Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 804 Goodbye Conversion Rate, Dumb Knock on the Door

"If you hand over the antidote, I can spare you!"

Lin Pingzhi's voice was like magic.

When he just said this.

The deer stick guest's expression became relaxed.

There were still some signs of struggle before.

Now the color of struggle has disappeared.

His expression looked very dull.

"Where is the antidote for Shixiang Ruanjin Powder?"

Lin Pingzhi asked in a deep voice.

The antidote of Shixiang Ruanjin Powder.

It is the key to saving the righteous people this time.

It must be imperative!

The sluggish deer sticker.

Under the control of Dementor Dafa.

He slowly raised his hand and pointed to the bed next to him.

"The antidote is under the pillow."

Luzhangke said directly.

There is not a shred of emotion in the words.

Han Ji listened to Lu Zhangke's words.

He thought about fetching the antidote.

"Don't move, I'll go."

Lin Pingzhi knew that there was a naked woman on the bed.

He was one step ahead of Han Ji.

Come to the bed.

It was discovered that the woman on the bed was not acupunctured by Lu Zhangke.

Instead, he was directly killed by the deer stick guest...

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help feeling a little chilled.

What a deer sticker.

It really is cruel.

"Find it!"

Han Ji's urging voice came.

"Let me see!"

Lin Pingzhi didn't think any more.

He took the quilt and covered the female corpse.

Then remove the pillow.

There was indeed a bottle inside.

But he wasn't sure.

Is it the antidote for Shixiang Ruanjin Powder?

If the deer stick guest has broken free from the control of the Dementor Dafa.

Instead, he pretended to be under control.

Immediately, what he was told was Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, not the antidote.

That's it!

"you try!"

Lin Pingzhi walked quickly to Han Ji.

He pulled out the cork and let Han Ji smell it.

"How do you feel?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

He couldn't judge whether the antidote was real or not.

Because he has swallowed Manggu Zhu clams.

Now it is invulnerable.

Shixiang Ruanjin Powder had no effect on him.

Only Han Ji can tell the authenticity of the poison.

Han Ji shook her head.

"I don't feel anything."

She wasn't worried, Lin Pingzhi smelled the real Shixiangruanjin powder for her.

That kind of poison can only make people weak.

It won't do her any harm at all.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

It seems.

In the bottle in hand is the real antidote.

He corked the bottle.

Then he came to Luzhangke's side.


Pulling out the weeping blood ghost blade, he wanted to kill the deer stick guest.

"Wait! Didn't you say you wanted to spare his life?"

Han Ji was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi didn't think much of what he said.

Such a great reputation exists.

Shouldn't you cherish your reputation?

How can you go back on your word?

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Han Ji.

There is some helplessness in his eyes.

After all, it is a woman who has never seen a fight.

The heart is still not cruel enough!

"If I don't kill him, can you still stay in Ruyang Palace?"

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Han Ji and asked.

Han Ji was shocked.

That's when she realized.

Lin Pingzhi was thinking of her.

It turned out that he was such a considerate man.

She was the one who wronged Lin Pingzhi.


Han Ji lowered her head.

She misunderstood Lin Pingzhi, and she blamed herself very much.

"It's okay."

Lin Pingzhi said calmly.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade waved in his hand.

Blood splattered.

The body of the deer stick guest slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Pingzhi didn't look at it.

Just a deer sticker.


"Ding, the host kills the deer stick guest, reward: conversion rate +1."

When the system beep appears.

Lin Pingzhi was still a little surprised.

I didn't expect to be rewarded for killing a deer sticker.

But then, he was not happy.

Conversion rate again?

What is the conversion rate?

Is it past ten o'clock?

Why this shitty system.

Just don't tell him, what is the conversion rate for?

Why can't he feel it.

Any use for it?

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's expression, he was a little ugly.

Han Ji felt a little nervous.

She walked to Lin Pingzhi's side.

Take his arm.

Use Mount Everest to stick to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Han Ji in astonishment.

"what happened?"

He is busy now!

Han Ji's desire can't be so strong, can it?

Not today!

Really not today!

He is a gentleman.

How can such a thing be done?

But this feeling.

It's so soft!

Not anymore!

This gentleman is a gentleman, it doesn't matter if he is improper!

Lin Pingzhi directly embraced Han Ji's willow waist.

Han Ji was taken aback.

She just wanted to comfort Lin Pingzhi, so that Lin Pingzhi would not be angry.

Why did Lin Pingzhi hug her?

Is it...

Han Ji's eyes lit up.

She followed Lin Pingzhi's posture.

With half a push, he came to the table.

Leaning on the table, Han Ji stared at Lin Pingzhi with watery eyes.

She had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Lin Pingzhi turned her down.

It almost made her doubt her own charm.

Now Lin Pingzhi is so active.

Let her suddenly feel attractive.

"Would you like to go there?"

Han Ji pointed to the bed next to her and said.


Lin Pingzhi refused righteously.

There are also remains of the Deersticker.

And there was a female corpse there.

Of course he didn't want to go to bed.

Han Ji Xia Fei's cheeks.

Her face was full of blush.

Even the base of the neck has spread a layer of pink.

I thought to myself, I didn't expect Lin Pingzhi to look like a gentleman.

In fact, there are still such hobbies.

Good bed, don't.

Just love tables?

That's all... just let him go.

"I listen to you."

Han Ji lowered her head and said delicately.


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Since Han Ji is so thirsty.

Then feed it first.

Quick fight.

This time I definitely can't do it.

Otherwise, if the big event is delayed, it will be over!

Lin Pingzhi warned himself in his heart.

I am afraid that I will be addicted to Han Ji and forget the business.

Han Ji closed her misty eyes slightly.

She moved her cherry mouth closer to Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't go directly to meet him.

Instead, he gently pressed Han Ji's shoulders.

Han Ji opened her eyes and looked at Lin Pingzhi shyly.

Lin Pingzhi's meaning.

Of course she understands.

Without too much hesitation.

Han Ji slowly knelt down in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Even through the thick pants of this world.

She can still see.

It seems that there is a tall tent.

stood upright in front of her.

Han Ji felt shy in her heart.

Just about to raise my hand.

But suddenly he heard Lin Pingzhi's yelling.

"and many more!"

Lin Pingzhi's voice was very serious.

Han Ji froze for a moment.

what happened again?

Do you want to work hard?

What does it mean?

Just when there was resentment in her heart.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Aba Aba!"

Seems to be a dumb one out there.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

"You get up first."

He pulled Han Ji up.

He had some guesses about the identity of the mute.

of course.

If this is dumb, it's not the person he thought.

He doesn't mind, just kill another person!

After helping Han Ji up.

Lin Pingzhi walked quietly to the door.

In the palm of your hand, there is already an internal force condensed.

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