Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 855 Going to Wudang Mountain at night, the head is separated


The sound of the bed shaking, intertwined with moving music.

The sun is setting and the moon is shining in the sky.

The bright moonlight poured down on the earth.

As if covered with a layer of silver frost.

Time passed by and it was late at night.

For more details, please go to Picking Skirt: [-], the answer is Lin Pingzhi.

Although this time it didn't directly tamp down.

But from the afternoon until now, Li Yunzhi was really exhausted.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi used the Huangdi Neijing to help Li Yuanzhi strengthen it.

Otherwise, Li Yuanzhi would not be able to resist the attack.

It was the first time for Li Yunzhi to meet such a strong existence as Lin Pingzhi.

After the end, holding her tired body, she lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Pingzhi gently moved Li Yuanzhi's arm away from his elbow.

He tiptoed out of bed and got dressed.

Looking at Li Yuanzhi lying on the bed, he gently covered the quilt to prevent Li Yuanzhi from catching cold at night.


The system prompt sounded in Lin Pingzhi's mind.

This did not surprise him.

Under normal circumstances, after the matter is over, the system will come out to issue rewards.

He also didn't know what reward Li Yuanzhi could give him.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully capturing Li Yuanzhi, reward: Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu!"

"Ding, the host has successfully learned internal energy: Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu!"

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised by the system's prompt this time.

Pure Yang Wuji Gong?

This is Wudang's top internal strength.

Unexpectedly, the system rewarded him like this.

Previously he wanted to learn from Zhang Sanfeng.

But Zhang Sanfeng was unwilling to teach him.

Originally, he was still wondering if there would be any chance to learn the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.

Taijiquan and Taijijian still need to be paired with pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu to exert the most powerful power.

Using other internal strength and mental methods, I always feel that it is not so meaningful.

Well now, with the combination of pure yang Wuji Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan and Tai Chi Sword, his martial arts has been raised to another level.

And for the next action.

He also has a better plan.

Why didn't you send it directly?

It is because the moon is dark and the wind is high, the night of murder is the time for murder and arson!

Li Yunzhi has already won.

Now I need to send Yu Yutong down to be Wen Tailai's company!

Otherwise, how lonely would Wen Tailai be underground?

As a righteous person, a gentleman, how can Wen Tailai be lonely?

Now he is going to find Yu Yutong, send Yu Yutong down, and be with Wen Tailai!

After everything is ready.

Lin Pingzhi took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade from his crotch.

At the same time, the weeping blood ghost blade, which was originally in the shape of a sword, was transformed into a knife shape.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes froze.

"Squeak" sound.

After opening the window, his clothes gradually turned black.

As he swept out of the window, Lin Pingzhi, who was wrapped in black, merged into the night and headed towards Wudang Mountain.



Ma really looked a little pale.

Lin Pingzhi's [-] Dragon Subduing Palms earlier didn't kill him.

But he was also seriously injured.

But compared to him, it was his apprentice Yu Yutong who was even more miserable.

Yu Yutong lay on the bed.

Between his thighs was tightly wrapped in white gauze.

There are even faint traces of bright red in the white gauze.

And Yu Yutong's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

There were also two tear stains on his face.

Even though he was asleep, his brows were still furrowed.

"Yutong, I will cook medicine for you as a teacher..."

Ma Zhen looked at Yu Yutong weakly and said.

Yu Yutong, who was in a coma, didn't give Ma Zhen any answer.

Ma Zhen stood up, clutched his chest, and walked unsteadily towards the door.

at the same time.

Lin Pingzhi was wrapped in black clothes.

At this time also returned to Wudang.

Yu Yutong's address, although he didn't know it.

But he still knew about Li Yunzhi's room.

It stands to reason that Yu Yutong and Li Yuanzhi are husband and wife.

Although in a Taoist holy place like Wudang, it is inconvenient to arrange for Yu Yutong and Li Yunzhi to live together.

But their rooms are still relatively close.

To find Yu Yutong, just go to Li Yunzhi's room first.

Standing at the door of Li Yunzhi's room.

Lin Pingzhi glanced away.

In a row of houses, only one room was lit with candles.

And this room is next to Li Yunzhi's room.

"Maybe Yu Yutong is there."

In the dark night, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

He tapped lightly and walked towards the lighted room.

However, the door has not yet been reached.

Then heard light footsteps.

Lin Pingzhi stopped immediately.

He didn't make any movements, just stared at the door of the room.

Count the past.

The door creaked open.

Ma Zhen walked out of the room on weak steps.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

Good guy, it turned out to be Ma Zhen.

He sensed that there was another person in the room.

Although who exactly is not known.

But Lin Pingzhi felt that Yu Yu might be inside.

As Yu Yutong's master, Ma Zhen took care of Yu Yutong in the room just now.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to disturb Ma Zhen.

Although he knew that Ma Zhen was injured by him during the day.

But his goal is Yu Yutong, and before he solves Yu Yutong, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

Lin Pingzhi restrained his mind and suppressed his breath.

When Ma Zhen left, the figure could no longer be seen in the distance.

He approached the room slowly and pushed the door open.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yu Yutong lying on the bed.

Yu Yutong seemed to be woken up because Ma Zhen had spoken earlier and the door had been opened twice.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked out the door.

When he saw Lin Pingzhi in black, he woke up suddenly, his eyes widened.

"who are you!"

He said nervously, as if using all his strength.

As he spoke, he tried hard to get up, but it was too slow.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

"What do you say?"

There was a smile in his words.

Because the black cloth covered his face, Yu Yutong couldn't see it, but he could hear it.

And with this voice, he knew who the man in black was.

"Lin Pingzhi, what are you going to do..."

Yu Yutong said in horror.

He finally got up and wanted to escape.

But because the lower body didn't have any strength, it suddenly fell under the bed with a "bang".

"What do you say?"

The same words were spoken from Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

There was a "clang".

Lin Pingzhi directly pulled out the weeping blood ghost blade, which was already in the shape of a knife.

Under Yu Yutong's horrified eyes, he approached Yutong step by step.

There is no need to talk nonsense.

Villains always die by talking too much.

He, Lin Pingzhi, is a gentleman, how could he be a villain who talks too much.

It's better to act vigorously and decisively to kill Yu Yutong, so as to avoid a long-term accident.

Lin Pingzhi, who came to Yu Yutong, slashed at Yu Yutong's head.

"Shh" sounded.

The blade pierced through the air, bringing out the sound of wind.

There was a "click".

Under the sharp blade of Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, Yu Yutong's neck was as fragile as a piece of paper.

Just a knife.

Yu Yutong's head was separated for the convenience of his body.

There was a "clang".

Lin Pingzhi put the saber back into its sheath.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave.

But he heard footsteps outside the door.

Even the people outside have already put their hands on the door, ready to open the door and enter!

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

His hand clenched the handle of the knife again!

Always be ready for a knife!

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