Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 767 No regrets, what's wrong with your mouth

"Bang" sounded.

Wei Yixiao was taken aback.

He thought that Lin Pingzhi was going to kill him just now.


He just found out.

Not only did Lin Pingzhi's palm not hurt him at all.

Instead, I felt a warm current.

In his body, it was constantly flowing.

"This is……"

Wei Yixiao murmured.

He couldn't believe it.

The cold poison that made him suffer for decades.

It was actually suppressed by this warm current!

In the depths of Wei Yixiao's pupils, there was joy.

This cold poison has troubled him for so long.

But now it is suppressed.

Wouldn't that say.

He doesn't need to drink human blood to suppress cold poison?

Lin Pingzhi withdrew his palm.

Wei Yixiao looked at Lin Pingzhi in a daze.

"You really can cure my cold poison!"

He knew why Lin Pingzhi said that.

That warm current wasn't just about suppressing his cold poison.

It is cut off.

Just a little effort.

With a smile, Wei found that the cold poison in his body had been eliminated a lot.

under the mask.

Lin Pingzhi laughed triumphantly.


Can't suppress Wei Yixiao's cold poison.

How dare he say such big words?

in the original.

The reason why Wei Yixiao is grateful to Zhang Wuji.

Isn't it because Zhang Wuji helped Wei Yixiao get rid of the cold poison?

Zhang Wuji knew exactly what cold poison was for.

It is the Nine Suns Divine Art.

Lin Pingzhi, who possesses the magic skills of nine yin and nine yang.

It is only necessary to separate the internal force of Jiuyang.

It can be used to eliminate the cold poison in Wei Yixiao's body.

"Mingjiao leader, I plan to let Yang Xiao be the leader, you support Yang Xiao, is there any problem?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at Wei Yixiao and said slowly.

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Zhao didn't understand.

Isn't the young master going to be the leader of Mingjiao?

Why let Yang Xiao be in charge?

Yang Buhui didn't understand either.

Don't you want to compete with her father for the leader?

Why did she suddenly want her father to be the leader of the Ming Cult?

Wei Yi smiled and looked at Lin Pingzhi.

He was silent for a moment.

Finally nodded slightly.


Wei Yixiao said softly.

He is the protector of the Ming Cult.

He cannot disobey the teachings of Mingjiao.

Let him support Lin Pingzhi as the leader.

Even kill him.

It is also impossible.

But Yang Xiao is different.

He opposed Yang Xiao just because Yang Xiao didn't know how to move the universe.

Belongs to usurpation.

But now Lin Pingzhi will change the universe.

And also saved him.

Let Yang Xiao, who was originally the left envoy of the Ming Cult, be the leader of the sect.

Wei Yixiao had no objection.

"Alright, let's go find Yang Xiao now."

Lin Pingzhi said out loud.

He just took a step.

Yang Buhui grabbed his arm.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi reacted quickly.

Otherwise, Yang Buhui would definitely be hurt by his Beiming True Qi protecting his body.

"Stop, please speak clearly, what does it mean to let my father be the leader!"

Yang Buhui held his head up.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's eyes from the holes in the mask's eyes.

She gritted her teeth and wanted to ask Lin Pingzhi what happened.

"It's just letting your father be the leader, nothing else."

Lin Pingzhi didn't explain much.

He walked straight outside.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao and Wei Yixiao followed silently.

Yang Bugui didn't tell her when he saw Lin Pingzhi.

He stomped his feet angrily.


She snorted angrily and followed.

out of the forbidden area.

Come to Bright Peak.

At the exit is Yang Buhui's room.

Lin Pingzhi walked out first.


The explosion sounded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Countless sword rains shot towards Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

It seems that Yang Xiao has already prepared here.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't panic at all.

He waved.

Countless arrows rained down on the wall.

"Clang clang clang..."

Arrow Rain had intimate contact with the wall.

The feathers at the end quivered constantly.

It can be seen how powerful these arrows are.


Before the second round of arrow rain came.

Lin Pingzhi jumped out from the entrance of the passage.

Wei Yixiao followed behind.

Look at the rain of arrows on the wall.

I can't help but feel discouraged.

Thank goodness he didn't come out first.

If he comes out first.

Definitely will be shot by these arrows.

Shoot into twists.


The booming sound rang out again.

But just before the arrow leaves the string.

Lin Pingzhi moved.

His figure is like a ghost.


Wei Yixiao swallowed his saliva.

He didn't expect that Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu was so much better than him.

To know.

His reputation as the Blue Winged Bat King.

But because of his excellent lightness kung fu.

just got it.

But now Lin Pingzhi showed lightness kung fu.

It is more than one level better than him.

How can this not shock him.

Just a few breaths.

Wei smiled and heard the screams outside.

At this time.

Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui just crawled out.

"Come out."

Lin Pingzhi's voice.

ringing outside.

Wei Yixiao and the three of them remained silent.

go outside.

Many Mingjiao believers were lying on the ground.

Their breathing is even.

Apparently no one died.

Instead, they were all knocked out by Lin Pingzhi.

Wei Yixiao couldn't think of it.

Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are already so high.

such a short time.

It's okay to defeat so many Mingjiao followers.

Best of all.

Didn't kill a single person by mistake.

Instead, they were all stunned.

This is the hardest thing to do.

This level of control is terrifying!

"My lord, these people were all ambushed by Yang Xiao. It is estimated that there are many people in ambush at the other exit."

Wei Yixiao walked to Lin Pingzhi's side and said.

Only he, the Blue Winged Bat King, can make Yang Xiao pay so much attention to him.

"It's okay, let's go find Yang Xiao."

Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

Some ordinary Mingjiao believers.

Can't make any waves.

He didn't pay attention at all.

"There's no need to look for it!"

A thick male voice sounded.

Lin Pingzhi followed the prestige.

I saw a middle-aged man with a somewhat handsome demeanor walking slowly.

Looking at Yang Xiao.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It seems that Ji Xiaofu can follow Yang Xiao wholeheartedly.

And also gave birth to a daughter for Yang Xiao.

It's not unreasonable.

Yang Xiao's good looks.

Although not as good as him.

But for some women who are controlled by uncles.

It's just an instant kill.

Yang Buhui's uncle control must be inherited from Ji Xiaofu.

Otherwise, Yang Buhui in his [-]s and [-]s.

How could it be possible to fall in love with Yin Liting.

Just because of guilt?

Do not!

That's because of love!


in this world.

Yang Buhui had basically been taken down by Lin Pingzhi.

Yin Liuxia, I'm sorry, your fiancée, I'll start first.


Yang Buhui saw Yang Xiao.

He quickly ran towards Yang Xiao.


Xiao Zhao hurriedly wanted to stop him.

However, it was stopped by Lin Pingzhi.

"It's okay, let her go."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao didn't insist.

Had to give up.

"not regret!"

Yang Xiao stared at Yang Buhui.

He quickly checked whether Yang Buhui was injured.

"No regrets, what happened to your mouth?"

Yang Xiao's expression became ugly.

Yang Buhui's lips were flushed, and his cheeks were a little bulging.

As a father, Yang Xiao felt distressed.

He wondered if Yang Buhui slapped him hard!

How dare he hit his daughter!

I don't know how to live or die!

Yang Xiao's gaze became fierce.

But Yang Buhui's expression made him startled.


Dragon Boat Festival Ankang, grandpa's funeral has been dealt with, and the update will continue every day. Thank you for your support. Junyang has it in the previous chapter.

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