"Li Jiayi, do you want to die?"

Lin Pingzhi said in a deep voice.

Dare to listen to his corner?

I really don't know how to live or die!

Qu Wuyi was a little surprised.

She didn't find out.

Now it is pointed out by Lin Pingzhi.

Qu Wuyi suddenly became angry.

"Li Jiayi, get out of here immediately!"

She yelled out the door.


The sound of Li Jia falling to the ground sounded.

"Leader, I'm just passing by, there's no other meaning, I'm leaving now."

His awkward voice came from outside the door.

Lin Pingzhi kept it, and quietly felt the movement of putting his hands on both sides of Qu Wuyi's head.

After making sure that Li Jiayi didn't eavesdrop again.

Only then did Lin Pingzhi feel relieved.

He lowered his head slowly, ready to kiss Qu Wuyi.

Unexpectedly, Qu Wuyi gently pushed Lin Pingzhi away.

"Lin Lang, no..."

Qu Wuyi was a little scared.

She has always appeared indifferent in front of her subordinates.

Previously, Li Jia dared to listen to the corner.

If you are doing something.

He came again, so what should I do?

Qu Wuyi didn't dare.

"Don't worry, no doubt, I'll know when someone comes."

Lin Pingzhi comforted him.

He also didn't want to have an audience beside him when he was making out with Qu Wuyi.


Qu Wuyi still refused.

If in other places.

Perhaps Qu Wuyi accepted it half-heartedly.

But in the headquarters of Cold River City, rejecting Lin Pingzhi was the only reason she had left.

It was also because I missed it too much.

That's why she was lost in it before.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little lost.


He's embarrassed now.

This is so right on the string, I have to send it.

What can he do?

Go back to find the mistress again?

The teacher's wife is already asleep, so it's not good to wake her up.

"No memory, I feel bad..."

Lin Pingzhi tried to use words to impress Qu Wuyi so that Qu Wuyi would no longer resist.

But he underestimated Qu Wuyi's firm heart.

"Lin Lang, it's really not good...in the future, I will give myself to you in the future..."

Qu Wuyi bit her lower lip lightly, gritted her teeth and said.

Lin Pingzhi had no choice but to give up.


He sat up and began to doubt his life.

If I had known earlier, I would not have mentioned Li Jiayi's existence.

Let him listen, let him listen, and beat him deaf tomorrow.

That's all right now, Li Jiayi is leaving.

Tonight was wasted too...

Qu Wuyi blushed and sat up.

With the help of the faint moonlight.

She glanced at Big Lin lightly.

If there is no accident just now.

Perhaps Big Lin was already teaching her a lesson.

"Lin Lang, why don't you go find Qing'er..."

Qu Wuyi said shyly.

Yihong Courtyard is not too far from the residence of Hanjiang City.

Lin Pingzhi was shocked when he heard the words.


Not here, you can go there!

Mu Qing, Bai Yunxuan, Yue Lingshan and Yilin were all there...

"No memory..."

Lin Pingzhi pretended to be thinking about it.

Qu Wuyi gave him a blank look.

When Muqing was mentioned just now, Big Lin jumped a few times.

How could she not know what Lin Pingzhi was thinking.

"Go, tomorrow I will ask Li Jiayi to take your mistress to Yihong Courtyard to look for you."

Saying that, Qu Wuyi thought for a while and asked:

"Is Li Jiayi enough? Do you want me to send some more people?"

Although Lin Pingzhi didn't tell Qu Wuyi, he specifically asked Li Jiayi what he was going to do.

But Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are higher than hers.

It must not be easy for Lin Pingzhi to borrow someone himself.

She still understands this point.

Otherwise, she is not qualified to become the leader of Hanjiang City.

"no need."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

He wants to borrow Li Jiayi.

It's because of Li Jiayi's ability to hide.

It is safest to let him sneak into Blackwood Cliff silently and inquire about news.


Yihong Courtyard.

This is Lin Pingzhi's own sect.

At the beginning, in a hurry, I took the name Yihongyuan.

Thinking about it now, he still felt a little ashamed.

Fortunately, he was outside, and he always reported the name Yihong Sword Academy.

He didn't enter through the gate.

Instead, with the help of lightness kung fu, he jumped to the dormitory.

"This room should be Xiao Wu's... that room is Ping'er, and that room is..."

Tan Lang looked at the rooms in front of him, thinking about who lived there.

Then came the problem.

Who should I go to first?

Sister?Or Yilin?

Or love?

Or Bai Yunxuan?

"Let's find love first..."

Lin Pingzhi made a decision.

After all, Qu Wuyi asked him to find Muqing.

If Muqing meets Qu Wuyi tomorrow and mentions this matter, but Lin Pingzhi doesn't go to Muqing, I'm afraid Muqing will be angry again by then.

"Squeak" sound.

Gently push open the door.

Inside the room, the aroma is overflowing.

There are admirers, Wanyanping, Yue Lingshan and Yilin.

"It seems that Qing'er and Senior Sister are getting along well!"

A smile appeared on Lin Pingzhi's face.

They are all his women, able to coexist harmoniously.

He is naturally happy.

The beauty on the bed breathes evenly.

She has her back to the door.

Lin Pingzhi quietly put his hands under the quilt.

The beauty on the bed woke up instantly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't look at her, and whispered directly:

"Shh, Qing'er, don't wake up your other sisters."

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's voice, the beauty on the bed stopped when she was about to struggle.

It seems to be because of shyness.

She buried her head under the pillow.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help smiling wryly.

It's not the first time I've seen this girl, Qing'er.

Why are you still so shy?

Just be shy.

He followed Qu Wuyi's "order" to find Mu Qing.

"My love is good."

Lin Pingzhi squeezed it.

Then he was puzzled.

It feels like something is wrong.

Could it be that love has developed again?

I always feel that there seems to be a significant difference from last time.

Isn't love (.) (.)?

But this seems to be (.y.)

Lin Pingzhi looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.

The shy appearance of the beautiful woman made Lin Pingzhi forget about other things.

Anyway, Yihong courtyard is full of his women.

Those disciples will not live in this dormitory.

Crescent Villa originally occupied a large area, after the Crescent Villa was changed into Yihong Courtyard.

The area is expanded even more.

With the presence of Hanjiang City and Shuilongyin, Rao, an official of Hangzhou City, readily agreed to the enclosure of Yihongyuan.

All the women living in this residential area are Lin Pingzhi's women.

Xiao Wu, Wanyan Ping, and Tian Yijiu, these disciples of Lin Pingzhi, all live in another area.

And Mu Qing lived here before.

There should be nothing wrong.

Maybe it's because Mu Qing was with him.

According to previous life, girls can grow up to 24 years old.

Long time no see.

It's normal for love to develop again.

Lin Pingzhi didn't think any more.

His movements are very skilled.

After a prelude.

Lin Pingzhi came to Guan Bao with a cordial and friendly attitude.

But the relationship was just beginning.

He froze in place.

Because he heard the sound of gasping for air.

Mu Qing shouldn't make such a sound.

Although big Lin is very big.

Ke Muqing shouldn't just let out a muffled snort?

Why do you gasp, like a virgin?

Is it...

Lin Pingzhi widened his eyes.

He removed the pillow that the beauty had covered her face.

The person in front of him almost made Lin Pingzhi spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell!

What is she!

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