Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 843 The road behind the mountain, Xiaoyin

"If there is no Brother Yu, of course I would."

Li Yunzhi with Xiafei's cheeks said a little shyly.

Then his face became a little disappointed.

"However, before meeting Mr. Lin, he and brother Yu had already become married couples..."

Li Yuanzhi looked a little disappointed.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He didn't expect Li Yuanzhi to have such thoughts deep in his heart.

The soul-stirring method was slowly taken back.

Lin Pingzhi fixed his gaze on Li Yuanzhi.

Li Yuanzhi was stunned.

In her subconscious mind, she seemed to remember that she had said some things she shouldn't have said under the control of Lin Pingzhi's soul-destroying method.

"Just...did I say something?"

She lowered her head, very shy.

What she said just now, in her heart, seemed to be in a dream.

But she was not sure if she had told Lin Pingzhi what she had just dreamed in front of Lin Pingzhi.

"No? You were just in a daze for a while just now."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

Naturally, he would not tell Li Yuanzhi what he knew.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to arouse Li Yuanzhi's suspicion.

After speaking, he got up from the bed and walked in front of Li Yuanzhi.

Li Yuanzhi trembled.

Lin Pingzhi stuck so close.

In front of her eyes was Lin Pingzhi's thick chest.

Especially the masculine breath on Lin Pingzhi's body penetrated directly into her nostrils.

It made her heart throb.

"Lin, Mr. Lin..."

Li Yuanzhi was a little at a loss.

As Yu Yutong's wife, it stands to reason that she should distance herself from other men.

But Lin Pingzhi always has an inexplicable attraction to her.

Make her want to be near.

Whether it is Lin Pingzhi's appearance, Lin Pingzhi's martial arts, or the rumors she has heard.

It made her heart beat uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi knew it was time to show his affection.

"Yuan Zhi..."

He called softly, and gently held Li Yunzhi's hand in his palm.

When Lin Pingzhi grabbed his hand, Li Yuanzhi was shocked all over.

This was the first time she had skin-to-skin relationship with a man other than Yu Yutong.

Her heart is messed up.

But there is a kind of reluctance in my heart.

The only reason she had was to tell her that as a married woman, she should break Lin Pingzhi's hand away.

But the love for idols in her heart made her not refuse.

Not rejecting means accepting.

Lin Pingzhi is well aware of this truth.

He swept his arms around and directly pulled Li Yuanzhi into his arms.

Lee Yun Gee's (.person.).

Cling to Lin Pingzhi's chest.

They can even hear each other's heartbeat.

This feeling, Li Yuanzhi felt very strange.

Especially Lin Pingzhi's big hand was strong and powerful.

The strength of hugging her waist was not too big or too small, just right.

Give her a solid sense of security.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little excited.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanzhi's resistance to him was so low.

In other words, maybe Li Yunzhi can be successfully taken down today.

It's not too late to solve Yu Yutong's problem at that time!


Lin Pingzhi called softly.

He lowered his head, ready to kiss Li Yunzhi's lips.

However, when the softness is just touched.

Li Yuanzhi's gaze suddenly became sober.

She scolded herself in her heart.

Lee Yun Gee, what are you thinking!

You are already a woman, how can you do such an outrageous thing!

Are you sorry Brother Yu?

"No! No!"

She struggled and pushed Lin Pingzhi away.

Lin Pingzhi did not refuse.

He knew that if he came to be strong at this time, it would reduce Li Yunzhi's favor.

There is no rush for this kind of thing.

"Feel sorry……"

Lin Pingzhi lowered his head, as if he felt very guilty.

"You are so beautiful, I can't control myself."

The affectionate words made Yun Gee's eyes flutter.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi with some difficulty.

"I...I'm already a married woman, please ask Mr. Lin to forget about me..."

There is also a sense of sadness in these words.

She had a good impression of Lin Pingzhi in her heart.

But Yu Yutong is still alive, she still needs to obey the rules of women.

Lin Pingzhi nodded and looked at Li Yuanzhi.

"Nothing, as long as I can look at you, Pingzhi will be satisfied."

For a woman like Li Yunzhi, affectionate sweet words may be more able to open her heart.

Li Yuanzhi was slightly taken aback.


With an apology, she ran outside.

Looking at Li Yuanzhi's back, Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

It seems that it is still necessary to find an opportunity to crush Yu Yutong to death.

Yu Yu agrees if he can't keep company with Wen Tailai.

It was also difficult for Li Yuanzhi to be company with Luo Bing.

Even if Lin Pingzhi knew, Li Yuanzhi had a good impression of him.

Not to mention the influence of the previous soul-stirring method, Li Yunzhi revealed his true feelings.

When he pretended to be injured by Yu Yutong.

Li Yuanzhi's concern for him cannot be faked.

The only obstacle is Yu Yutong.

That little-known talent on the golden flute!

Chen Jialuo's fourteenth younger brother!

"That's all! Go find Minmin and Wanmei first..."

Lin Pingzhi murmured.

The fire aroused by Li Yuanzhi earlier has not subsided yet.

Fortunately, there are still Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing on Wudang Mountain.

The two were under the care of Huangdi Neijing.

The physique is not bad either.

Maybe from now until the next morning, there will be no problem.



Crawled out from the scattered hands and feet of Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing.

Lin Pingzhi stretched himself.

After getting dressed.

Looking at Zhao Min and Mu Wanqing who looked tired, he kissed the two daughters lightly on the forehead.

Then tiptoeing, opened the door, and then gently closed the door.

Wudang Mountain is the highest mountain in the surrounding area.

Walking out of the room, I saw the Ziyang rising slowly on the horizon.

The red sun sets the white clouds against the morning glow, which is bright and moving.

At the time when the purple energy came from the east, the Zixia magical power in Lin Pingzhi's body, the speed at which the internal energy was generated also accelerated a lot.

The injury from yesterday has basically recovered during the double repair process.

The current Lin Pingzhi is alive and well again.

Of course, if he were to go head-to-head with Taoist Baishang again, he still wouldn't be able to.

"and many more……"

Lin Pingzhi froze suddenly.

Isn't the reason why he got up so early is to learn Taijiquan from Zhang Sanfeng?

But Zhang Sanfeng said that in the back mountain of Wudang...

What the fuck?

He realized a problem.

He is not a Wudang disciple, so he doesn't know how to get to the back mountain of Wudang!

Because of Li Yuanzhi's existence yesterday, he ignored this question.

What should I do now...

Lin Pingzhi was a little confused.

"It seems... I can only find someone to ask the way..."

Touching his nose, he walked towards Wudang's Lianjianping with some embarrassment.

However, before he arrived at Lianjianping, he found a beautiful figure sitting on a boulder by the side of the road.

If it's not Li Yunzhi, who is it?

Lin Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately forgot about going to the back mountain to find Zhang Sanfeng.

From his waist, he removed the 24 Bridges of Bright Moon Night.

A flute sound began to diffuse.

Li Yuanzhi was stunned.

She turned her head and was a little dazed when she saw Lin Pingzhi.

But soon immersed in the flute sound.

Lin Pingzhi blew his jade flute, and slowly approached Li Yuanzhi.

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