Lin Pingzhi's arrogant expression.

Let many righteous people look at each other.

Song Yuanqiao glanced at Zhang Ruoxu.

I saw his uncle still resting there with his eyes closed, without saying a word.

His eyes flickered a little.

The martial arts of Kongzhi Divine Monk is even better than his own.

But he had an idea in his heart that he wanted to make a move.

Because he had the idea of ​​fluke.

He thought of the "Gong Zi Yu" in front of him.

After a fierce battle with the Kongzhi monk.

Kong Zhi's internal energy has been completely consumed.

Presumably the other party's internal strength, even if there is some leftover, is definitely not much.

"Uncle Master..."

Song Yuanqiao was on the side, shouting softly.

Zhang Ruoxu closed his eyes and remained motionless.

"Go if you want."

Ethereal voice, as if not in the world.

Song Yuanqiao silently nodded.

He is a person who attaches great importance to benevolence, righteousness and etiquette.

If there are elders around.

Before he does something, he still talks to his elders.

Now Zhang Ruoxu has agreed.

Song Yuanqiao had no other concerns.

"Gong Ziyu, Wudang Song Yuanqiao, come to meet you!"

He jumped up and came in front of Lin Pingzhi.

The hand holding the scabbard slightly raised.

His eyes were full of vigilance, ready to draw his sword at any time.

Lin Pingzhi didn't care.

Song Yuanqiao's martial arts, he has already seen it before cigarettes.

It's a good player.

But in front of Lin Pingzhi, it was still not enough.

That being said.

Lin Pingzhi was not worried.

But there are many people who are worried.

Seeing Ma Fangling from Cangwu City under the Qinglong Society, she was very upset.

"You righteous people, are you so shameless? Don't you give a rest time?"

She felt that Song Yuanqiao was taking advantage of others.

Lin Pingzhi just finished fighting Kong Zhi.

Now Song Yuanqiao jumped out directly.

How does this keep her from getting angry.

Du Yunsong beside him looked down at the petite Ma Fangling innocently.

"What should I do? Do I want to smash that Taoist priest to death?"

He usually listens to what Ma Fangling says.

Seeing Ma Fangling angry, he also wanted to kill the person who made Ma Fangling angry.

"Little girl, don't be nosy, he didn't say anything."

Dongfang Qingling glanced at Ma Fangling.

I complained in my heart.

Lin Pingzhi, that bastard.

Wherever you go, hook it!

She is simply a woman killer!

Ma Fangling stared at Dongfang Qingling with big eyes when she heard Dongfang Qingling's words.

"You are not from our Azure Dragon Club! What are you talking about!"

She was a little displeased with Dongfang Qingling.

Dongfang Qingling frowned.

Just about to teach Ma Fangling a lesson.

Song Yuanqiao, who was facing Lin Pingzhi over there, spoke at this time.

"Your Excellency just fought a battle, do you need to rest, if you need to rest, Song Yuanqiao is willing to step down."

He knew that he was no match for Lin Pingzhi.

But his character prevents him from doing things like taking advantage of others.

I just asked this question.

"No need."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Only deal with one Song Yuanqiao.

He just needs to rest?

There are so many righteous people here.

If he rests.

Wouldn't it be impossible to fight for seven days and seven nights?

"How about this, one by one, it's too slow, you Wudang Seven Heroes, go together."

Lin Pingzhi said very easily.

He glanced at the Wudang faction.

Then he thought of something and continued.

"Yu Daiyan is sick. Zhang Cuishan is dead. Can you find two people to replace me and let me see the true martial arts seven-section formation?"

He looked at Song Yuanqiao and said.

The actual gaze was on Zhang Ruoxu.

The purpose of letting the Wudang faction use the real martial arts seven-block formation.

I also want to deter righteous people.

Don't think it's great if there are many people.

Honestly, wheel battles are the best.

In this way, the loss of magic can be minimized.

Especially Mai Shengjiao.

