the box.

Chen Youliang didn't speak, and took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket again.


Capture the Dragon Kung Fu.

The box containing the darts, together with the bank notes in Chen Youliang's hands, were all drawn by the Dragon Capture Kung Fu to Lin Pingzhi's hands.

Glanced roughly.

The silver note in his hand was indeed a silver note of 10 taels, not one cent more and one cent not less.

The beggars are indeed rich.

10 taels of silver, without blinking an eye, just gave it like this.

"I didn't expect Elder Chen to be so proud, and he would give 10 taels of silver."

Lin Pingzhi said jokingly.

It was precisely because Chen Youliang didn't show any distress that he felt that something was wrong with Chen Youliang.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter? This is the guard's money."

Chen Youliang bowed his head and smiled apologetically.

When he lowered his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his face became more and more sinister.

But when he raised his head, his face returned to normal.

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"I have received the escort from Fuwei Escort, is there a time limit?"

He looked at Chen Youliang and asked.

Chen Youliang hurriedly said:

"The sooner the better!"

Lin Pingzhi silently nodded.

He didn't speak any more, which instead made Chen Youliang curious.

"I don't know when Mr. Lin plans to take people out?"

It stands to reason that Lin Pingzhi should start calling for people, and immediately lead people to set off as bodyguards.

"Is this important to Elder Chen?"

He said lightly.

There was a little mischief in his eyes.

Chen Youliang's face froze.

"Mr. Lin, what did you say? It cost 10 taels of silver, and this dart is very important, of course you have to ask."

His expression was a little unnatural, but it was only for a moment, and he soon returned to his original state.

"10 taels of silver is indeed a lot."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll set off in the afternoon, and the darts will definitely be delivered, but if I send them to the palace, who should take over?"

Chen Youliang only said that the darts would be sent to the palace, but he didn't say who they would send them to.

It's not going to happen, it's going to be sent to the current emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty.

"When you arrive at the palace, Mr. Lin will know."

As Chen Youliang said, he bowed to Lin Pingzhi, and then retreated with many disciples of the Beggar Clan.

At this moment, only Lin Ping was left in the lobby.

Looking at the direction in which Chen Youliang was leaving, his eyes were a little dignified.

Chen Youliang's escort trip is definitely not a good job.

"Come here! Master Miao, please come here!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted loudly.

The servant outside the door rushed to invite Miao Renfeng.

Knowing that it was Lin Pingzhi who was looking for him, Miao Renfeng came to the lobby without hesitation.

"Pingzhi, what happened?"

Miao Renfeng looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, and threw the mahogany box containing the darts at Miao Renfeng.

"This is?"

Miao Renfeng took the box, a little puzzled.

"Could this be Chen Youliang's bodyguard?"

He raised his head, looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"There seems to be something in this box, but I don't know what it is. It's a dart, and it's hard for me to take it apart."

If it feels empty inside, maybe he will take it apart and have a look.

But I really feel that there is something, to disassemble it is to disregard the face of the Escort.

Besides, Chen Youliang really gave the money.

This is indeed already a business trip.

"What's your plan, Pingzhi?"

Miao Renfeng frowned, looked at Lin Pingzhi with a serious expression and asked.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, but did not speak.

He was thinking, why is Chen Youliang willing to spend [-] silver for this escort?

The purpose is to ask him to go to the bodyguard, but it is still a place like the palace.

There must be ghosts in it.

"Father-in-law, so..."

Lin Pingzhi waved at Miao Renfeng, motioning for Miao Renfeng to bring his ears closer.

Then he whispered something in Miao Renfeng's ear.

Miao Renfeng nodded repeatedly upon hearing this.

"Okay! That's what happened to my father-in-law. Next, I should go deliver the darts."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Miao Renfeng and said with a smile.

He swaggered towards the outside of Fuwei Escort.

On the way, he didn't look around, but left the city quickly.

After leaving Fuzhou City, he performed lightness kung fu and swept towards Ying Tianfu.

Night gradually came.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the silver moonlight sprinkles the earth.

Over the city of Fuzhou.

"call out!"

There was a sharp piercing sound.


With a bang.

High in the sky, colorful fireworks burst out.

Outside Fuzhou City.

Lin Pingzhi's figure appeared on the official road.

"It seems that the guess is not wrong!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, killing intent emerged from him.

Leaving Fuzhou City was just his disguise.

With his lightness kung fu, no one can catch up to him.

In the evening, he returned.

Even outside the city, waited for a while.

Finally waited until the night sky, bright fireworks.

This is his agreement with Miao Renfeng.

"Chen Youliang, oh Chen Youliang, you have tried every means, even willing to spend 10 taels of silver to send me away. It seems that this is the purpose!"

With killing intent in his chest, Lin Pingzhi stepped on his feet.

After jumping over the city wall of Fuzhou, he quickly chased towards Fuwei Escort.

However, just as he was on his way.

But felt something was wrong.

After stopping, he looked around.

Under the night sky, the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade appeared in his hands at some unknown time.

"come out!"

With his loud shout.


Countless cross darts attacked Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi stood where he was, waving the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade repeatedly in his hand.

"Clang clang clang..."

Countless cross darts were all blocked by Lin Pingzhi and embedded in the ground.

Looking down, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were even more murderous.

He has seen these cross darts before.

Those who blocked him were Fuso ninjas!

Lin Pingzhi was not sure whether these people were invited by Chen Youliang.

If it is true, no one can save Chen Youliang tonight!

Nothing will do, this is what Lin Pingzhi said!

"Mere Japanese pirates, dare to offend China, and seek death!"

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Lin Pingzhi was shocked.

As the internal force was transferred to the arm, it poured into the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

In an instant, Lin Pingzhi's figure appeared in midair.

"Heaven! Outside! Fly! Immortal!"

The white light suddenly appeared, and the head fell to the ground!

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