Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 949 Dragon Knight, Chen Youliang's Revenge

"Go! Let's go!"

Chen Youliang hurriedly took the disciples of the Beggar Gang away.

After the outsider left, Li Mochou looked at Lin Pingzhi rather resentfully.

"Lin Lang, why did you let him leave? This Chen Youliang has been secretly stumbling you before, and now he is even insulting you. Why don't you just kill him?"

Li Mochou frowned slightly, complaining to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi hugged Li Mochou's willow waist, and leaned closer to her ear, whispering something.

A look of bewilderment appeared on Li Mochou's face.

"It's still Lin Lang's thoughtfulness!"

What she said made the little dragon girl next to her curious.

"Senior sister, what did Lin Lang tell you?"

Little Dragon Girl's big watery eyes were full of doubts.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi, then at Li Mochou, completely unable to understand what Lin Pingzhi said could make her senior sister Li Mochou change her mind so quickly.

"Long Er, if you want to know, I will go to your room tonight and explain it to you in detail."

Xiao Longnv didn't feel that there was anything wrong, she just nodded her head in response.

Li Mochou's eyes were full of ambiguity.

Her junior sister was too innocent and did not understand the deep meaning of Lin Pingzhi's words.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing this, Miao Renfeng coughed twice.

"Pingzhi, there are still some matters in the bodyguard bureau, I will deal with them."

Saying that, he turned to leave.

As a loner like him, he seemed a bit of an eyesore here.

After Miao Renfeng left.

Cheng Lingsu, who had been silent before, came to Lin Pingzhi with a blushing face.

"Brother Lin...you have worked hard these few days, I specially made some Baicao pills, just take a few if you remember."

She took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Lin Pingzhi.

"Baicao Pill?"

After receiving the porcelain vase, Lin Pingzhi was a little puzzled.

"What is this Baicao pill for?"

He looked at Cheng Lingsu and asked.

He will not refuse the medicine given to him.

But he still wants to know the efficacy of this medicine.

Although Cheng Lingsu learned from the medicine king and has great medical skills, the medicine is three-point poisonous and should not be taken indiscriminately.

Cheng Lingsu's face was red at first, but when Lin Pingzhi asked about the Baicao Pill, he lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Baicao Wan is from Yiyang..."

She spoke softly, her voice was like a mosquito whispering.

If it weren't for Lin Pingzhi's perception, I'm afraid that for a while, I really couldn't hear what Cheng Lingsu said.


Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

Hey guys, is this the ancient version of the little blue pill?

The problem is that he can't use it!

It wasn't that he couldn't get up, nor was his body hollowed out.

This is a good way to send him the little blue pill...

"Lingsu, do you have some misunderstanding? Could it be that you thought I was not good the day before yesterday?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Cheng Lingsu suspiciously.

Could it be that Cheng Lingsu's complaints the day before yesterday were just pretending?


Cheng Lingsu exclaimed, and she shook her head again and again.

"No, it's not..."

She was pinching the hem of her clothes nervously, and there was a little embarrassment on her red face.

"Brother Lin, I'm worried that you won't be able to take it, not that you can't."

Cheng Lingsu pouted a little aggrieved.

How could she feel that Lin Pingzhi was no good.

Although she had no experience in that area before.

But as a doctor, he naturally knows a lot.

People like Lin Pingzhi are more than capable, they are simply too good...

It was precisely because of this that she made these Baicao pills, fearing that Lin Pingzhi's body would be short of money.

"Just kidding with you."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and lightly scratched Cheng Lingsu's nose.

"I have kept the Baicao Pill, but you should also understand that this Baicao Pill is useless to me."

After the simple greetings are over.

Time hurried to the evening.

that night.

Lin Pingzhi's figure was like a ghost.

He had waited a long time for this day.

at last!

Waited for this day!

Under the darkness of night, Lin Pingzhi could hardly hide his joy in his fluorescent eyes.

The dragon knight in this world cannot be Yin Zhiping, it can only be Lin Pingzhi!

"Dong dong dong."

Lin Pingzhi knocked lightly on the door.

But there was no response from the room.

This made him a little puzzled, there was candlelight in the room, why didn't Longer open the door?

After careful perception, he noticed that there seemed to be no one in the room.

"Squeak" sound.

He pushed the door in.

Of course, Xiao Longnu is really not in the room.

"Strange, didn't Long Er say that he would wait for me, where did he go?"

Lin Pingzhi was very puzzled in his heart.

At this moment, his ears moved.

"There is movement!"

He quickly closed the door and hid in the cabinet in the room.

Soon, the sound of the door opening sounded in his ears.

"Senior Sister, how about... Shall I go to sleep with you today?"

Xiaolongnv's timid voice reached Lin Pingzhi's ears.

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi felt a little helpless.

It seems that Longer is still a little worried.

He thought, if Xiao Longnv didn't want to, it would be fine.

It's okay to find Mochou tonight.

What's more, there are Su Rongrong, Shi Niang and the others.

He will not become a hungry man tonight.

"Junior Sister, after all, you just don't want to face him alone, you just want to pull me together!"

Li Mochou's voice was somewhat helpless.

She actually thought that she could be alone with Lin Pingzhi.

But Xiao Longnv didn't dare.

"Senior Sister... With you here, I can rest assured..."

Xiao Longnu's voice was delicate.

These words also made Lin Pingzhi's blood rush.


He couldn't wait to emerge from the cabinet.

"Lin Lang!"

Li Mochou and Xiao Longnv's beautiful eyes showed surprise.

None of them expected that Lin Pingzhi was already in the room.

"You two are sisters at first, so what's the difference?"

Lin Pingzhi had a wicked smile on his face.

He sticks out his palms.

The Dragon Capture Kung Fu is activated.

Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou were directly pulled into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

The soft and tender body made Lin Pingzhi even more excited.

Today, he wants to be more than just a dragon knight.

And become a knight!

The moonlight is blocked by clouds.

This night at Fuwei Escort was full of spring.

"Ding, increase your skill for five years!"

"Ding, increase your skills for four years!"

"Ding, successfully captured Little Dragon Girl, reward: Ziqing Double Swords!"

"Ding, successfully captured Li Mochou, reward: the first form of the Great Compassion Fu!"

The system prompt was completely ignored by Lin Pingzhi.

At this moment, he has sunk.

There are also some system prompts.

Now, even with a knife on his neck, the poker that should be played still has to be played!

This is the dream of many men.

But they belonged to him, Lin Pingzhi!


Same late night.

It is different from Lin Pingzhi's men's happiness.

Chen Youliang was furious.

"Lin Pingzhi, you forced me to do this!"

Since he set foot in Jianghu, he has never suffered such humiliation.

He, Chen Youliang, has never been a generous person.

Today's humiliation, he will report it tomorrow!

Thinking of this, his eyes shone brightly.

He put on his clothes and left the Fuzhou sub-helm in the middle of the night.

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