Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 920 Gao Yanan's Brainless Behavior!

Lin Pingzhi walked into the checkpoint and turned around, only to see his wife Ning Zhongze, Su Rongrong and Gao Yanan behind him stunned.

He also has some doubts about this.

"come on!"

He waved at them and said.

As the three daughters of Ningzhongze came to his side, they entered the narrow path together.

On the way, Ningzhong was still a little curious about why Lin Pingzhi was able to pass the checkpoint of the Mongolian officers and soldiers.

"Ping'er, why did they let you pass without questioning you?"

She was ready for a big fight, but she never imagined that Lin Pingzhi would be able to lead them through with ease.

Hearing the teacher's wife's question, the corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched slightly.

If it was before, maybe he would have to fight the Mongolian officers and soldiers.

But he already had an unclear relationship with Zhao Min.

They went to Ruyang Prince's Mansion, and the road along the way was also set up by the Ruyang King's subordinates.

And when Zhao Min left him behind, many of Zhao Min's subordinates saw it.

This is why he was able to pass safely.

Zhao Min did not allow anyone to be provoked, how dare Mongolian officers and soldiers provoke them.

When seeing Lin Pingzhi, he was not only polite, but also had to salute.

"They were afraid of me, so they didn't dare to do it."

He looked at Ning Zhong with a smile and said.

Ning Zhong was a little puzzled when he heard the words.

But she felt that what Lin Pingzhi said must have a reason, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Only Gao Yanan felt resentful in his heart.

She was still thinking about whether she could suddenly strike and kill Lin Pingzhi.

However, Lin Pingzhi did not clash with the Mongolian officers and soldiers at all.

This made her a little disappointed.

Looking at the exit of the narrow path, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

"Since the Mongols don't attack you, what if you attack the Mongols!"

Thinking of this, Gao Ya-nan stepped forward and rushed towards the exit of the narrow path first.

"You Mongolian thieves, die!"

With a loud drink.

The long sword in her hand came out of its sheath with a clang.

The sharp blade stabbed towards the Mongolian officers and soldiers closest to her.

Seeing this, the Mongolian officers and soldiers quickly surrounded Gao Yanan.

For a while, Gao Yanan and many Mongolian officers and soldiers were caught in a fight.

However, Lin Pingzhi stood on the side, watching this scene with contempt in his eyes.

He guessed that Gao Yanan was going to drag her into the water.

Sure enough, after Gao Yanan killed two Mongolian officers and soldiers, he shouted at Lin Pingzhi:

"What are you looking at, hurry up and kill these Mongolian thieves with me!"

However, there was only a faint smile on Lin Pingzhi's face.

He stood where he was, still not moving, just quietly looking at Gao Yanan, who was under siege by Mongolian officers and soldiers, who was extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ning Zhong looked at Lin Pingzhi:

"Ping'er, do you want to help?"

Although she also felt that Gao Yanan's move was a bit inexplicable. She could pass the checkpoint safely, but she was making fun of herself.

"Need not."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

Since Gao Yanan asked for hardship, let her suffer a little bit over there.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi and others did not help, Gao Yanan cursed inwardly, but kept waving the long sword in his hand.

These Mongolian officers and soldiers are much more powerful than the reckless bandits she dealt with before.

Besieged by hundreds of people, she was exhausted soon, and there were several bloodstains on her body!

at last.

Gao Yanan couldn't stand it anymore, and the machetes of Mongolian officers and soldiers were about to wipe off her neck.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted why she did this.

She wanted to pull Lin Pingzhi into the water, but Lin Pingzhi didn't give her a chance at all.

In this way, it was herself who was ashamed.

Moreover, these Mongolian officers and soldiers are so tight that it is difficult for her to deal with them alone.

Unexpectedly, she hadn't killed Lin Pingzhi yet, but because of her mindless actions, she was about to die here.

Just at this tense time.

With a flick of Lin Pingzhi's fingers, the sword energy of the Six Meridians Excalibur sent the Mongolian scimitar flying towards Gao Ya'an's neck.


he shouted loudly.

Many Mongolian officers and soldiers were shocked when they heard Lin Pingzhi's words and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Most of them followed Zhao Min, and they were deeply impressed by Lin Pingzhi.

That was the only man who could enter the boudoir of the princess and live with the princess.

If they offend him, Princess Zhao Min will definitely let them all die.

Out of fear of Zhao Min, they obeyed Lin Pingzhi's words.

Lin Pingzhi said stop, and they remained motionless.

Even if Gao Yanan saw this and wanted to kill him with a long sword, they didn't dare to move.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't let Gao Yanan succeed again.

Another "swoosh" of the sword energy of the six-veined sword knocked Gao Yanan's sword away.

"Your one is not big, why are you so brainless?"

Lin Pingzhi complained, and walked towards Gao Yanan.

As the saying goes, X has no brains.

But Gao Yanan's is just so-so, barely a 32b.

It seems that this x is big and brainless, it's just a false talk.

Gao Yanan glared at Lin Pingzhi with anger in his eyes when he heard Lin Pingzhi's words.

Her original intention was to pull Lin Pingzhi into the water, and when the Mongolian officers and soldiers besieged Lin Pingzhi, she shot Lin Pingzhi.

It never occurred to her that not only did Lin Pingzhi and the others not take action, but these Mongolian officers and soldiers also, beyond her expectations, did not include Lin Pingzhi in the scope of her accomplices, thus taking action against Lin Pingzhi.


The strong dissatisfaction in his heart turned into a cold snort when it reached his lips.

Lin Pingzhi just glanced at Gao Yanan and didn't say anything.

He could roughly guess what Gao Yanan was thinking. After all, Gao Yanan wanted to kill him, but he was not good at martial arts, so he thought of finding another way.

Just now he made a move, thinking of using Mongolian officers and soldiers to borrow swords to kill people.

But she didn't expect that the Mongolian officers and soldiers didn't dare to make a move when they saw him.

What's more, even if he made a move, with his martial arts, it's nothing to worry about thousands of Mongolian officers and soldiers.

Looking at the bloodstains on Gao Yanan's body, the torn clothes revealed the bloody skin inside.

"Here you are, the medicine for scars."

Lin Pingzhi took out the golden sore medicine rewarded by the system from the storage space and threw it to Gao Yanan.

Girl, it doesn't look good to have so many scars.

No matter what Gao Yanan will do with him in the future, whether he was killed or taken in by him, it is always right that the scar is gone.

Gao Yanan took the golden sore medicine with a complicated expression on his face.

She didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi would take the initiative to care about her.

why is that?

Obviously she wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi, and this time it was also her mindless behavior, doing something wrong.

But now Lin Pingzhi even gave her the golden sore medicine.

She didn't understand, but she also knew that scars were ugly.

After receiving the golden sore medicine, she didn't speak, but silently lowered her head and stood aside.

At this time, one of the Mongolian officers and soldiers stepped out. Looking at the armor he was wearing, he seemed to be the leader of many Mongolian officers and soldiers.

The target he was walking towards was Lin Pingzhi, and his steps were trembling, as if he was a little scared.

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