He promised Zhang Jiejie to let Mai Shengjiao protect it, so Zhang Jiejie was willing to let him work hard.

If the Sacred Religion is gone.

Zhang Jiejie must hate him to death.

Even if it has been conquered, and Zhang Jiejie is begging for mercy.

It is still possible to leave him.

Lin Pingzhi still understood.

In the original book, Zhang Jiejie left Chu Liuxiang because of the Sacred Religion of Mai Yi.

As a result, Ximen Wuhen has no father since he was a child.

Song Yuanqiao pondered for a moment.

Lin Pingzhi's words.

So confident.

Rao is Song Yuanqiao.

I also think that it would be best if you can use the real martial arts seven-block formation.

The Zhenwu seven-section formation is the strongest combined attack formation that combines the strength of seven people.

Song Yuanqiao is also confident.

With the real martial arts seven-section array, it is definitely possible to subdue the "Gong Ziyu" in front of him.

Just one question.

Yu Daiyan is not here now.

Zhang Cuishan died more than ten years ago.

Of Zhenwu's seven-section formation, there are only five people left.

Five people……

How can we form the Zhenwu Seven Sections Formation?

"Let Ah Xiao and Ling Xuan go, they all know how to do it."

Zhang Ruoxu's voice sounded flutteringly.

The voice just fell.

Laughing Taoist walked out of the Wudang camp.

"Master! No way? I haven't tried it yet!"

He was a little surprised.

He and his younger brother Ling Xuan have both learned the real martial arts seven-section formation.

But there is no actual combat.

"That's right, Master, Brother Xiao and I haven't fought in actual combat yet, or forget it..."

Ling Xuan said timidly.

He never thought of it.

Originally, I came here to experience the customs of the rivers and lakes.

There was no preparation at all.

"It's okay."

Zhang Ruoxu opened his eyes slightly and said lightly.

Laughing Taoist and Ling Xuan, seeing what Master said.

It is also true that there is some helplessness.

The two of them bit the bullet, and together with Yu Lianzhou and others, came to Song Yuanqiao's side.

"Senior Brother Song."

Xiao Taoist and Ling Xuan saluted Song Yuanqiao.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Taoist and smiled.

He remembers this guy.

It is also because of the laughing Taoist.

He will meet Qu Wuyi in Hangzhou.

He also remembered.

This laughing Taoist has always been infatuated with Qu Wuyi.

Unfortunately, Qu Wuyi had no idea about him at all.

Daoist Laughing can be regarded as a real licking dog.

The kind that licks to the end and leaves nothing.

"Everyone is already here, let's go."

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to take it too seriously.

He pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade inserted into the ground.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi is very good at boxing and kicking.

But he is better at swordsmanship!


This is Lin Pingzhi's destiny!

Song Yuanqiao's eyes were fixed.

His expression became extremely serious.

"Zhenwu Seven Segment Formation! Set up the formation!"

Following Song Yuanqiao's cold drink.


Daoist Xiao and the others shouted loudly.

Their shapes change.

Just a moment.

They surrounded Lin Pingzhi.

Seven swords, seven people.

Facing one of Lin Ping.

The eyes under Lin Pingzhi's mask narrowed slightly.

It is worthy of being the master of martial arts Wudang sect, the real martial arts seven-section formation.

He found.

It doesn't matter who he hits first.

The other six swords will stab at him immediately.

So Lin Pingzhi's strategy is to.

Brake statically!

Only one of the seven Zhenwu formations is needed to do it.

He wanted to find a flaw in it.

Thus breaking the Zhenwu Seven Section Formation!


Song Yuanqiao shouted.

If Yu Daiyan and Zhang Cuishan are here.

He didn't need to speak up at all.

But Laughing Taoist and Ling Xuan cooperated with them for the first time in the Zhenwu Qiqi Formation.

If there is no sound reminder.

It is likely to cause poor coordination.

Destroyed by one move!

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