Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 950 Chen Youliang's bodyguard, the palace!

"Master! Chen Youliang is here again!"

This time it was not Hong Lingbo who called Lin Pingzhi, but Lu Wushuang.


Lin Pingzhi responded.

Not long after, he walked out of the room.

Lu Wushuang looked at Lin Pingzhi with a ruddy complexion and asked:

"Young master, do you want to call my master and uncle?"

She knew that maybe her master and uncle were with Lin Pingzhi last night.

Lin Pingzhi turned his head, looked into the room, closed the door gently and said:

"No need."

With that said, he took the lead in walking towards the lobby.

Lu Wushuang followed closely behind.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi didn't chat with Lu Wushuang.

Instead, it was the system prompt in his mind that made him a little stunned.

He didn't expect that the combination of Li Mochou and Xiaolongnu would add nearly ten years of skill to him, not to mention.

Even rewarded stuff.

The purple and green double swords are rare magic weapons.

I can give Xiaolongnv and Li Mochou one each later.

As for the first form of the Great Compassion Fu...

He has no idea now.

There is always a feeling that you want to use it, but you can't use it.

When he came to the lobby, he looked at the high-spirited Chen Youliang with displeasure in his eyes.

"Chen Youliang, did you come to apologize today?"

He said in a deep voice, went straight to the main seat and sat down.

Chen Youliang looked at Lin Pingzhi with a smile on his face.

"Yesterday, Mr. Chen offended him. Today, he came here to apologize to Mr. Lin. Besides, he has a big business. He wants to cooperate with Mr. Lin."

He bowed his hands towards Lin Pingzhi with a very humble attitude.

"Is it?"

Lin Pingzhi tapped on the armrest with his fingers.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Youliang to come here to apologize and discuss business as he said on the surface.

Lin Pingzhi knew this.

But Chen Youliang didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

"I accept your apology, and the business is over. I don't dare to do business with you, Chen Youliang."

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand, intending to let Chen Youliang leave.

He didn't kill Chen Youliang yesterday because he wanted to see what other accomplices Chen Youliang had in Fuzhou.

But after getting to know them, I realized that there is really no power in this Fuzhou territory except for the sub-helm of the beggar gang controlled by Chen Youliang.

He has already planned to find a time to kill Chen Youliang, and the Fuzhou branch of the beggar gang will also be wiped out.

Now that Chen Youliang wanted to do business with him, he didn't have the intention.

"Mr. Lin, the Fuwei Escort Bureau opens its doors to do business. There is no reason why the door-to-door business should not be done. Don't you think so?"

Chen Youliang looked at Lin Pingzhi and said kindly.

It seemed that this time he came to do business sincerely.

"Okay, put down the darts and money, and leave an address, and I will send the bodyguards back."

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

But Chen Youliang did not intend to follow what Lin Pingzhi said.

He shook his head and looked at Lin Pingzhi:

"Mr. Lin, if this escort is not important, Youliang would not go to the door in person. Youliang hopes that Mr. Lin can personally escort the escort on this trip. This escort is related to the life and death of our Beggar Clan!"

When he said this, the expression on his face was very dignified, as if something was going on.

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

A dart that is related to the life and death of the beggar gang?

He really hasn't heard of it.

Is it Chen Youliang's alarmist talk, or is it really happening?

"If you want me to protect you personally, of course it's no problem, but the question is can you afford the money?"

Looking at Chen Youliang below, Lin Pingzhi's face showed a playful look.

When Chen Youliang heard the words, joy filled his face, and he said hastily:

"Mr. Lin is famous, and the price of bodyguards is naturally high. Youliang knows this well, but Youliang has been prepared for a long time, so I ask Mr. Lin to offer a price!"

He clasped his fists and bowed his head to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's expression became serious.

He always felt that Chen Youliang had planned something serious this time.

"10 taels of silver, can you afford it?"

Lin Pingzhi's lion opened his mouth wide.

A dart of 10 taels of silver can be said to be a sky-high price.

Rao Chen Youliang had already made preparations, and when Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth to tell the price, his whole body trembled.

He lowered his head, gritted his teeth, thinking that Lin Pingzhi was really ruthless.

But when he looked up, the expression on his face became a compliment again.

"Okay! 10 taels of silver, 10 taels of silver!"

Chen Youliang gritted his teeth and said.

"Tomorrow, the escort and 10 taels of silver will be sent to the Fuwei Escort Bureau. Please also ask Mr. Lin to escort him personally!"

Lin Pingzhi was even more serious.

He didn't expect that Chen Youliang would agree.

10 taels of silver, this is not a small amount.

Beggars, are they really so rich?

Even if Chen Youliang was greedy, a Fuzhou sub-helm should not be able to spend so much.

Perhaps, it was the people behind Chen Youliang... the bid!

Just to see, who is the person behind Chen Youliang!

"Okay, but I want to ask, where are you going to ship this dart?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Chen Youliang below, and asked again.

Willing to spend 10 taels of silver to let him guard.

This dart may not be that simple.

Chen Youliang raised his head slightly.There is a smile on the corner of the mouth.

"Ying Tianfu, the imperial palace!"

"The palace?"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Did Chen Youliang cooperate with the royal family of the Southern Song Dynasty?

How did he climb the high branches?

"Could it be that Mr. Lin knew it was the imperial palace and wanted to go back on his word?"

Chen Youliang looked at Lin Pingzhi's expression and hurriedly beat him up.

"Young Master Lin promised it before, please don't go back on your word, this dart is very important to our Beggar Clan!"

When he said this, there was a mockery in his eyes.

It's just that Lin Pingzhi hid it very deeply, and lowered his head slightly. Lin Pingzhi, who was above him, couldn't see the deep meaning in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll take the dart, and the dart and silver will be delivered tomorrow!"

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi agreed, Chen Youliang didn't say any more, and left Fuwei Escort.

Miao Renfeng, who was at the side, waited until there was no one else in the hall, and then moved to Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Pingzhi, do you really want to pick up this dart?"

Miao Renfeng looked a little unnatural.

He always felt that Chen Youliang had big schemes, and he was humiliated by Lin Pingzhi yesterday, so how could he come to deliver big business today.

"Accept, why not?"

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile, he looked at Miao Renfeng, and said lightly:

"Father-in-law, if you don't pick up the bodyguards delivered to your door, I'm afraid that tomorrow the reputation of our Fuwei Bodyguard Agency for rejecting the bodyguards will spread throughout the country."

Miao Renfeng lowered his head.

He agreed with Lin Pingzhi's words in his heart.

The disciples of the Beggar Clan are scattered all over the world, so it is easy for them to spread rumors.

"This bodyguard, I will personally escort it. You finally come back, you should continue to stay in the bodyguard bureau and accompany Lan'er and the others."

He suggested to Lin Pingzhi.

"Do not."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

Chen Youliang's target is him.

Presumably, there must be great danger waiting for him on the way of the bodyguard.

If Miao Renfeng is allowed to go, I'm afraid his Lan'er will be sad.

It happened that he also wanted to see what Chen Youliang relied on!

"Father-in-law, let them all come over, I have something to say!"

Lin Pingzhi said to Miao Renfeng.

Fuzhou, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to stay longer, we must make plans early!

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