Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 788 Extinction Battle, Relying on the Heavenly Sword!

I saw the Wudang sect members displaying the real martial arts seven-section array.

The long sword in his hand moved like wind and thunder.

With lightning speed, Qi Qi stabs at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

The sword intent all over the body suddenly appeared.

Full of sharp meaning.

"The little tricks of carving insects, you dare to make an axe!"

Lin Pingzhi's lips trembled slightly.

I saw him step lightly and leap into the sky.

In an instant, the white light was dazzling.

"Flying Immortals in the Sky!"

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade is like a phantom.

Shuttle continuously in the Zhenwu seven-section formation.

Just one breath.

Lin Pingzhi stabbed hundreds of swords again and again.

Song Yuanqiao was a little dazed.

He didn't expect that Zhenwu's seven-block array would be so vulnerable!


See the situation is not good.

Song Yuanqiao quickly shouted.

Zhenwu's seven-section formation spread out directly.

The long swords in their hands were chopped down by the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade.

All have become broken swords.

Although they are Wudang Seven Heroes.

But their swords are just ordinary swords.

The Weeping Blood Ghost Blade is a magic weapon.

Dealing with this kind of ordinary weapon should not be too simple.

The laughing Taoist looked at the broken sword in his hand.

Some stunned.

His life seemed to be a failure all the time.

In the Wudang sect, he is a disciple of the second person of Wudang.

But his martial arts are much worse than those of the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

Qu Wuyi who is thinking about it.

He was also taken away by Lin Pingzhi.

Even now, for the first time, he used the real martial arts seven-block array.

Even the weapons were destroyed.

The Taoist laughed.

His expression was extremely serious.

It was as if he wanted to tear Lin Pingzhi apart.


He gave a loud drink.

Holding the broken sword in his hand, he put all his eggs in one basket.

Kill towards Lin Pingzhi.

Song Yuanqiao is dumbfounded?

What is this!

Didn't you say you're back?

Why do you still have to go up?

"Laugh at Junior Brother!"

Song Yuanqiao shouted hastily.

Want to stop laughing Taoist.

However, Taoist Laughing has already blinded his mind at this moment.

He didn't hear Song Yuanqiao's call at all.

All he wanted was to kill the man in front of him.

"Oh, jumping beam clown!"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled lightly.

He swept Ye's legs with a whirlwind.

Kicked on the chest of Taoist Laughing.


The laughing Taoist spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

Lin Pingzhi didn't look at Taoist Xiao anymore.

Instead, he looked at Zhang Ruoxu.

He didn't kill Taoist Xiao just now.

I just wanted to see what Zhang Ruoxu's attitude would be.

When I wanted to kill Yin Liting before.

Zhang Ruoxu showed his momentum and stopped him.

Now he didn't intend to kill Xiao Taoist, so Zhang Ruoxu didn't move.

Lin Pingzhi also roughly knew Zhang Ruoxu's bottom line.

"Brother Laugh!"

Ling Xuan looked at the unconscious Daoist Laughing and wailed.

He looked back at Zhang Ruoxu.

"Master, laughing junior brother is seriously injured and unconscious!"

However, Zhang Ruoxu did not respond to him.

Still sitting there quietly cross-legged, not saying a word.

Ruo Ruo didn't intend to ask about the injury of Daoist Xiao.

Ling Xuan gritted his teeth.

He turned to look at Lin Pingzhi angrily.

"Since the master doesn't care, I, Ling Xuan, swear here that if you seriously hurt Senior Brother Xiao, I will kill you in this life!"

Ling Xuan's voice was full of resentment.

A boy who is only 14 years old.

The oath he made made Lin Pingzhi a little creepy.

He remembered that in the original book, it seemed that he only wanted to swear.

Those who fail to do so will end badly.

From this point of view, this Ling Xuan will become his deadly enemy in the future.

"I'm right here, you have the guts to come and kill me!"

Lin Pingzhi tried to provoke Ling Xuan.

