Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 766 Cure Your Cold Poison

"Bat King!"

Xiao Zhao looked at Wei Yixiao with a smile on his lips.

Wei Yixiao frowned and looked at Xiao Zhao.

He didn't have a deep impression of Xiao Zhao.

I just vaguely remember it.

This girl seems to be Yang Buhui's maid.

Wei Yixiao glanced at Xiao Zhao contemptuously.

He is the protector of the Ming Cult.

A servant girl is also qualified to talk to him?

Lin Pingzhi saw the contempt in Wei Yixiao's eyes.

He waved.

With a palm wind, it slapped Wei Yixiao's chest.

Wei Yixiao, who was already seriously injured, was even more seriously injured.

"Xiao Zhao is mine, are you disrespecting me with your eyes?"

In Lin Pingzhi's plain words.

With a fierce killing intent.

Wei Yixiao trembled all over.

He has no doubts.

The "Gong Zi Yu" in front of him.

He could be killed at any moment!

Wei Yixiao took a few steps back resentfully.

His eyes were full of fear towards Lin Pingzhi.


The humiliating answer made him feel ashamed.

once Upon a time.

As the protector of the Ming Cult, he would speak in such a low voice.

Seeing Wei Yixiao was honest.

Lin Pingzhi patted Xiao Zhao's shoulder lightly.

He said softly:

"Xiao Zhao, if you have anything to say, just say it. If he is disrespectful, I will kill him immediately."

Lin Pingzhi's words made Xiao Zhao very happy.

This is the young master protecting her.

Xiao Zhao felt sweet in his heart.

She also became more determined, she wanted to help Lin Pingzhi.

"Bat King, do you still remember the teachings of Mingjiao? Those who can move the universe, or find the sacred fire order, can become the new leader."

Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

Her mother, Dai Qisi, is a Mingjiao saint.

As the daughter of Dai Qisi.

She naturally knows Mingjiao's decrees.

Wei Yixiao's expression froze.

He didn't know what Xiao Zhao meant by saying this.

"Could it be that some of you have found the torch order?"

Wei Yixiao said in astonishment.

The reason why he didn't guess that someone learned the Great Teleportation of the Universe was because the Great Teleportation of the Universe had been lost since Yang Dingtian disappeared.

Yang Xiao dared to go beyond the position of asking the leader for advice.

It is because of the great shifts in the universe ahead.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head slightly.


He said lightly.

The torch order is useless.

He doesn't remember where either.

"It's just that I can move the universe."

Lin Pingzhi added again.

Wei Yixiao's pupils contracted.

He was a little confused.

Great move of heaven and earth?

Will Gong Ziyu move the universe?

How can it be!

"You are lying to me, the Great Teleportation of the Universe has been lost, how could you!"

Wei Yixiao looked directly at Lin Pingzhi.

It was about the leader of Mingjiao, so he had to get serious.

Lin Pingzhi was not angry either.

A faint smile appeared on his handsome face under the mask.


Lin Pingzhi's lips trembled slightly.

Spit out two words.

His eyes narrowed.

A ray of light was emitted from the position of the mask's eyes.


He drank lightly.

Arms wide open.

The gravel on the ground was gathered in his hands one after another.


Another shout.

The gravel hits the air.

"Bang bang bang..."

On the stone wall of the forbidden area, there are countless recesses.

Wei Yixiao was stunned.

He has seen the great shift of the universe.

At that time, Yang Dingtian was still alive.

He has seen Yang Dingtian perform.

Now Lin Pingzhi is showing it.

He recognized it immediately.

This is indeed a great shift in the universe.

"The universe has moved!"

Wei Yixiao couldn't help exclaiming.

Xiao Zhao smiled.

As long as Wei smiled, he recognized the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

That's easy.

"Bat King, you have also seen that the young master will indeed move the world, can you support the young master and become the new Mingjiao leader!"

Xiao Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Wei with a smile.

But Wei Yixiao didn't make a statement yet.

Yang Buhui was a little anxious.


she shouted hastily.

The current acting leader of the Ming Cult is his father.

If Lin Pingzhi becomes the new Mingjiao leader.

Doesn't that mean.

His father will have to come down from the throne of the leader.

"Where are you from!"

Xiao Zhao stared at Yang Buhui.

She was a little angry.

Lin Pingzhi protected her like that before.

That's why she was not captured by Wei Yixiao and sucked into a mummy.

Now it's fine if she doesn't speak for Lin Pingzhi.

He even wanted to sabotage Lin Pingzhi's plan.

Yang Buhui has always dictated to Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao scolded.

Yang Buhui subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when she raised her head, she saw Lin Pingzhi's fierce sprite mask.

She couldn't help but tremble all over.

The words that originally wanted to reprimand Xiao Zhao came to his lips, but he didn't say it in the end.

Lin Pingzhi didn't care.

"It's okay."

He shook his head.

It doesn't matter who the leader of Mingjiao is.

The important thing is.

Mingjiao, as long as it can be in his hands.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Wei Yi and smiled.

"How? Will you support me?"

His gaze was cold.

Wei Yixiao is not a good person, but he is not a bad person either.

In the works of Mr. Jin.

Most people are both good and evil.

For example, his "big brother" Linghu Chong.

Isn't it collusion with the Demon Cult?

Wei Yixiao, who fell to the ground, looked up at Lin Pingzhi.

He couldn't see through Lin Pingzhi.

But his heart is firm.

"It is impossible for me to support you as the leader of the Ming Cult. You are the head of the Azure Dragon Society, not a member of my Ming Cult. Even if you can move the universe, you can't do it!"

Wei Yixiao looked at Lin Pingzhi squarely and said.

Xiao Zhao panicked.

She knew Wei Yixiao was right.

Lin Pingzhi wants to become the leader of Mingjiao.

First of all, you must be a person of Mingjiao.

Xiao Zhao gritted his teeth.

She planned to tell Wei Yixiao.

Dai Qisi is her mother.

And Lin Pingzhi is the son-in-law of the Mingjiao saint.

In this way, you can be regarded as a person in the Ming religion.

"Need not."

Lin Pingzhi held Xiao Zhao back.

He guessed what Xiao Zhao was thinking.

He also understood that what Wei Yixiao said was not wrong.

In the original book, Zhang Wuji became the leader of Mingjiao, and he was also opposed.

But he is the grandson of the white-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng.

He is a member of the Ming religion.

With the support of the White-browed Eagle King.

In addition, it will move the universe.

At the same time, he saved many masters of Mingjiao.

Only then can one logically become the leader of Mingjiao.

But Lin Pingzhi was different.

Xiao Zhao was a little puzzled.

She didn't know why Lin Pingzhi was pulling her.

I saw Lin Pingzhi walking in front of Wei Yixiao.

"I can cure your cold poison."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Wei Yixiao froze on the spot.

Cure his cold poison?

This cold poison has plagued him for decades.

Just because he started practicing Frost Mian Palm, an accident happened.

Only then did the cold poison enter the body.

Human blood must be sucked in order to suppress the attack of cold poison.

Now Lin Pingzhi actually said that he could cure his cold poison?

How can this be?

"Ha ha."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly.

His figure flashed.

He came to Wei Yixiao's side in an instant.

Wei Yixiao subconsciously wanted to resist.

But his only intact hand had just been raised.

Lin Pingzhi hit his elbow with a "five-string wave".

The whole arm suddenly lost consciousness.

"what are you going to do!"

Wei Yixiao panicked.

Hastily shouted at Lin Pingzhi.

But he did not get a response from Lin Pingzhi.

All I saw was Lin Pingzhi's powerful and heavy palm.

Came to his chest.

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