Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 844 Zhang Sanfeng's waiting, Tai Chi!

"What are you thinking?"

Lin Pingzhi had already appeared beside Li Yunzhi, looked at Li Yuanzhi and asked.

Li Yuanzhi was still immersed in the sound of Lin Pingzhi's flute.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's question, he came back to his senses.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and lowered her head shyly.

Lin Pingzhi's appearance reminded her of what happened yesterday evening.

"No... nothing."

she said shyly.

Facing Lin Pingzhi's question, she didn't know how to answer it.

When Lin Pingzhi appeared in front of her, it would remind her of that kiss.

That strange feeling.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi didn't say much.

He directly embraced Li Yuanzhi's willow waist, and kissed it again.

You can't be in a hurry to date a woman like Li Yunzhi.

Frogs must be boiled in warm water.

Cooked her heart quack quack quack.


Li Yuanzhi subconsciously wanted to resist.

This is not a room.

This is outside.

Shame and panic coexisted in her heart.

She hurriedly pushed Lin Pingzhi away.

Lin Pingzhi who was pushed away licked his lips.

"Well, not bad, really fragrant!"

He looked at Li Yunzhi and joked.

Li Yuanzhi didn't dare to look up at Lin Pingzhi immediately.

Her gaze was a little erratic and a little guilty.

Seeing that Li Yuanzhi did not speak, Lin Pingzhi also did not speak.

Just sitting on the boulder, watching the sunrise in the east.

Dongfang Qingling was already in my mind.

I don't know if Qingling and Yingying have returned to Heimuya.

There should be nothing wrong on the way.

However, since Qingling's martial arts are so high, there shouldn't be any problem.

Li Yuanzhi next to him glanced at Lin Pingzhi shyly.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's handsome side face and his concentrated expression, he couldn't help but feel a little throbbing in his heart.

But she understood that it was impossible for her and Lin Pingzhi.

Because she has a husband.

After trying to calm down the throbbing in my heart.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi and asked with a normal attitude:

"Mr. Lin, you are injured, why don't you rest for a while?"

She was quite worried about Lin Pingzhi's injury.

Lin Pingzhi heard the words and was just about to complain when Zhang Sanfeng asked him to go to the back mountain early in the morning.

But before the words came out, I remembered.

Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng's fat paper has been waiting for a long time...

"Uh... so how do you get to the back mountain of Wudang?"

He hurriedly asked Li Yuanzhi for directions.

If Zhang Sanfeng's pigeons were released.

Not to mention whether Zhang Sanfeng will "crack" Taijiquan and turn him over.

Whether one can learn Tai Chi or not is a big question.

Li Yuanzhi looked at Lin Pingzhi with some puzzlement.

"Houshan? That's the place where the master practiced, don't you know..."

As soon as she asked, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I forgot that you are not a Wudang disciple..."

With that said, she stood up.

The loose Taoist robe drooped due to gravity, perfectly setting off her figure.

Lin Pingzhi looked greedily at the two peaks that looked like ridges and peaks in the distance, suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart.

"You should point me in the direction... Otherwise, your master probably..."

He said with some embarrassment.

When the time comes to be beaten by Zhang Sanfeng, it will be called every day should not be done, and the earth will not work!

Lee Yun Gee also realized the problem.

She nodded and pointed in one direction.

"There is a small road there, which leads directly to the back mountain of Wudang. My son, go quickly, don't let the master wait in a hurry!"

Li Yuanzhi urged.

Lin Pingzhi didn't hesitate either.

With a "da" under his feet, he used his lightness kung fu and flew towards the back mountain of Wudang.

Li Yuanzhi, who was standing on the boulder, looked at Lin Pingzhi's back, and was a little dazed for a while.

There was a little obsession in his eyes.

"Yun Zhi! Yuan Zhi! Yuan Zhi!"

Yu Yutong yelled three times in a row, and Li Yuanzhi came back to his senses.

He looked in the direction of Li Yuanzhi's gaze.

