Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 848 Lu Feiqing's Praise

"doing what?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled lightly.

Holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand, he swung the sword flower towards Daoist Laughing.

The cold blade kept slashing across the laughing Taoist's face.

He could even feel that the fine hairs on his face had come into contact with the blade.

Now the laughing Taoist is already terrified.

He didn't dare to move, for fear that even a slight tremor would cause Lin Pingzhi's sword to draw a sword mark on his face.

When the sword flower was finished, Lin Pingzhi withdrew the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

Daoist Laughing has already slumped on the ground powerlessly.

Even, his pants have become wet.

"Unexpectedly, you are not manly, but this urine smell is quite strong."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Taoist Xiao jokingly.

In Wudang Mountain, as Zhang Ruoxu's personal disciple Xiao Taoist, he was naturally not easy to kill.

But this humiliation can be regarded as a relief.

After all, in front of Wudang, thousands of disciples were sent, scaring Daoist Xiao to the point of peeing his pants.

It is estimated that Xiao Daoist will not have the face to meet talents in his life.

"Qingshu, let's go."

Lin Pingzhi waved to Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu froze for a moment.

He looked at the laughing Taoist who was so frightened that he peed his pants.

I thought to myself, if he was held close to his face and held the sword flower... probably not much better than Xiao Taoist.

Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue, is really terrifying!

As expected of his idol!

"I'm coming!"

Song Qingshu shouted, and quickly followed Lin Pingzhi's footsteps.

Lianjianping in Wudang.

The laughing Taoist still sat slumped on the ground.

His expression was dull, his eyes glazed over, obviously frightened by Lin Pingzhi.

Most of the Wudang disciples on the training ground couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling when they saw Taoist Laughing.

If it weren't for the laughing Taoist's seniority was higher than them.

I'm afraid they have already laughed and sneered.

As Xiao Taoist's younger brother, Ling Xuan felt sorry for Xiao Taoist.

He looked at those disciples who were laughing, and became angry from embarrassment.

"What are you looking at! Have you finished your sword practice today!"

Ling Xuan growled towards them.

Many disciples looked at Ling Xuan, the little uncle, angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Although many of them think that their martial arts are not inferior to Ling Xuan.

But Ling Xuan's seniority is there, and they can't help it.

After being reprimanded, even though they started to practice their swords, their eyes still looked towards the laughing Taoist from time to time. .

There is always a vague smile between his brows and eyes.

Ling Xuan saw it in his eyes and was angry in his heart.

He knew that it was impossible for him to rush over and kill all the Wudang disciples who watched him laugh at his senior brother's jokes.

"Brother laughing, let's go."

Ling Xuan didn't dislike the smell of urine on Daoist Xiao.

He walked to the laughing man's side, pulled one of the laughing man's arms to his shoulder, and helped the laughing man up.

The laughing Taoist is still sluggish.

His body was supported by Ling Xuan.

The two left Lianjianping.

The figure also disappeared in the eyes of many Wudang disciples.

As for what Daoist Xiao will think in his heart after this time.

Do they want to hide from Lin Pingzhi far away, or wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Lin Pingzhi didn't care.

Anyway, Daoist laughed, and he didn't like it either.

After calling Song Qingshu aside.

He didn't chat with Song Qingshu either.

Instead, he obtained some information about Li Yunzhi through side-stepping.

Only then did I know that Li Yuanzhi was probably at Lu Feiqing's place.

Lu Feiqing is Li Yuanzhi's mentor.

Originally, he was a famous person in Wudang, belonging to the elder level.

But in this world, perhaps because Lu Feiqing's martial arts is too poor, he is not an elder of Wudang, but an existence of the same generation as Xiao Daoren and Song Yuanqiao.

Before separating from Song Qingshu.

Lin Pingzhi asked where Lu Feiqing lived.

Afterwards, he parted ways with Song Qingshu and went to Lu Feiqing's place alone to find Li Yuanzhi.

Li Yuanzhi has a good relationship with her master Lu Feiqing.

Lin Pingzhi wondered if he could have a good relationship with Lu Feiqing.

This allowed Lu Feiqing to say something nice to Li Yuanzhi.

To enhance Li Yuanzhi's favor towards him.

