Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 809 The detoxification is complete, how to get out?

"Yang Guo, Yang Guo, when you were against me, did you ever think about your end?"

Lin Pingzhi made a joke.

He has been waiting for a long time to kill Yang Guo.

Today, I finally waited for this opportunity!

Yang Guo didn't speak.

On his face, there was a desire to live in fear of death.

Even with only one hand left.

But he still crawled unswervingly towards the door.

But Lin Pingzhi would not give him this chance.

"Go to hell you!"

Lin Pingzhi's gaze was fierce, and he chopped towards Yang Guo's neck.

With this strike, Yang Guo's head will definitely fall to the ground!

"call out!"

The sound of sword energy breaking through the air resounded.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

Just when the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade was about to cut off Yang Guo's head.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

Lin Pingzhi's Weeping Blood Ghost Blade was forcefully knocked out of position by this sword energy.

The sword edge cut a hole on Yang Guo's back.


Yang Guo groaned.

He still climbed unswervingly.

It was already very close to Jiumozhi.

As long as he came to Jiumozhi's side, maybe he would have a chance to escape.

"Jumozhi, it seems that you are really tired of living."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Jiumozhi.

That sword energy just now.

It was Jiumozhi's Six Meridians Excalibur.

Jiumozhi is indeed a martial arts prodigy if he can practice it back.

Jiumozhi's heart tightened.

If it is another Zhao Min's subordinate.

He might as well just ignore it.

But Yang Guo can't.

Yang Guo's father, Ouyang Feng, was still recuperating in the Mongolian royal court.

He also coveted Ouyang Feng's martial arts.

After all, it is the legendary Western poison.

Martial arts must be extraordinary.

So he has been deliberately building a good relationship with Yang Guo.

This time Yang Guo was in a life and death crisis.

If he can help, Yang Guo must be grateful.

Maybe Ouyang Feng is willing to pass on his secret knowledge?

Thinking of this, Jiumozhi became firm.

"Lin Pingzhi, the poor monk and Yang Xiaoyou retreat immediately, can you let me wait for a way out?"

Jiumozhi asked with the intention of discussing.

But for Lin Pingzhi.

He will not let go of this opportunity.

"Want to live? Kneel down and beg me!"

Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Although this is the case, in Lin Pingzhi's opinion.

Even if Jiumozhi and Yang Guo really knelt down.

He won't let them go either.

An annoyed look appeared on Jiumozhi's face.

On the contrary, Yang Guo seemed a little moved.

Yang Guo tremblingly got up from Jiumozhi's side.

He looked at Jiumozhi.

If it really doesn't work, he is willing to kneel down to Lin Ping.

As long as you can live.

It's okay to let him do anything.

"National Division……"

Yang Guo's pale lips trembled slightly due to excessive blood loss.

Jiumozhi didn't speak.

He is waiting!

Wait for a chance to survive!

"National Division!"

From the door, there was an exclamation.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

It's Ding Chunqiu!

Grass!This old man!

Now come and make trouble.

Lin Pingzhi was furious.

His hand touched the back of his waist.

The Meteorite Flying Knife has appeared in his hand.

Just when there was a cold light in his eyes, he was about to kill Ding Chunqiu with Xiao Li's flying knife.

Ding Chunqiu threw two black and purple balls from his hands.


The ball exploded on the ground.

The smoke filled the entire fifth floor in an instant.

These fumes are not poisonous.

But it does a good job of obscuring the view.

Rao Lin Pingzhi's perception ability is amazing.

It is also impossible to see clearly.

Chase Ding Chunqiu and others.

What's more, there are many righteous people who have lost their ability to act in the fifth floor.

If you rush out.

Zhao Min's subordinates took the opportunity to infiltrate and kill.

Then everything he did was in vain!


"Your injury is a bit too serious. I only have poison here, so I'd better find a professional doctor."

Ding Chunqiu looked at Yang Guo's arm, frowned and said.

Yang Guo opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

But because of the excessive blood loss, and the fact that he no longer needed to face the threat of death.

His originally tense nerves also relaxed.

As a result, he fell into a coma immediately.

Jiumozhi handed Yang Guo over to the Mongolian officers and soldiers, and asked the officers and soldiers to take Yang to find a military doctor.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Ding Chunqiu.

"Master Ding, what is that ball you used just now?"

he asked puzzled.

The smoke from the ball seems to be able to block the vision.

If it was blocked by smoke, maybe Lin Pingzhi could be killed with a trick.

A look of shame appeared on Ding Chunqiu's face.

"Lin Pingzhi is invulnerable to all poisons, and my methods are useless to him..." He said here, his expression was a little unnatural, "In order to survive Lin Pingzhi, I specially took saltpeter and other things, and developed a smoke- Fog-bomb."

Say so.

But the development of smoke-mist-bombs is also because of greed for life and fear of death.

It's just that it's not pleasant to say that you are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Kumozhi suddenly realized.

He did not look down on Ding Chunqiu.

Not to mention that Ding Chunqiu is afraid of death.

He, Jiumozhi, was also afraid of death.

Lin Pingzhi, a monster, is getting more and more sophisticated in martial arts.

Now I can barely pass the trick.

Given time, he guessed that he would not be Lin Pingzhi's single-handed enemy.

"In any case, the poor monk still wants to thank Head Ding for saving his life."

Jiumozhi performed a Buddha ceremony towards Ding ChunQiu.

"The national teacher is polite."

Ding Chunqiu said with a smile.

He is also very happy to have a good relationship with Jiumozhi.

After all, Jiumozhi is the national teacher, and his status is much higher than him.

Jiumozhi also returned a smile.

"Let's go to the princess's place quickly and wait for the princess's dispatch."

Ding Chunqiu and Jiumozhi hurried towards Zhao Min.

Zhao Min already knew about the detention tower.

Already dispatching troops.

Those who were ambushing outside have all been transferred back.

Yang Guo doesn't have any combat power for the time being.

Zhao Min's current subordinates are short of masters.

The detention tower has five floors.

"My lord, it's all detoxified!"

Fan Yao walked to Lin Pingzhi's side and said.

He was waiting for Lin Pingzhi's next order.

Lin Pingzhi's expression was very serious.

According to his original plan.

It is to save everyone while people are not paying attention.

After they recovered their combat strength, they directly negotiated with Zhao Min.

But now it has been discovered.

In other words, he no longer has the leverage to negotiate with Zhao Min.

As for using Han Ji as a shield?

Now he's out.

Don't talk about bringing Han Ji here.

Maybe before reaching Han Ji's place, Zhao Min sent someone to kill her.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to try this.

Fan Yao seemed to see Lin Pingzhi's embarrassment.

"Otherwise, when everyone recovers their internal strength, we will fight out together?"

He looked at Lin Pingzhi, wanting to see what Lin Pingzhi thought of his idea?


Lin Pingzhi frowned and shook his head.

Fan Yao's idea is too shallow.

He naturally thought about it too.

But would Zhao Min not think of it?

Just let the Mongolian officers and soldiers launch rockets into the tower.

The righteous people here will definitely be wiped out.

And the only thing Lin Pingzhi can do at that time.

Just like in the original book, Zhang Wuji saves people like that.

Extinction, isn't that how one dies?

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