Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 738 Palace 9, just a puppet

Lin Pingzhi's eyes were fixed.

What he was waiting for was Gong Jiu's sword.

In the eyes of others.

This sword directly hit Lin Pingzhi's gate of life.

Lin Pingzhi was inevitable, and he would definitely die under Gong Jiu's sword.

Even Ren Yingying covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Pingzhi would die under Gong Jiu's sword.

Lin Pingzhi moved.

"Sword Drawing!"

The accumulated sword intent raged mercilessly.

Gong Jiu's clothes were turned into strips by the sword intent.

There was a "clang", and there was a crisp sound of the weapon hitting.

Lin Pingzhi's Weeping Blood Ghost Blade collided fiercely with Gong Jiu's sword, sparks flew everywhere.

A look of astonishment appeared in Gong Jiu's eyes.

But at this time.

Lin Pingzhi's left hand was wrapped around Gong Jiu's sword-holding hand.

Gong Jiu swung his elbow, trying to bounce Lin Pingzhi's hand away.

But Lin Pingzhi touched Gong Jiu's elbow with his five fingers.

"Waving the five strings."

It is the hand-waving five-string in the Nine Yin Scriptures.

Gong Jiu's hand felt numb at this moment.

Despite the impact of internal force.

The arm quickly returned to its original shape.

But it's too late.

A cold light flashed across Gong Jiu's eyes.

I felt a chill on my neck.

Just this moment.

Lin Pingzhi's sword cut off Gong Jiu's head.

Gong Jiu was a little puzzled.

Why can't his body move?

His head fell to the ground, he blinked his eyes, and then his eyeballs protruded, and he died with regret.

After killing Gong Jiu, Lin Pingzhi leaned on the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and panted heavily.

Although he was unscathed, the confrontation with Gong Jiu put too much pressure on him.

He had thought about whether to use Beiming Divine Art to absorb Gong Jiu's internal energy.

But he found that if he wrapped his hands around it directly.

I'm afraid that Gong Jiu's sword will fall, and he will not be able to withstand it.

Facing an opponent like Gong Jiu.

Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to take advantage of the defensive power of the snake armor and the golden bell cover iron shirt lightly.

To test Gong Jiu's attack power.

After all, Gong Jiu's strength is almost equal to his.

Gong Jiu would die at his hands, just because Gong Jiu was too careless.

He regards fighting as playing a game.

Fortunately, it was Lin Pingzhi who fought with him.

If it is replaced by Ren Woxing.

I'm afraid Gong Jiu will kill Ren Woxing while he's playing this game.


Ning Zhong hurried over.

When Lin Pingzhi fought against Gong Jiu earlier.

She couldn't help at all.

Only now that Lin Pingzhi had taken down Gong Jiu, she dared to go over.

Ren Yingying also rushed over.

She is nervous about her lover.

Ren Woxing looked at Gong Jiu's body and felt very uncomfortable.

He realized that his martial arts were not as good as he imagined, capable of dominating the world.

Now he is too weak.

Tong Baixiong was a little excited.

Gong Jiu died.

It means that his family can survive.

Supported by Ning Zhongze, Lin Pingzhi got up slowly.

He walked towards Gong Jiu's seat.

Although I suspect that the female corpse is Dongfang Qingling.

But Lin Pingzhi still had the idea of ​​fluke.

He hoped not.

The female corpse on the ground was dressed in red, beyond recognition.

Lin Pingzhi was a little uncertain, he looked around vigilantly.

The height seems to be a bit different.

Especially the location of the Dongfang Qing Lingzang steel plate.

At this time there is no steel plate, it seems that the woman in red on the ground is much smaller than Dongfang Qingling.

"It shouldn't be her..."

Lin Pingzhi felt a little lucky.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Dongfang Qingling is not dead.

Lin Pingzhi immediately turned to look at Tong Baixiong.

"Elder Tong, do you know where Dongfang Bubai is being held?"

He felt that Dongfang Qingling might still be imprisoned.

When Tong Boxiong heard Lin Pingzhi calling him, he nodded quickly.

"I know, Mr. Lin, I'll take you here."

He could also see Lin Pingzhi's strength clearly.

Gong Jiu, who was like a nightmare in his heart, died at the hands of Lin Pingzhi.

How strong should Lin Pingzhi be?

"Father-in-law, Gong Jiu is dead, hurry up and lead people to take all the members of the Sun Moon God Sect under your command."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Ren Woxing and said.

Without Gong Jiu, I would be able to walk in the Sun Moon God Sect without hindrance.

"it is good!"

Ren Woxing nodded.



Dongfang Qingling was imprisoned.

Under the scorching fire, her hair was disheveled, and the red dress on her body was also covered with dirt.

"Today is……"

Dongfang Qingling tried hard to recall.

Today is the first few days she has been locked up here.

But here it is dark.

Day and night, it's the same scene.

She couldn't even tell the time.

Dongfang Qingling, who couldn't remember what day it was, hung her head in frustration.

"I don't know, does he know that I'm locked up here..."

Dongfang Qingling murmured.

In the prison, what she missed the most was Lin Pingzhi.

If at that time, she stayed by Lin Pingzhi's side.

Perhaps, she would not fall into such a predicament.


The door opened again.

Dongfang Qingling was stunned.

Does time pass so fast?

She always felt that not long ago, someone came to deliver food.

How could it be so fast, and someone delivered food?

She raised her eyes and looked outside the prison.

A familiar face came into her eyes.

Dongfang Qingling felt bitter.

Could it be that thinking about him has hallucinations?

"Qing Ling."

Lin Pingzhi called softly.

His voice trembled a little.

Where is this Dongfang Qingling he had seen before?

In the Qing Dynasty, Dongfang Qingling was in high spirits.

But now, Dongfang Qingling is unkempt.

Ning Zhongze, Ren Yingying and Tong Baixiong were all in a daze.

Qing Ling?

Why did Lin Pingzhi call Dongfang Bubai Qingling?

And this tone, as if seeing an old lover.

This is not right!

Dongfang Bubai is a man!

They are still wondering.

Dongfang Qingling was stunned.

How can you still talk?

Could it be?Not a hallucination?

She suddenly looked at Lin Pingzhi.

"Is... is it really you?"

Dongfang Qingling's voice trembled a little.

The person she yearned for day and night, really appeared in front of her?

She had fantasized about it countless times.

After Lin Pingzhi found out about her.

Will he come to rescue her?

She had always felt hopeless.

But now.

Lin Pingzhi really appeared in front of her.

Even if it is as strong as Dongfang Qingling.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's really me, I'm here to save you."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

Dongfang Qingling is fine.

There was a "clang".

He pulled out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, ready to break through the prison and rescue Dongfang Qingling.

However, Dongfang Qingling's complexion changed.

"No, you go, go!"

Dongfang Qingling was very flustered.

She didn't dare to let Lin Pingzhi stay here any longer.

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

"Qing Ling, don't worry, Gong Jiu has already been killed by me, I will rescue you now."

He thought Dongfang Qingling was afraid of Gong Jiu.

Dongfang Qingling kept shaking her head.

"No, it's not Gong Jiu, it's someone scarier than Gong Jiu! Gong Jiu is just his puppet! Go away, if he comes, you won't be able to escape!"

There was fear in her voice.

That person put too much pressure on her.

Even if Lin Pingzhi is here, she doesn't think that Lin Pingzhi has the slightest chance of winning!

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