Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 810 Face to face, Zhao Min's thoughts

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

The only way now is to go out directly!

From the fifth floor, go down layer by layer.

By the way, let's see if there are any righteous people alive in the four floors below.

If there is, it can be saved by the way.

"Help those who can move, follow me, let's go out together!"

Lin Pingzhi said directly.

Don't stay here for long.

Fan Yao was taken aback.

"Young master, if you go out directly, isn't it right in Zhao Min's arms?"

He didn't understand Lin Pingzhi's thoughts.

"Yes, let's go down now, I'm afraid that Princess Ruyang Wang is waiting for us below."

The weak Song Yuanqiao expressed his thoughts with the support of other righteous people.

"Or just listen, uh... listen to this one?"

He didn't know how to address Fan Yao, so he raised his arm with difficulty and pointed at Fan Yao.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

"Here, we just sit and wait for death. If Zhao Min attacks with fire, our entire army will be wiped out!"

He expressed his concerns.

He can think of Huo Gong, there is no reason why Zhao Min can't think of it.

as predicted.

Lin Pingzhi's words came out of his mouth.

Many people of the righteous way showed astonishment one after another.

"Listen to Master Mingyue!"

Extinction took the lead.

The other beauties of Lin Pingzhi also expressed their opinions one after another.

They always believed in Lin Pingzhi.

Now Lin Pingzhi mentioned this possibility again.

Naturally, they dare not stay here for long.

Among the righteous people present, the men supported the men, and the women supported the women.

It seems to be a very gentleman.

But Lin Pingzhi went directly to Tang Ya, hugged Tang Ya in his arms, and then embraced Lin Qishuang.

They don't have much strength yet.

Lin Pingzhi was worried about letting other people help him.

Juejue looked at this scene, feeling extremely envious.

If she didn't regain her strength, would it be possible for Lin Pingzhi to hold her like this?

But Lin Pingzhi didn't give her a chance to think about it.

Fan Yao opened the door, followed by Lin Pingzhi.

The orthodox people on the lower four floors have basically been wiped out.

Only the fifth floor, because Yang Guo and Jiumozhi returned without success.

No one dared to come in.


Lin Pingzhi and many righteous people left the prison tower.

Outside the pagoda, the dense Mongolian army surrounded Lin Pingzhi and others.

at the forefront.

Zhao Min, who was wearing a man's robe, held a paper fan and shook it lightly.

"Master Ku, I didn't expect you to be a traitor."

A sneer appeared on Zhao Min's face.

She really didn't expect Fan Yao to be a traitor.

After all, Fan Yao has followed her for many years.

Fan Yao's expression was calm.

He didn't show any shame because he was called a traitor by Zhao Min.

"Hmph! I was originally the right envoy of the Ming Cult, and I just sneaked into the Mongolian country. It was only by chance that I became your subordinate!"

Fan Yao said confidently.

As soon as he said this, many righteous people were in an uproar.

Not long ago, they besieged Guangmingding in an attempt to wipe out Mingjiao.

But now, he was saved by people from the Ming Cult...

This made them a little unnatural.

There was also a hint of surprise in Zhao Min's eyes.

She didn't expect that Master Ku, who had been with her for many years, was actually Fan Yao, the right envoy of Mingjiao!

"It's really funny. When did the righteous people need to be rescued by someone from the Ming Cult?"

Zhao Min raised his eyebrows.

She was sowing discord between Fan Yao and righteous people.

"Zhao Min, don't sow discord. Whether it's righteous or evil, just be honest. Whoever says that righteousness is a gentleman, and evil is evil? I have seen righteous people slaughter innocent people, and demons have saved people from fire and water! "

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhao Min and said.

He guessed what Zhao Min was thinking.

But with so many righteous people, they may not be able to guess it.

If it follows Zhao Min's way.

At this critical moment, if the heart is not in harmony, it will be difficult to handle.

Zhao Min curled his lips, seemingly bored.

"Lin Pingzhi, you are really boring, don't you know that?"

She pretended to be very disdainful.

But those agile eyes never left Lin Pingzhi's face.

Lin Pingzhi disagreed.


Who the hell is bored?

She is obviously a great beauty, not a woman disguised as a man.

Do it like a handsome guy.

If someone who is good at Longyang sees it, his index finger will definitely move.

That being the case, it is better to take advantage of him, Lin Pingzhi.

When we take down Zhao Min, we must let Zhao Min play in men's clothing.

Maybe don't have a taste in my heart!

"Stop talking nonsense, Zhao Min, I must save people. How can you let them go?"

Lin Pingzhi stared at Zhao Min and said.

At this time, Tang Ya and Lin Qishuang had also recovered their strength.

Then he left from Lin Pingzhi's arms.

There are so many people here.

Even though they have rich experience, they are still shy.

"Let them go?"

Zhao Min was a little disdainful.

"Did you let them all go, or just your confidante?"

She had already seen it.

Among those righteous people, many of them looked at Lin Pingzhi with strange eyes.

There are young ones, and there are old ones.

What a Lin Pingzhi, he actually eats everything?

Lin Pingzhi's face darkened.

It seems that Zhao Min doesn't want to be kind anymore.

The only thing we can do now is delay time.

Just drag it down and wait until everyone's martial arts recover.

It is possible to kill it.

Otherwise, it would be useless to kill him alone.

"What do you say?"

Lin Pingzhi raised his eyebrows.

He glanced at Zhao Min's side.

Jiumozhi, Ding Chunqiu and others all surrounded Zhao Min.

It might not be so easy to catch Zhao Min.

Zhao Min wanted to say something more.

At this time, Crane Biweng ran over.

His face was flushed red, as if he was still drunk.

"Princess, it's not good! My senior brother is dead!"

Crane Bi Weng shouted hastily.

After he got a foothold, he noticed the situation at this time.

He frowned.

Until he saw Fan Yao beside Lin Pingzhi.

Immediately, his expression was startled, and even the blush from drunkenness disappeared a lot.

"Master Ku, why... I understand, you deliberately got me drunk! Did you kill my brother!"

Crane Biweng pointed at Fan Yao and shouted.

Fan Yao still wanted to speak.

Lin Pingzhi took a step forward.

"Hey, don't worry, let me tell you."

He stopped Fan Yao, and then looked at He Biweng.

"Your senior brother, Lu Zhangke, was killed by me, what? Do you want to take revenge?"

Lin Pingzhi said jokingly.

He was still thinking about how to delay the time.

Crane Pen Weng appeared.

"It's you! Lin Pingzhi!"

He Biweng recognized Lin Pingzhi.

It was under the city of Xiangyang that day.

He joined forces with Lu Zhang Ke to block Lin Pingzhi's assassination of Kublai Khan.

But Lin Pingzhi wounded his two senior brothers.

He was afraid of Lin Pingzhi.

However, the death of Luzhangke plunged him into endless anger.

Most of the fear of Lin Pingzhi dissipated.

"Lin Pingzhi, return my senior brother's life!"

Crane Biweng shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

He summoned the internal force in his palm, and with a palm of Xuanming God, he rushed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi had a confident smile on his face.

He is waiting for He Biweng's mysterious divine palm!

On the opposite side, Zhao Min's eyes froze.

There was a hint of mockery on her face.

She had already guessed Lin Pingzhi's thoughts.

But she was sure that Lin Pingzhi couldn't guess her thoughts!

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