Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 739 The Little Old Man and the Old Swordsman

Gong Jiu is just a puppet?

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were lost.

Who is it that can make Gong Jiu a puppet?

Isn't this too scary?

Gong Jiu's martial arts are not weaker than his.

Doesn't it mean that the person who can make Gong Jiu a puppet is easy to deal with?

Lin Pingzhi was a little dignified.

But this can't stop Lin Pingzhi's determination to rescue Dongfang Qingling.

"Elder Tong, take my teacher's wife and Yingying to find Master Ren."

Lin Pingzhi said with his back to Tong Baixiong.

If it is true what Dongfang Qingling said.

The strength of the people behind Gong Jiu cannot be underestimated.

Definitely better than Gong Jiu.

Maybe, Lin Pingzhi is not his opponent either.

In this way, Ning Zhongze and Ren Yingying followed Lin Pingzhi, which might become his weakness.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin."

Tong Baixiong clasped his fists together.

Ning Zhong and Ren Yingying were curious about the relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Dongfang Bubai in prison.

But they will not question Lin Pingzhi's decision.

Especially, when they knew that there was another man who manipulated Gong Jiu behind.

They decided not to hold back Lin Pingzhi.

"Let's go first, you must be careful!"

Ning Zhong exhorted worriedly.

"Master, don't worry."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

After Tong Boxiong took them away.

Lin Pingzhi stared squarely at the prison in front of him.

"Qing Ling, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you."

Holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand, he approached the prison step by step.

At the same time, my heart is full of vigilance.

He didn't know if suddenly, the person who controlled Gong Jiu would jump out from somewhere.

Dongfang Qingling had tears in her eyes.

She watched Lin Pingzhi, who was thinking day and night, approaching her.

"Come on..."

Dongfang Qingling bit her lower lip tightly.

She is seriously injured now.

Couldn't walk freely at all.

She would only drag Lin Pingzhi back, and didn't want to cause trouble for Lin Pingzhi.

Besides, that person doesn't know when he will come out.

"rest assured."

It is impossible for Lin Pingzhi to leave Dongfang Qingling behind.

"Qing Ling, step back a little, I'll break open the prison right now."

He was about to draw his sword and cut open the prison.

Dongfang Qingling held back tears and moved back.

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi focused his gaze.

Sword intent burst out all over his body.

His eyes are like torches.


With a light drink.

Lin Ping's sword struck the prison.

There was a loud "clang".

Although sparks splashed, there was only a white mark on the prison.

Lin Pingzhi was a little startled.

What material is this prison made of?

Why can't even the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade be cut through?

"Lin Pingzhi, hurry up, you can't save me."

Dongfang Qingling saw that Lin Pingzhi could not rescue her.

She felt a little hopeless.

But for the safety of Lin Pingzhi's life, she could only urge Lin Pingzhi to run quickly.

"No! I won't leave you behind!"

A look of madness appeared in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

He looked at the prison in front of him and gritted his teeth.

"I must rescue you!"

Lin Pingzhi held the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and kept making sword moves.

Taiyue Sanqing Peak, Miao Family Swordsmanship, Dugu Nine Swords...

All kinds of sword techniques were used on the prison.

But it's still just a few more white marks.

"Why? I don't believe it!"

Lin Pingzhi couldn't believe it.

He tried his best, but he couldn't shake the prison.

"Don't waste your time."

An ethereal voice came from somewhere in the dungeon.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't tell where the speaker was.

"This prison is made of thousand-year-old cold iron. Without the key, you can't rescue him."

The speaker continued.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Millennium cold iron.

No wonder it's so tough.

Could it be that the person who spoke was the one who manipulated Gong Jiu?

Could it be the old monster that great-grandfather said?

"Senior, Qingling has no grievances with you, can you let Qingling live? Just for the sake of Sunflower Patriarch."

Lin Yuantu's name was listed in Lin Pingzhi's newspaper.

Lin Yuantu once said.

For his sake, those old monsters might not kill him.

The man didn't reply immediately, and seemed a little surprised.

"It turns out that you are a descendant of Sunflower Patriarch, no wonder you have such powerful martial arts at such a young age!"

There was some emotion in the voice.

A gleam of joy appeared in Lin Pingzhi's eyes.

Listening to the meaning of this, it seems that there is a play.

"Yes, Sunflower Patriarch is the ancestor of my Lin family, please let Qingling go for the ancestor's sake, Ping Zhiding should be very grateful!"

Lin Pingzhi clenched his fists and shouted towards the surroundings.

He could not tell where the speaker was.

"I want to let it go too, but I don't have the key."

The speaker was a little helpless.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

He doesn't have a key?

How can this be?

"Little old man! You are here to spoil my good deed again!"

A violent voice sounded.

"Hmph, old swordsman, you control Gong Jiu, and now you're locking up Dongfang Qingling. The real purpose is for Lin Pingzhi, right?"

Said the person who spoke before.

Lin Pingzhi stood where he was, as if heaven and man were at war.

Little old man?Old knife handle?

It's them!

The little old man Wu Ming, a strange man in the rivers and lakes, belongs to the legend of martial arts.

The real identity of the old knife handle is Wudang Mu Taoist, and he hides it deeply.

I'm afraid even Wudang is not much better than him in teaching Zhang Sanfeng.

When Huashan Party dealt with Zuo Lengchan.

Zhong Wugu from the Black Tiger Gang helped Zuo Lengchan.

Zhong Wugu is the subordinate of the old knife handle.

He has great plans!

And according to the little old man, the real purpose of the old sword is for him?

To lead him here with Dongfang Qingling?

Lin Pingzhi was thinking about it.

Then he heard the sound of fighting.


Lin Pingzhi quickly walked towards a wall.

"The old knife handle, the key is left behind, the little old man owes Sunflower Patriarch a favor!"

The little old man's voice was a little anxious.

"Hmph! The key? Do you have your life to take it! How dare you spoil my good deed!"

The voice of the old knife handle was a little sullen.

"Clang clang clang..."


Lin Pingzhi heard the noise inside, and was about to make a move.

But the wall in front of him burst open with a "boom".

A hunched figure flew behind Lin Pingzhi.

"Hmph! Little old man, you are lucky this time!"

The old knife left a word, and there was no more sound.

Only then did Lin Pingzhi look at the old man who had fallen to the side.

I saw him with white hair and childlike face, looking like a wise old man.

There was a bit of pain on his face.

There is a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth.

"Here, here's the key."

The little old man Wu Ming stretched out his hand, with a bunch of keys hanging on it.

His hands don't look like old people.

On the contrary, it is like his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu, like a young man's hand.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Pingzhi took the key.

He hurried to Dongfang Qingling's prison.

He frantically opened the door with the key.

He was afraid that the old sword would appear again.

The little old man Wu Ming was injured.

He is certainly no match.

"Don't worry, the situation of the old knife handle is not much better than mine."

Wu Ming said with a smile.

He could see Lin Pingzhi's nervousness.

Lin Pingzhi slowed down the action of unlocking the lock.

Also successfully opened the lock.

He carried Dongfang Qingling out of the prison.

While repairing Dongfang Qingling's injuries with the Divine Light Sutra.

Look at Wu Ming.

Lin Pingzhi was very puzzled.

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