At a glance, it was recognized that the person who performed lightness kung fu was Lin Pingzhi, son of Mingyue.

Thinking of Li Yuanzhi being stunned just now, a burst of anger surged in his heart.

"Damn Lin Pingzhi! How dare you get Yuan Zhi's idea, I must kill you!"

Yu Yu felt ruthless in his heart.

He hated Lin Pingzhi so much.

Chen Jialuo's exhortations to the many heads of the Red Flower Society have been forgotten by him.

He was just not convinced by Lin Pingzhi earlier.

Now it has turned into killing intent!

"Brother Yu."

Li Yuanzhi shouted softly.

She squeezed out a smile and looked at Yu Yutong.

Before meeting Lin Pingzhi, when she looked at Yu Yutong, she always felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

But now, Yu Yutong appears every time.

She will always think of Lin Pingzhi.

Even subconsciously, Lin Pingzhi was compared with Yu Yutong.

But Yu Yutong was no match for Lin Pingzhi in any aspect.

Hearing Li Yuanzhi calling him, Yu Yutong hid his killing intent towards Lin Pingzhi in his heart.

"Yun Zhi, didn't you sleep well yesterday? I woke up so early, I didn't see you when I went to your room."

He smiled and said to Li Yuanzhi.

For Lin Pingzhi, he hated him.

But for Lee Yun Gee, he still loves him deeply.

Li Yuanzhi's expression was a little unnatural.

She shook her head.

"No, back to Wudang has some feelings, so I got up earlier."

Saying this, she jumped off the rock.

"Brother Yu, do you want to visit the master with me?"

Li Yuanzhi's master is Lu Feiqing.

Originally, Lu Feiqing belonged to the elders in Wudang.

But in this world, he became an existence of the same level as Song Yuanqiao.

So much so that Li Yuanzhi called Zhang Sanfeng not his master.

Instead, he called Shizu.

Yu Yutong nodded.

"it is good."

He nodded in response.

When he left, he looked towards the back mountain of Wudang.

There was a hidden murderous intent in his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi is right there.


Back Mountain of Wudang.

Lin Pingzhi stood resentfully, with his head down, a little embarrassed.

In front of him, Zhang Sanfeng's fat face was full of impatience.

"Lin Pingzhi, do you have any misunderstanding about Qingchen?"

He pointed to the red sun that was already in the sky.

There was a little disgust in his eyes.

"You made me an old man, waiting for you here for more than half an hour, do you know?"

Zhang Sanfeng complained.

Lin Pingzhi touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Master Zhang, I'm not your Wudang disciple, so naturally I need to ask for directions."

But as soon as he said it, he regretted it.

He found that Zhang Sanfeng's face became more and more ugly.

"Don't get angry, real person, it's Pingzhi's mistake, Pingzhi's mistake!"

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly apologized.


Zhang Sanfeng waved his sleeves and snorted coldly.

If it weren't for Lin Pingzhi's aptitude, he would have knocked Lin Pingzhi out of Wudang a long time ago.

"Really, hurry up, and please teach me the supreme knowledge!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhang Sanfeng seriously and said.

Taijiquan and Taijijian created by Zhang Sanfeng!

I'm so excited just thinking about it.

This is the first version of Tai Chi!

Compared with the first version of Tai Chi, the lethality of the later generations is not a bit worse!

"I want to pass on your martial arts this time. I created my own martial arts. I am well versed in the truth of Taoism. Through the study of yin and yang and gossip, I created Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword!"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a straight face.

"A real person please advise!"

Lin Pingzhi said very seriously.

The previous joke is a joke.

This time, Zhang Sanfeng has shown him the grace of teaching art.

In the future, he and Wudang will also form a fate.

If Wudang needed him, he would try his best to help.

Of course...the matter of killing Yu Yutong and Zhang Wuji was out of the question.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know what Lin Pingzhi was thinking.

He has already started to demonstrate Taijiquan to Lin Pingzhi.

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