Lu Feiqing's residence.

Lu Feiqing, who was full of hair, was sitting on the futon.

There is a table in front of him.

There are some tea sets on the table.

Steam rose from the teapot, and the aroma of tea wafted from the mouth of the bottle.

In front of him, Li Yuanzhi and Yu Yutong were sitting there.

"Yun Zhi, how have you and Yu Tong been doing recently?"

Lu Feiqing asked peacefully.

He held the teapot with his haggard hand, and wanted to pour tea for Li Yunzhi and Yu Yu.

"Master, let me come!"

Li Yuanzhi quickly leaned over and took the teapot from Lu Feiqing's hand.

Lu Feiqing didn't refuse either.

As a master, Li Yunzhi is his disciple, so it is only natural for him to help pour the tea.

When Li Yunzhi was pouring tea.

Lu Feiqing looked at Yu Yutong.

Yu Yutong smiled and nodded towards Lu Feiqing.

"Uncle, Yun Zhi and I are fine."

He did not follow Li Yuanzhi to call Lu Feiqing Master.

Ma Zhen, Lu Feiqing's senior brother, is his master.


After pouring the tea, Li Yuanzhi nodded.

She put a cup of tea respectfully in front of Lu Feiqing.

"We will be fine in Honghua, Master Chen treats us very well!"

Saying that, Li Yuanzhi looked at Yu Yutong.

The latter also smiled and nodded in agreement.

They also know whether they should worry their elders when they are away from home.

"That's good."

Lu Feiqing smiled and nodded.

Although he had objected to Lee Yun Gee's joining the Red Flower Society before.

But now seeing Li Yuanzhi so happy.

He is also very pleased.

"By the way, master, do you know Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue?"

Li Yuanzhi asked hesitantly.

She didn't know why, but she wanted to ask about Lin Pingzhi out of nowhere.

Perhaps, she wanted to hear some good things about Lin Pingzhi from her master Lu Feiqing.

As soon as the words fell, Yu Yutong's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

Lu Feiqing also noticed this scene.

He was a little puzzled, why did Yu Yutong have such an expression when he heard Lin Pingzhi's words?

"What conflict do you have with Lin Pingzhi?"

Lu Feiqing asked a little nervously.

He lived in seclusion, and he had only heard of Lin Pingzhi's name.

"No no!"

Li Yuanzhi shook his head quickly.

"Mr. Lin has a very good relationship with our Red Flower Society. There is no conflict. I just want to ask Master what you know about Mr. Lin."

Hearing Li Yuanzhi's justification, Lu Feiqing looked at Yu Yutong again.

It turns out that Yu Yutong's face is even more ugly.

Although I was curious about what was going on, but Li Yunzhi said that.

Lu Feiqing also said truthfully:

"I heard that this person became famous at a young age. Many long-established masters in the world died at the hands of this person. I remember that Zhao Zhong died at the hands of him last year."

As he spoke, his expression was a little dull.

Zhang Zhaozhong is Lu Feiqing's younger brother, a Wudang traitor who joined the Qing Dynasty.

Last year in Hangzhou, he died at the hands of Lin Pingzhi.

Although he didn't hate Lin Pingzhi for killing Zhang Zhaozhong, after all, they were brothers and they had grown up with each other.

"Yuan Zhi has also heard about this matter, Master, don't be sad, Zhang Zhaozhong helped the tyrant to do evil, he deserved it!"

Li Yuanzhi said angrily.

When Zhang Zhaozhong was still alive in the past, he attacked Honghuahui vigorously.

It can be said that it has caused a lot of trouble for the Red Flower Society.

People in the Red Flower Club hate Zhang Zhaozhong very much.

When Lin Pingzhi killed Zhang Zhaozhong, the members of the Red Flower Society cheered for a while.

"Well, this son is righteous and awe-inspiring, and he may become a righteous person in the martial arts world in the future."

Lu Feiqing nodded and praised.

Li Yuanzhi heard his master Lu Feiqing praise Lin Pingzhi.

A smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

This scene was seen by Yu Yutong.

His expression suddenly became serious.

"No! Uncle, listen to me!"

Yu Yutong said hastily.

He wanted to change Lu Feiqing's impression of Lin Ping!

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