Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 805 Suffering Master Fan Yao, Great Horror

"Aba Aba!"

The sound of urging sounded.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knock on the door got louder.

Han Ji's eyes were full of tension.

She looked at Lin Pingzhi, feeling very disappointed.

Lin Pingzhi looked back at Han Ji.

He saw the disappointment in Han Ji's eyes.

But Han Ji was lost.

Will he not be lost?

I could have managed Bao's friendship.

This is just great.

The chance to make friends is gone.

Lin Pingzhi suppressed the disappointment in his heart.

He opened the door slowly.

If this is dumb, it's not the person he thinks in his heart.

He must kill the dumb to vent his anger.

The door opens.

Fan Yao walked in.

When he saw the body of Luzhangke on the ground.

He was shocked.

A chill came from behind him.

He was about to rebel.

But suddenly found a big hand.

Pressed his shoulder.

Make him unable to move at all.

"Fan Yao, Envoy of the Bright Right?"

Lin Pingzhi's voice came from behind him.

Fan Yao was shocked.

No one knows this identity.

Why is this person behind.

will know his identity.

Fan Yao's heart was full of surprise.

"Don't worry, one of us."

Lin Pingzhi said.

Hearing this, Fan Yao slowly relaxed.

It wasn't that he trusted Lin Pingzhi.

Rather he found out.

Lin Pingzhi's martial arts is an existence that he can't compete with at all.

If Lin Pingzhi wants to kill him.

That was a breeze.

Except for believing in Lin Pingzhi.

There is no other choice.

"You are……"

Fan Yao's voice was a little hoarse.

over the years.

He is speaking for the first time.

When I spoke again, it even felt a little strange.

Lin Pingzhi can understand.

Do not speak all year round.

If you speak suddenly, there will be a state of searching for instinct.

"Lin Pingzhi."

Lin Pingzhi reported his name.

The eyes on Fan Yao's ugly face.

Immediately there was shock.

He did not expect that Lin Pingzhi would appear here.

Originally, he thought that there would be people from Mingjiao to cooperate with his actions.

But now, no one from Mingjiao came.

The righteous ones come first.

"Are you here to save someone?"

Fan Yao asked slowly.

He is not used to it yet, so he just speaks directly.

If Lin Pingzhi's purpose is the same as his.

Then they can choose to cooperate.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

He took out the antidote of Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

"This is the antidote. You know where they are being held, right? Take me in and free them!"

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

As long as you can get in.

You can break through from the inside.

As long as the martial arts of the righteous people are restored.

It is no problem to break through a hundred thousand troops.

What's more, now I have Han Ji in my hand.

If it doesn't work, Han Ji can become a hostage.

Presumably Zhao Min didn't want to see her little mother killed either.

For Han Ji, Zhao Min should let them go.

thought here.

Lin Pingzhi quickly looked at Han Ji.

"Go back to your own room, if necessary, I will find you!"

He said in a low voice.

Although, he hoped that Han Ji would not be used as a hostage.

But this is also the last trump card for survival.

10 million people!

Still too much!

Han Ji froze for a moment?

Come to her if you need it?

What do you think of her?

Thought her room was a brothel?

Although complaining in my heart.

But Han Ji still complied.

Who made Lin Pingzhi her first man.

She still has some unforgettable memories of Lin Pingzhi.

"it is good……"

Han Ji bowed her head in response.

She dared not look at Fan Yao.

It was Fan Yao's current face, which was too ugly.

And also afraid of seeing Fan Yao's pointed eyes.

After Han Ji left.

Fan Yao looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"I can go in, but how do you get in?"

he asked puzzled.

Lin Pingzhi is an outsider.

The places where people in the right way were detained were checked very carefully.

Only Zhao Min's cronies can enter.

He was beside Zhao Min, pretending to be Master Ku.

You can go in.

But what about Lin Pingzhi?

Even if brought in as a slave.

It's not realistic either!

"Don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile.

His figure began to change.

He became as tall as a deer sticker.

Followed by the face, and clothing.

Just a few breaths.

Lin Pingzhi became a deer stick guest.

This scene completely shocked Fan Yao.


He was shocked by Lin Pingzhi's change.

"It's just a trick of the rivers and lakes."

Lin Pingzhi explained with a smile.

No matter what the problem is, it is best to explain it by magic.

Especially some skills rewarded by the system.

Common sense can't explain it at all.

Fan Yao's shocked expression eased slightly.

He accepted Lin Pingzhi's statement.

Apart from tricks, he couldn't think of why he could even change his clothes.

No matter how powerful the disguise technique is, I'm afraid it can't directly change the clothes!

"Let's go."

Lin Pingzhi got used to the voice of the deer stick guest.

The voice is almost the same as that of Luzhangke.

Then he took Fan Yao out of Lu Zhang Ke's room.

Of course, the door must be closed.

Otherwise, after he followed Fan Yao into the place of detention.

The Deer Sticker was found dead.

His identity will naturally be doubted.

On the way to the prison.

Fan Yao still looked at Lin Pingzhi with resentment.

He still can't believe it.

In front of him, there will be a magical existence like Lin Pingzhi!

Lin Pingzhi felt uncomfortable being watched by him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'm a gentleman!"

He complained.

I still don't forget to add in my heart: If you are a big beauty, then you can look at it casually, even if you don't wear clothes!

It's a pity that Fan Yao can't be a beautiful woman.

Fan Yao, who was pointed out by Lin Pingzhi, was a little embarrassed.

"I was thinking, if He Biweng is here, can I recognize it?"

Crane Biweng and Lu Zhangke are brothers, they grew up together.

The one who is most familiar with Luzhangke is Hebiweng.

He was not sure that Lin Pingzhi's disguise could fool He Biweng.

The corner of Lin Pingzhi's mouth twitched slightly.

With a confident smile on his face.

"Hebi Weng? Didn't he be overwhelmed by you?"

Lin Pingzhi said casually.

This is also the reason why he pretended to be a deer stick guest.

According to the original plot.

He Biweng was drunk by Fan Yao.

The deer stick guest handed over the antidote only after being teased by Fan Yao.

It is impossible for the already drunk Crane Biweng to appear to interfere with his plan!

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

As soon as Lin Pingzhi said this.

Fan Yao was trembling all over.

His steps stopped in place, and he stared blankly at Lin Pingzhi's back.

Lin Pingzhi felt puzzled when he noticed that Fan Yao had stopped.

"What's wrong? Let's go!"

he urged.

This Fan Yao, what is he dawdling about?

If Crane Biweng woke up, wouldn't he be finished?

Or, Zhao Min realized that something was wrong and started to interrogate directly?

With Zhao Min's IQ, it is very possible!

But Fan Yao remained unmoved.

He tremblingly raised his finger and pointed at Lin Pingzhi.

In the eyes, it seems to see great terror!

Lin Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

What are you doing, old man?

No matter how ugly Lu Zhang Ke is, he is better than you!

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