Now he has some distance from Ling Xuan.

It would be disadvantageous for Ling Xuan to attack directly without waiting for Ling Xuan to approach.

Moreover, Zhang Ruoxu would definitely not treat his apprentice with death.

When Ling Xuan heard this, his eyes were blood red.

"I am going to kill you!"

He waved his hand, only half of the broken sword remained.

He wanted to put Lin Pingzhi to death.

Lin Pingzhi was terrified by this.

Lin Pingzhi planned to kill Ling Xuan here.

Even if Zhang Ruoxu wanted to stop him.

No exception.

But Song Yuanqiao and others will not let Ling Xuan die.

"Junior Brother Lingxuan, don't be impulsive!"

He hastened to dissuade.

However nothing works.

"Let go, let me go! I'm going to kill him!"

Ling Xuan waved his hands and feet, and kept yelling at Lin Pingzhi.

Yu Lianzhou walked over.

A hand knife slashed at the back of Ling Xuan's neck.

Ling Xuan passed out.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi felt very sorry.


It was almost enough to kill Ling Xuan.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ling Xuan and Taoist Xiao, and was lifted up by Song Yuanqiao and others.

Walk towards the camp of Wudang faction.

His hand felt like a lower back.

The Meteorite Flying Knife has appeared in his hand.

It was at this time.

Lin Pingzhi felt a sense of voyeurism.

He has some palpitations.

He looked towards Zhang Ruoxu.

Zhang Ruoxu has opened his eyes.

His eyes were looking at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi gave up his plan to use Xiao Li's flying knife.

Although he has enough confidence in Xiao Li Feidao.

He also thought that shooting Ling Xuan would be a no-brainer.

But Zhang Ruoxu's gaze.

Let him not dare to shoot, this little Li flying knife.

Even, very likely.

Zhang Ruoxu will use "Enriching Dao Sheng" again.

Block Xiao Li Fei Dao.

"Shaolin and Wudang have already been defeated, who else!"

He scanned the many righteous people in front of him.

The look is very arrogant.


A woman's soft drink sounded.

The corners of Lin Pingzhi's mouth under the mask twitched.

He really didn't want to hit this woman.

"The Emei faction is extinct, come and learn about your master's tricks!"

Miejue Shitai looked stern, and walked towards Lin Pingzhi.

"You were just relying on the strength of your weapon before!"

There was disdain in her words.

Than weapons?

Who was she too afraid of?

Yitian Sword is her weapon.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little bitter in his heart.

Exterminate this person, how should I put it.

Because of the favor card problem.

Extinction loves him.

Rao is the extinction of this world, it can indeed be called glamorous.

But the problem is that in the TV series he watched in his previous life, there was some shadow about extinction.

So I didn't dare to do anything with extinction.

The key is.

Baby Zhiruo and Yuan Ziyi are both her disciples.

This is a bit difficult to do!

"Master, I don't bully women, you should step back."

Lin Pingzhi said.

He didn't want to fight Extinction at all.

If you win, you won't win by force.

If you lose, women are not as good as you!

Miejue Shitai raised a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh! It's not certain who bullies whom!"

She has great confidence in Yitianjian.


I saw Extermination raised his palm.

Shout out:

"Sword come!"

Holding the Yitian Sword before, Zhou Zhiruo looked weak and pitiful everywhere.

Under the urging of Ding Minjun.

He pulled out the Yitian Sword and threw it at Miejue Shitai.

Miejue Shitai firmly held the Yitian sword in his hand.

"Evil thief, today I, the Emei Sect, will eradicate evil for the world!"

She yelled fiercely.

Then he used the Emei swordsmanship and attacked Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to be careless.

Relying on the power of the Heavenly Sword.

He had heard it before.

I'm afraid it's a snake armor, and it's not easy to block it.

He clenched the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade tightly, and drew a sword flower.

Since the extermination of this stinky woman is so fierce.

Then just get down!

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