Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 849 Yu Yutong's Master


Lu Feiqing looked at Yu Yutong.

I don't understand why Yu Yutong would say that.

Li Yuanzhi had a good impression of Lin Pingzhi.

There is no reason why Yu Yutong has a bad impression of Lin Pingzhi.

"Brother Yu! Don't talk nonsense!"

Li Yuanzhi frowned.

Now in front of her master, if Yu Yutong talks nonsense, that would be bad.

Yu Yutong ignored Li Yuanzhi.

He felt that Li Yuanzhi was deceived by Lin Pingzhi.

Now in front of Lu Feiqing, he wanted to expose Lin Pingzhi's true colors.

Ask Lu Feiqing to persuade Li Yuanzhi.

"Uncle, Yun Zhi didn't see Lin Pingzhi's true face, Lin Ping's human face is beastly, he is ambitious, and he has evil intentions towards Yuan Zhi!"

Yu Yutong reports to Lu Feiqing.

He hated Lin Pingzhi deeply.

"Yun Zhi, is that really the case?"

Lu Feiqing looked at Li Yuanzhi.

If Lin Pingzhi really has thoughts about Li Yunzhi.

He didn't mind teaching Lin Pingzhi a lesson.

Although Lin Pingzhi killed Zhang Zhaozhong.

But in his eyes, how capable are young people?

Upon hearing this, Li Yuanzhi's expression changed.

"No no no!"

She shook her head again and again.

"It's nothing at all, Brother Yu is just joking!"

If it makes Lu Feiqing's impression of Lin Pingzhi worse.

With Lu Feiqing's status, Lin Pingzhi might not have a good time in Wudang if he made some troubles for Lin Pingzhi.

Lu Feiqing frowned.

The statements of the two were inconsistent, and he didn't know who was right and who was wrong.

Yu Yutong heard Li Yuanzhi speak for Lin Pingzhi.

I was even more jealous.

"Yun Zhi, in front of Master Lu Lu, do you still want to speak for Lin Pingzhi?"

Yu Yutong had a ferocious expression, and his suppressed anger distorted his face a little.

Li Yuanzhi looked at Yu Yutong blankly.

She felt that Yu Yutong had changed.

The former Yu Yutong was considerate and gentle.

I will definitely not be suspicious and slander others like I am now.

"Brother Yu, what you said is nothing but nonsense!"

She was a little annoyed, feeling that Yu Yutong had too much malice towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lu Feiqing didn't expect that the two couples would quarrel over an outsider.

"Okay, wait a minute, take me to see Lin Pingzhi, I'll see for myself, who is Lin Pingzhi, the son of Mingyue."

He interrupted, not wanting Yu Yutong and Li Yuanzhi to quarrel again.

"No need, Reverend Lu wants to see Pingzhi, so why bother, Pingzhi personally delivered it to the door."

Lin Pingzhi's voice came from the door.

She was dressed in white clothes and had a jade flute pinned to her waist.

Qi Yu imposing figure, angular face.

What a peerless handsome man!

Lu Feiqing was also a little startled.

But he also seemed to know why the two were arguing.

With Lin Pingzhi's handsome appearance, it is normal for Yu Yutong to be jealous.

"I don't dare to be a real person, I'm just a veteran of Wudang."

Lu Feiqing looked at Lin Pingzhi and said with a smile.

Wudang is only able to bear the title of real person in Zhang Sanfeng's generation.

Lin Pingzhi called him a real person, which was really a compliment.

"Where is it, in Pingzhi's eyes, Master Lu, you can be called a real person."

This title hit Lu Feiqing's heart directly.

Who said that if you become a monk, you don't have the utilitarianism of the mundane world?

This is like, the four leagues have a main leader and a deputy leader.

Just like Shangguan Xiaoxian.

It's only natural to call her Shangguan Deputy Leader.

But calling her Shangguan leader will naturally make Shangguan Xiaoxian more useful.

Lu Feiqing was really useful.

With a face full of gullies, the smile is like an autumn chrysanthemum blooming.

