Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 858 Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing Arrive, Stirring Shit!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a quick knock on the door.

Lin Pingzhi's hot mood immediately calmed down.

His eyes were fixed, and he looked towards the door.

But soon he was relieved.

The two people outside were very familiar from the sense of breath.

It should be Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

Sure enough, they followed the signs and came here.

"There are people outside...forget it."

Li Yuanzhi said shyly.

Someone has already knocked on the door, if you see this scene.

She was completely ashamed.

You know, she is a married woman.

If people find out, they will definitely say that she is not a woman!


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He rolled over from the bed.

Now that Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing are here, it is really not convenient to continue.

In normal times, maybe Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing could be brought over for a threesome.

But earlier he had killed Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen in Wudang.

What is the situation in Wudang now, he does not know.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing came down from Wudang, just in time to ask about the situation.

"Minmin, sister Wan, you are here!"

Lin Pingzhi said, walked to the door and opened it.

Mu Wanqing looked a little surprised.

"Lin Lang, how do you know we're outside?"

Even though the door was not opened, they knew they were coming.

This guess is too accurate.

Zhao Min beside him had a disgusted look on his face.

"Who would look for him except us, shameless!"

She has already seen Li Yunzhi in the room.

Plus what I heard in Wudang.

Now Zhao Min is eating Li Yunzhi's jealousy.

Lin Pingzhi was not in the mood to tease Zhao Min either.

He poked his head out of the door and looked around.

Seeing that there was no strange person following, he pulled Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing into the room and closed the door.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi being so careful, Zhao Min's heart tightened.

"What happened?"

she asked softly.

At the same time, he glanced at Li Yuanzhi who was afraid to look up on the bed.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"How about Wudang?"

He looked at Zhao Min and asked.

In terms of delicate thoughts, Zhao Min must be more delicate than Mu Wanqing.

And he asked this, no accident Zhao Min should have known that the person who went to Wudang last night was Lin Pingzhi.


Zhao Min looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

Lin Pingzhi's problems and behavior.

Let her have a guess in her heart.

Mu Wanqing, who was at the side, heard Lin Pingzhi's question and said directly:

"Yesterday, a thief went to Wudang and killed Daoist Ma Zhen and his disciples. It seems that they are called Yu."

She said after a little thought.

When Li Yuanzhi on the bed heard this, he raised his head suddenly.

"Yu Yutong?"

She looked at Mu Wanqing and asked, her expression was full of astonishment.

Lin Pingzhi rolled Mu Wanqing's eyes.

Mu Wanqing was a little puzzled.

Why did Lin Pingzhi look like this.

But she still answered Li Yunzhi's question honestly:

"It seems to be called such a name..."

Then she remembered.

The woman on the bed seemed to be snatched by Lin Pingzhi from a man surnamed Yu.

Zhao Min glanced at Mu Wanqing, then at Li Yuanzhi.

She already knew and guessed that Lin Pingzhi did it.

"The two of you should be tired all night, why don't you rest for a while?"

Zhao Min looked at Li Yuanzhi and said.

Li Yuanzhi was already in tears at this moment.

She didn't listen to Zhao Min's words.

"Brother Yu is dead..."

Because of Yu Yutong's death, Li Yuanzhi was deeply saddened.

Lin Pingzhi had a headache.

"People cannot be resurrected after death. When we find out who the murderer is, I will help you avenge!"

He walked to Li Yuanzhi's side and comforted him.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at Lin Pingzhi.

I thought to myself, to avenge Li Yunzhi?

Is this suicidal?

"I heard from Wudang disciples that the three real people in Wudang guessed it was done by the Murong family."

Zhao Min's words stunned Lin Pingzhi.

Murong's family?

Could it be because of the pure yang Wuji skill that they misunderstood him as a member of the Murong family?

If you say this, Murong Fu is helping to carry a big pot!

"Murong's family came to Wudang?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Zhao Min nodded.

"I submitted a greeting card yesterday and wanted to visit Zhenren Zhang, but was rejected."

She told Lin Pingzhi what she had learned in Wudang Mountain.

Lin Pingzhi was a little excited.

He was not happy that Murong Fu helped him take the blame.

Instead, I feel that Murong Fu's words here.

It is very likely that Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'Bi will also follow.

"Where are the Murong family members!"

Li Yuanzhi got up from the bed, she got dressed and asked Zhao Min.

I saw two tear stains across her face, and her eyes were red.

"I want to kill him and avenge Brother Yu!"

Although some applause happened with Lin Pingzhi.

But Yu Yutong is her husband after all.

And get along with her for many years.

How could she let Murong Fu get away with it like this!

"Okay! I will avenge you!"

Lin Pingzhi nodded, hugged Li Yuanzhi into his arms, and comforted him.


Li Yuanzhi leaned against Lin Pingzhi's chest, looking very helpless.

Mu Wanqing looked at this scene, she pouted her mouth and started to eat dry vinegar.

But she knew who Lin Pingzhi was.

It is impossible for her to possess Lin Pingzhi by herself.

This point, she has long been aware of.

Zhao Min didn't speak at the side.

She knew what kind of person Lin Pingzhi was.

He didn't even think about exposing Lin Pingzhi in the past.

Lin Pingzhi's reminder to her was to trust her.

Since she chose Lin Pingzhi, she would not harm Lin Pingzhi.

"There is another news about God..."

Zhao Min hadn't finished speaking yet.

There was a noise outside, interrupting Zhao Min's words.

At the same time, it also drew the thoughts of Lin Pingzhi and others.

"Someone is doing something outside!"

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

There can be such a big movement, it seems that the person who did it is not low in strength.

Zhao Min hurried to the window, she opened the window and looked towards the street.

"It's Zhang Ruoxu."

she said solemnly.

Zhang Ruoxu?

Lin Pingzhi was suspicious.

He helped Li Yuanzhi onto the bed, and patted her on the shoulder.

Then he came to Zhao Min's side and looked out the window.

On the street, there were three people in front of Zhang Ruoxu.

The person in the middle is as gentle as jade, a handsome young man.

On both sides are a fat middle-aged old man and a swordsman who looks fierce.

Lin Pingzhi knew these three people.

Isn't it just Murong Fu and his two subordinates, Bao BuTong and Feng BaoE!

"You wait here, I'll go down and have a look."

Lin Pingzhi confessed to Zhao Min.

He did not choose to jump from the window.

After all, he appeared as Lin Pingzhi, so it was not appropriate to jump from the window.

Zhao Min was stunned.

"what are you going to do!"

She hurriedly grabbed Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi is the real culprit, and Murong Fu is only responsible.

If Lin Pingzhi goes down now, in case the misunderstanding between Wudang and Murong Fu is cleared up.

It is very likely that Lin Pingzhi will be directly suspected.

After all, Lin Pingzhi is the most motivated to kill!

"It's not appropriate not to go."

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

Quickly rushed out of the room.

Since Murong Fu has become the backer.

If he doesn't stir up the shit stick, it will make the misunderstanding bigger.

How can I be worthy of the previous injury!

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