Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 921 Hands-on at the station, the man in the attic

"The villain pays respects to the adults."

The leader saluted Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly.

He has a little impression of this person.

He seemed to be the team leader under Zhao Min before.

"Is the princess in Ruyang Palace?"

He looked at the leader and asked.

This time, I went to find Zhao Min.

If Zhao Min is not in Ruyang Prince's Mansion, then his trip is equivalent to nothing.

If someone happens to come up to you, ask for clarification.


The leader shook his head and quickly added:

"The princess has gone to the battlefield to confront the Qing Dynasty, and the Ruyang Palace is guarded by the prince!"

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, he immediately felt something was wrong.

It seems that Zhao Min is really going to conquer the Qing Dynasty?

It seems that this is also caused by him.

If it hadn't been for him to keep Kublai Khan from going south for ten years, perhaps Mongolia would have encroached on the weaker Southern Song Dynasty first.

But the biggest problem now is that most of his women are in the Golden Snake Camp.

If the two sides fought, the Qing Dynasty would definitely not be the opponent of Mongolia.

At that time, in order to prevent the land from being invaded by the Mongols, Xia Qingqing might also join the battlefield with the Golden Snake Battalion.

"Who is following the princess?"

He looked at the leader and asked.

If Han Ji and Mu Wanqing were by Zhao Min's side, he didn't intend to go to Ruyang Palace, but went directly to the battlefield.

"There is a young girl whose martial arts seem to be good, but she is relatively indifferent."

The leader replied honestly.

He is clear about the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Zhao Min.

"Is that so..."

Lin Pingzhi frowned.

The one who followed Zhao Min was probably Mu Wanqing.

In this way, Han Ji and Li Yuanzhi should still be in Ruyang Palace?

"Okay, I see."

He didn't say anything more, took Ning Zhongze and his daughters, left the narrow path, and walked towards Ruyang Palace.

He was still a little worried about the business of Ruyang Prince's Mansion.

When Taoist Baishang took Zhang Wuji away, he didn't know where he would go.

But he felt that, like He Biweng, the chance of staying with Zhao Min was not high.

After all, Zhao Min has an unusual relationship with him.

Since Taoist Baishang chose to leave the mountain, he would naturally choose a bigger force.

Maybe he won't stay with Zhao Min, but directly transfer to Kublai Khan's command.

It is even possible to replace Jiumozhi and become the new Mongolian national teacher.

A group of people quickly found an inn.

I plan to drink some tea inside and take a rest first.


Ning Zhong got up, gave him a look, and signaled to go out.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

When the two came outside the station, Ning Zhong called Lin Pingzhi aside, glanced at Gao Yanan and Su Rongrong who were sitting there drinking tea, then looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked:

"Ping'er, do you have an unusual relationship with Princess Zhao Min?"

She didn't know about Lin Pingzhi and Zhao Min.

Lin Pingzhi stayed with Zhao Min after she left with the Huashan faction.

Later, I went to Wudang Mountain, and then went to Shenshui Palace.

When I went back to Mount Hua earlier, I didn't mention Zhao Min.

When Lin Pingzhi brought up Ruyang Palace, she didn't ask too much.

I just want to be able to follow Lin Pingzhi's side.

Looking at it now, the reason why Lin Pingzhi went to Ruyang Palace was because of Zhao Min. The relationship between the two was not simple.

"Ping'er, I don't interfere with your feelings, but you have to understand that Zhao Min is the princess of Mongolia, and what he did in Wan'an Temple is even more extreme than the Demon Sect. If your relationship with her gets out, I'm afraid ...to your reputation."

Ning Zhong didn't say what he said later.

But even if she didn't say it, Lin Pingzhi would understand.

Lin Pingzhi understood that Ningzhong was doing it for his own good.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, Zhao Min is indeed heinous.

Because Zhao Min is the princess of Mongolia, and has imprisoned many sects in Wan'an Temple.

But good or bad, but depends on the position.

Different positions have different definitions of good and bad.

From Lin Pingzhi's point of view, Zhao Min is evil in the eyes of others, but in his eyes is great kindness.

Although there are beauties in the eyes of beholders.

But deep down in Zhao Min's heart, he was kind.

This point, no matter in the original work, or Lin Pingzhi, who has discussed in depth with Zhao Min many times, has a deep understanding.

"Master, don't worry, Ping'er knows it well."

He nodded with a smile and said.

Things like fame, many times, depend on the medium.

In the previous life, the person who controlled the media could easily make one person and destroy one person easily.

In this world, what is a communication medium?

Rivers and lakes!

Jianghu sect!

Now in Lin Pingzhi's hands, he controls many Jianghu sects.

Qinglong Society, Sun Moon God Sect, Ming Sect, Mai Shengjiao also count, Wuyue Sword Sect, Huashan Sword Sect is Mu Renqing, but they are also counted, Tang Sect, Tianxiang Valley, Shenshui Palace, and his Yihong Sword Academy .

This still does not include the Four Leagues, and the Fuwei Escort.

All in all, his current influence in the arena does not need to care about doing evil or doing good.

Public opinion in the arena, as long as he wants to, can be easily manipulated.

Even, people in the rivers and lakes can sing the praises of the love story between him and Zhao Min.

All of this is just a matter of thinking.

Public opinion can destroy a person, and it can also make a person successful.

Ning Zhong saw that Lin Pingzhi's expression hadn't changed much, and it was more rational to know Lin Pingzhi's current situation.

"Well, Ping'er, it's good that you know in your heart, no matter what happens, I will be behind you."

Her words contained endless support for Lin Pingzhi.

Hearing these words, Lin Pingzhi felt warm in his heart, and he slowly approached Ning Zhongze.

His hand has already blocked Liu Yao.

The two changed positions, and this place was just behind the post station, and no one else could see it.

Looking at Ning Zhongze's red lips, Lin Pingzhi swallowed.

He looked around to see if there were any pedestrians on the road.

"Do not touch me!"

Su Rongrong's voice reached his ears.

It sounded like something had happened to him, and he seemed very angry.

Soon, there was a "clang", and the sound of a sharp knife being unsheathed appeared.

"not good!"

Lin Pingzhi supported Ning Zhongze's shoulders, and anger appeared in his eyes.

It seems that there are some blind people who bully Su Rongrong in the station!

Su Rongrong is his woman, how can he just ignore her!

"Let's go in and see!"

The blush on Ning Zhong's face dissipated, and he said solemnly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't hesitate, while Tong Ningzhong walked into the post station.

I saw that Su Rongrong and Gao Yanan were already fighting with many Mongolian officers and soldiers.

"court death!"

His eyes froze, and the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade appeared in his hand.

The figure flew directly into the Mongolian officers and soldiers, and every time the sword danced, some Mongolian officers and soldiers would die.

On the attic of the inn, there was a luxuriously dressed man, looking at Lin Pingzhi's superb martial arts, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

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