"Young people are able to achieve such a great reputation in the rivers and lakes at such a young age. There is a reason for it!"

Lu Feiqing looked at Lin Pingzhi with admiration.

Although he is old now.

But when I was young, I also traveled all over the rivers and lakes.

In the arena, martial arts is a very important point.

But in addition to martial arts, there is another point is to be a human being.

Sometimes a dispute of words may lead to life-threatening.

If this person does a good job, not only can he make friends with heroes, but he can eat well wherever he goes.

"The real person has won the prize."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and cupped his hands.

"I have heard the name of Master Lu in Wudang for a long time. I have been in Wudang for a few days. I didn't come to visit until now. Please forgive me."

His purpose was to find Li Yuanzhi.

But it's embarrassing to say it openly.

After all, Li Yunzhi's husband, Yu Yutong, was nearby.

Lu Feiqing glanced at Lin Pingzhi, then at Li Yuanzhi who lowered his head in embarrassment.

In his heart, he also understood the general idea.

Young people are really changeable.

If it was someone else, he might still feel ashamed.

But Li Yunzhi is his apprentice, he only hopes that Li Yuanzhi can live happily.

Looking at it now, he felt that perhaps Lin Pingzhi was really much better than Yu Yutong.

At least Lin Pingzhi didn't look like someone who would slander others behind their backs.

Yu Yutong next to him saw that Lu Feiqing seemed to have a good impression of Lin Pingzhi, and his heart was ashamed.

He gritted his teeth and felt that he would continue to stay here.

I'm afraid he will only be an eyesore.

"Yun Zhi, Master Uncle, I'm going to find my Master."

Leaving a word of indifference, Yu Yutong walked directly outside.

"Brother Yu!"

Li Yuanzhi shouted.

But Yu Yutong didn't stop.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, he just wanted to leave this place.

This made him feel redundant.

Seeing that Yu Yutong didn't stop, Li Yuanzhi lowered his head, not knowing what he did wrong.

"Yun Zhi, let him go."

Lu Feiqing persuaded.

Although Yu Yutong was not his apprentice.

But he also watched Yu Yutong grow up.

He still knows Yu Yutong quite well.


Li Yuanzhi didn't know what to say, and looked at Lu Feiqing aggrievedly.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little proud.


Yu Yu went with him just in time.

As long as Li Yuanzhi stays here, it will be fine.

Although Lu Feiqing was a bit of an eyesore, she was Li Yuanzhi's master after all, so it's good to have a chat.

See if you can learn some secrets about Li Yunzhi from Lu Feiqing.

"Let me call you Pingzhi, okay?"

Lu Feiqing looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked.

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"Of course, it's Pingzhi's honor that the real person calls Pingzhi like that."

Inadvertently, Lin Pingzhi passed another candied date.

He directly praised Lu Feiqing so much that he almost went to heaven.

Lu Feiqing stroked his beard and smiled happily.

Lin Pingzhi also laughed along with him.

From the eyes of others, it seems that the grandfather and grandson are chatting happily.

"Pingzhi, I'm afraid you have to be careful next time. If you encounter trouble in Wudang, remember to come to me."

Lu Feiqing looked at Lin Pingzhi and exhorted.

His expression was a little serious.


Lin Pingzhi was a little taken aback.

In Wudang, running into trouble?

Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng wanted to beat him up?

No way! No way!

How to say Zhang Sanfeng is also the head of Wudang.

It wouldn't be a small slap in the face, and revenge would be right?

Looking at Lin Pingzhi, he was a little puzzled.

Li Yuanzhi walked to Lin Pingzhi's side and explained:

"Brother Yu's master is Master Ma Zhen. Master Ma Zhen regards Brother Yu as his own son. If Brother Yu said something to Master Ma Zhen..."

Li Yuanzhi didn't say any more about the latter words.

But Lin Pingzhi is also generally clear.

It seems that after beating Yu Yutong, the younger one, the older one will come later to find a place!

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