Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 854 Touching love chapter, lost

Injured Ma Zhen, especially Yu Yutong may have been abolished.

Naturally, Lin Pingzhi couldn't keep this Wudang sect.

He made a decisive decision and took Li Yuanzhi to the foot of Wudang Mountain.

After finding a small town near Wudang Mountain, he took Li Yuanzhi to find an inn to rest.

As for Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing who are still in Wudang.

Lin Pingzhi was not worried.

With Zhang Sanfeng's temper, he would definitely not embarrass Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

Now that he has left Wudang, it will not take long.

Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing will come after her.

Along the way, he also left a secret sign.

With Zhao Min's ingenuity, he will definitely be able to find out.

"Mr. Lin... Will I never be able to go back to Wudang?"

Li Yunzhi looked a little sad.

She now has some regrets in her heart.

Thinking back to that kick just now, she kicked Yu Yutong in the position, wondering if Yu Yutong would be in pain.

Lin Pingzhi touched Li Yuanzhi's head.

"What are you thinking, of course not."

As long as Yu Yutong is dead, Wudang or something, of course there is no problem going back.

Receiving Lin Pingzhi's comfort, Li Yunzhi also felt better.

Although I know it's just a simple comfort, but women are like this sometimes.

On the surface, it sounds much more comfortable in the heart.

"Take a good rest."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

He planned to go to Wudang after Li Yuanzhi fell asleep.

The purpose is simple.

It's time to end up with Yu Yutong.

Otherwise, if Yu Yu lives together, it will only get in the way.

Wen Tailai is lonely underground and needs a companion!


Li Yuanzhi shook his head.

She was sitting on a stool beside her, looking very sad.

It turned out that when she returned to Wudang, she just came to visit her relatives.

I didn't expect so many things to happen.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak.

He sat quietly beside Li Yuanzhi without saying a word, just looked at Li Yuanzhi quietly.

After some time, Li Yunzhi felt a little uncomfortable.

Because it was so quiet, so quiet that she could hear her heartbeat.

She turned her head to see what Lin Pingzhi was doing.

However, he saw Lin Pingzhi's burning eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like this..."

Li Yuanzhi lowered her head in embarrassment.

Lin Pingzhi's gaze was somewhat direct.

It was so hot that she couldn't resist it.

My heart seemed to be melted.

Faced with Li Yunzhi's question.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak.

He just looked at Li Yuanzhi quietly, as if he had been stunned.

"You still see..."

Li Yuanzhi pretended to be angry, she said angrily to Lin Pingzhi.

Embarrassment appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

"That...isn't it because you're so good-looking!"

He said with some embarrassment.

It was as if the secret in my heart had been exposed, and I was ashamed to face it.

Li Yuanzhi trembled all over.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi would say such a thing.

But in my heart, I was also very shy.

And there is hidden joy.

Being praised by a man he likes, no woman can hold back her heart.

"You, you, what nonsense are you talking about..."

Li Yuanzhi said shyly.

The words sounded like complaints.

But his expression was full of shyness.

"What do you say?"

Lin Pingzhi took the opportunity to approach Li Yuanzhi.

He leaned close to Li Yuanzhi's ear and blew lightly.

The rosy glow on Li Yuanzhi's face was even brighter.

Even the body is a little limp.

Seeing this, how could Lin Pingzhi miss the opportunity.

He gently embraced Li Yuanzhi's shoulder.

"Yun Zhi, how is it? Are you okay?"

While supporting Li Yuanzhi, he leaned into Li Yuanzhi's ear again and whispered.

Li Yuanzhi's winking eyes are full of spring.

She rolled her eyes at Lin Pingzhi charmingly.

"What do you say?"

If it wasn't for Lin Pingzhi deliberately leaning into her ear and blowing.

How could she become like this now.

It's not so weak that the body needs to be supported by Lin Pingzhi.

"I do not know."

The corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth rose slightly.

He moved closer to Li Yuanzhi and took a deep breath.

"smell good!"

A voice of emotion came from Lin Pingzhi's mouth.

Li Yuanzhi's already weak body suddenly lost strength.

At this moment, she felt a little throbbing in her heart.


Li Yuanzhi stared at Lin Pingzhi, she wanted to get angry, but when the words came to her lips, she seemed to be acting like a baby again.

Lin Pingzhi's hand that was originally supporting Li Yunzhi's shoulder also "inadvertently" slipped to Li Yuanzhi's waist.

He hooked his hand lightly.

Li Yuanzhi's willow waist was held in his arms.

(.People.) had direct contact with Lin Pingzhi.

Although separated by clothes.

But that kind of softness, Lin Pingzhi felt very thoroughly.

Li Yuanzhi gritted his teeth.

She told herself in her heart that she shouldn't be like Lin Pingzhi.

However, what happened to Lin Pingzhi in the past two days made her heart flutter.

In addition, today, Lin Pingzhi offended the Wudang faction because of her.

She is full of gratitude to Lin Pingzhi.

So much so that she can't help launching a flood now, causing a major flood and becoming a 氼.

Looking at the rosy-faced Li Yuanzhi, Lin Pingzhi knew that the heat was almost ready.

Li Yunzhi was originally a married woman.

She is somewhat different from most of Lin Pingzhi's women.

Untrained women are not so sensitive.

But Li Yunzhi is different, and the murder weapon is extremely terrifying.

Such a woman is relatively easy to be emotional.

"Yun Zhi, why are you so pretty?"

Lin Pingzhi continued to tease Dao with words.

Li Yunzhi's eyes moved, and those originally lively eyes were full of charm at the moment.

"You...you stop talking..."

She was embarrassed and felt ashamed.

In front of Lin Pingzhi, he couldn't control his thoughts.

As a married woman, she was actually moved by Lin Pingzhi.

"Then I won't say it."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.


Li Yuanzhi was stunned.

Although she just told Lin Pingzhi not to say anything.

But in her heart, she still longed for Lin Pingzhi to say some more touching love words, which made her feel really comfortable.

She also didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi really didn't say anything.

For a while, she felt even more lost.

She raised her head, and just wanted to imply that Lin Pingzhi continued speaking on purpose.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi's face was already in front of her.

She hasn't reacted yet.

Then she noticed that her lips had been blocked.

The sudden kiss caught Li Yuanzhi a little off guard.

She widened her eyes and looked at Lin Pingzhi in astonishment.

And she discovered that Lin Pingzhi was more than that.

Instead, they continued to attack the city gate.

In just a moment, she had already lost her defense again and again, and began to flee continuously.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Li Yuanzhi was already embarrassed to open his eyes.

She closed her eyes, not daring to face all this.

Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed.

It seems that Yun Gee is very conscious.

Knowing that it is now a lamb to be slaughtered, he gave up resistance.

"Yun Zhi, let's rest."

Saying that, Lin Pingzhi picked up Li Yuanzhi and walked towards the bed.

During this period, Lee Yun Gee did not resist.

On the ruddy cheeks, there is a little look of expectation.

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