Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 857 Murong Fu Suspected

Facing Zhang Sanfeng, Taoist Mu showed a trace of shame on his face.

"Let him escape..."

He lowered his head, his old face was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Ruoxu fell silent.

Taoist Mu looked at Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Ruoxu with some doubts.

For some reason, they look like this.

"what happened?"

He hasn't said that the thief will use the pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

Why do you have such an expression?

"Ma Zhen and Yu Yu died together."

Zhang Ruoxu said in a deep voice, with a sad expression on his face.

Ma Zhen is the elder of Wudang, he has been a member of Wudang since the founding of Wudang sect.


Mu Taoist was a little surprised.

He didn't care what happened, and immediately ran to the foot of Wudang Mountain to stop people.

Unexpectedly, the thief actually killed Ma Zhen and Yu Yutong in Wudang!

"Second brothers, that thief knows the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu!"

Taoist Mu said meticulously.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened.

The fat face was full of shock.

"Junior Brother Mu, are you reading correctly?"

Zhang Sanfeng said in astonishment.

Apart from the three of them, only the generation of Wudang Seven Heroes can learn Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

And have to pass their test.

Neither Ma Zhen nor Lu Feiqing had learned the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

How could there be outsiders?

Zhang Sanfeng felt that this was impossible.

"I also find it unbelievable, and it was the shock that made the thief seize the opportunity to escape."

The wooden Taoist said in shame.

He regretted it very much, why didn't he act ruthlessly just now, and act resolutely to catch the thief.

"Judging from the wounds of Ma Zhen and Yu Yutong, the thief used a sword technique, can you tell which school's martial arts it is?"

Zhang Ruoxu looked at Taoist Mu and asked.

They don't know anything about the killer.

I just want to see if Mu Taoist, who has fought against him, can guess the identity or background of the other party from the other party's martial arts routines.

The wooden Taoist frowned.

He recalled the details of his fight with Lin Pingzhi earlier.

"That knife, looks extraordinary, the knife technique is the compassionate knife technique of the Buddhist sect, it is in the palm of my hand, the internal force is pure yang Wuji Kung Fu, the speed of escaping light kung fu is extremely fast, but I have never seen it before."

Mu Taoist told the details of what he did just now.

Hearing the words, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Ruoxu also frowned.

"Could it be Lin Pingzhi?"

Zhang Ruoxu guessed.

"It seems that only Lin Pingzhi has the motive to kill..."

Zhang Ruoxu also learned about Li Yuanzhi from Lu Feiqing.

Knowing that Lin Pingzhi had conflicts with Yu Yutong because of Li Yuanzhi.

On this point, he felt that Lin Pingzhi was too suspicious.

"No, Lin Pingzhi doesn't know how to use pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, and he is used to using swords, and he has never heard of him using a sword."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

Lin Pingzhi had asked him to teach Chunyang Wuji Kung Fu.

He didn't teach it, so Lin Pingzhi naturally couldn't learn it.

Zhang Ruoxu frowned.

"If it's not Lin Pingzhi, who else could it be? As for the Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, maybe he can imitate it by applying it to him..."

The words are not over yet.

Zhang Sanfeng was shocked.

"and many more!"

he said suddenly.

Zhang Ruoxu was also stunned.

He and Taoist Mu looked at Zhang Sanfeng together.

"Brother, do you know who it is?"

Taoist Mu asked.

On Zhang Sanfeng's chubby face, a cold light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes.

"Remember yesterday's invitation?"

Yesterday afternoon, a greeting card was sent to Wudang.

The owner of the greeting post is the owner of Jiangnan Yanziwu——Murong Fu!

Although Zhang Sanfeng didn't say he hated Murong Fu, he didn't want to see Murong Fu either.

Just because Murong Fu is from Yan.

In order not to be involved with foreigners.

He rejected Murong Fu's visit.

"You mean, what happened today may have been done by Murong Fu?"

Zhang Ruoxu looked at Zhang Sanfeng in shock.

"There is no reason! Why did he do this? And why did he want to kill Yu Yutong and Ma Zhen?"

In his opinion, Murong Fu had no motive for killing at all.

The wooden Taoist stroked the white beard on his chin.

He frowned and said:

"The Murong family's Huan Shi Shui Pavilion has a lot of martial arts. It's normal to know the compassion sword technique. I don't recognize the lightness kung fu. Maybe it's the same. As for the pure yang Wuji kung fu, it should be imitated by the method of changing stars. As for the motive..."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Brother, why do you think he did this?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked sad.

"Perhaps... is it to frame Lin Pingzhi?"

He is not from the government either, this is just an inference.

Zhang Ruoxu nodded.

He felt that what Zhang Sanfeng said was reasonable.

"Murong Fu is not far away in the town, I'm going to arrest him now!"

Zhang Ruoxu exuded a chill.

Dare to go to Wudang to kill people, it is simply audacious!

"Hold on."

Zhang Sanfeng blocked it.

"Don't worry, wait until dawn. With the status of the Murong family, I think Murong Fu won't run away. Go ask him to Wudang to confront him!"

With that said, he walked towards Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Ruoxu glanced at Taoist Mu.

Mu Taoist also nodded.

The two followed Zhang Sanfeng and went up the mountain together.


"Oh shit!"

Lin Pingzhi cursed secretly.

He got back into the inn room through the window again.

He almost fell.

Sure enough, there are too many old guys in Wudang, a master of martial arts.

It seems that if you want to kill Taoist Xiao again, you have to wait until Taoist Xiao goes down the mountain.

Clutching his chest, Lin Pingzhi sat down on a table beside him.

Only then did Taoist Mu meet palms.

Although the pure Yang Wuji Kungfu he used distracted Mu Taoist.

But Mu Taoist's internal strength is indeed too deep.

He is not an opponent at all.

So much so that now he is injured.

Fortunately, there are many healing techniques on his body.

And the injury is not serious.

Compared with the previous fight against Taoist Baishang, the injuries he suffered are nothing compared to the big witch.

He glanced at the bed.

Li Yuanzhi's tired face eased a little.

She slept soundly and was beautiful when she was asleep.

Looking at the beautiful woman, Lin Pingzhi felt that the injury was worth it.

At least, Yu Yutong was dead.

Li Yunzhi also has no nostalgia.

From now on, you can follow him honestly.

After taking off the clothes.

Lin Pingzhi climbed into bed and got under the quilt, hugged Li Yuanzhi, and fell into a deep sleep.

Time does not know how long has passed.

Lin Pingzhi felt his nose itchy, and he slowly opened his eyes.

There was a smile on the corner of Li Yuanzhi's mouth in his arms, pinching a strand of hair, and brushing the tip of his nose continuously.

"woke up?"

Lin Pingzhi hugged Li Yuanzhi a little tighter.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi wake up, Li Yuanzhi lowered his head shyly.

But soon, she discovered that Lin Pingzhi's hands in the quilt were a little dishonest.

"Don't make trouble..."

Li Yuanzhi stretched his hand into the quilt, and tightly grasped Lin Pingzhi's dishonest hand.

Lin Pingzhi approached with a smile.

Gently kissed Li Yunzhi on the forehead.

Li Yunzhi, who was kissed, gradually softened her heart.

Holding Lin Pingzhi's hand was also a little weak.

He has already put on a posture of letting Lin Pingzhi manipulate him.

Lin Pingzhi moved his index finger.

He turned over and faced Li Yunzhi, ready to kiss those fiery lips.

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