The night is charming.

Hangzhou, which is near the sea, is still brightly lit.

The station of Hanjiang City.

Qu Wuyi and Shangguan Xiaoxian are discussing the next development of the Four Leagues.


It sounded like the chirping of birds.

Qu Wuyi's expression was instantly cold.

"Shangguan deputy leader, it's getting late, you go back first."

she said coldly.

Shangguan Xiaoxian nodded.

After she left the room, she didn't leave.

Instead, hide to one side.

"Tsk tsk tsk, let me see if the icy leader Qu Da has a private meeting with his lover at night!"

Shangguan Xiaoxian murmured.

She is not stupid.

Can't you hear that the bird call just now was made by a person?

Shangguan Xiaoxian who wanted to understand all this, his eyes flashed with wisdom.

under her gaze.

Qu Wuyi walked out of the room.

"Come out."

she said coldly.

Wearing a black cloak, Li Jia jumped out with a straw in his mouth.

"See the ally."

He knelt down towards Qu Wuyi and clasped his fists.

Qu Wuyi nodded slightly.

"What's the matter?"

she asked coldly.

Li Jia showed bitterness on his face.

"he came."

He said him, Qu Wuyi knew who it was.

As soon as this word comes out.

Qu Wuyi panicked instantly.

She touched her cheek, thinking about dressing up.

But there is no women's dressing table here.

Mu Qing stayed in Yihong Courtyard for a long time, and there was no woman in Hanjiang City who needed to dress up.

Thinking of Qu Wuyi who didn't have a dressing table, she quickly tidied up her clothes.

There was a trace of tension in her expression.

Shangguan Xiaoxian, who was watching from the shadows, was indeed more interested.

This man in a black cloak should be Anzi from Hanjiang City.

It's a pity that I can't see the face clearly.

Otherwise, it would be possible to know if it was someone lurking in the Imperial State.

Among the four alliances, the intelligence network of Cold River City is all over the place.

When Bai Xiaosheng left Cold River City.

All the Anzi in Hanjiang City were controlled by Qu Wuyi.

No one knows what the identities and martial arts of these Anzi are.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was somewhat puzzled.

Anzi appeared and said he was coming.

This him?who is it?

It actually made Qu Wuyi think about tidying up his appearance!

Shangguan Xiaoxian's eyes widened, trying to see clearly and wait until he jumped out.

But at this time.

A big hand rested on Shangguan Xiaoxian's shoulder.

"Deputy Leader Shangguan, you are not at the base of the Imperial State, what are you peeking at here?"

Lin Pingzhi's voice sounded behind her.

Shangguan Xiaoxian's heart tightened.

Turning around and seeing Lin Pingzhi, he stammered and said:

"I-I didn't..."

She is very embarrassed now.

Here to eavesdrop, but let find out.

"You came?"

Qu Wuyi's voice was a little excited.

This also made Shangguan Xiaoxian understand instantly.

It was Lin Pingzhi who made Qu Wuyi produce these changes.

"Shangguan deputy leader, haven't you gone back?"

Qu Wuyi's voice turned cold.

She stared at Shangguan Xiaoxian coldly.

Shangguan Xiaoxian looked at Qu Wuyi in embarrassment.

Anzi from Hanjiang City has already left.

"Just about to leave..."

Shangguan Xiaoxian said awkwardly.

She turned around quickly and left.

Don't dare to stay for a moment.

Lin Pingzhi didn't stop him either.

After all, the relationship with the Four Leagues is not bad.

It's just that Ye Zhiqiu may still hold grudges against him.

Wait until Shangguan Xiaoxian leaves.

Ning Zhong nodded towards Qu Wuyi.

"Master Qu, long time no see."

The last time we met was in Huashan.

It's been a long time now.

Seeing that Ning Zhong was also there, Qu Wuyi lowered his head in embarrassment.

It would be fine if we met Ning Zhongze alone.

That belongs to the meeting between Hanjiang City and Huashan.

But now Lin Pingzhi is also there.

Qu Wuyi felt like meeting her parents.

"Wu Yi has seen Lady Ning."

She bowed to Ning Zhongze.

He stopped the urge to throw himself into Lin Pingzhi's arms.

"Master Lin, what are you doing in Hanjiang City?"

Qu Wuyi resisted the idea of ​​calling Lin Lang.

"I want to borrow someone from you."

Lin Pingzhi smiled wryly.

If it wasn't for Ning Zhong, he would follow.

Perhaps at this time, he wasn't standing here talking to Qu Wuyi.

Instead, the two lay in bed and chatted.


Qu Wuyi flashed a trace of doubt.

"Li Jiayi."

Lin Ping's way.

Qu Wuyi was stunned for a moment, then said:

"It's unfortunate that you came, he just left."

After telling Qu Wuyi the news of Lin Pingzhi's arrival.

Li Jiayi left.

"No, he hasn't left yet." Lin Pingzhi shook his head.

He stared to one side.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the tree branch cast a deep shadow.

Lin Pingzhi had just finished speaking.

At the tree branch, Li Jiayi's figure gradually appeared.

"Oh, it's still found."

The unruly Li Jiayi jumped out with a look of regret on his face.

Qu Wuyi gave Li Jia a blank look.

This bastard actually hid in the dark and eavesdropped!

Ning Zhong on the other side was also a little surprised.

She didn't even realize that there were still people hiding there.

It seems that this Li Jiayi is really extraordinary.

Otherwise, Lin Pingzhi would not have come to ask Qu Wuyi to borrow her.

Li Jia had a wry smile on his face.

"Young master, what kind of hard work do you have to find me?"

If possible, he would like to refuse.

"Early tomorrow morning, follow me to Heimuya."

Lin Pingzhi looked serious.

The new leader put too much pressure on him.

He must find someone to help share his pressure.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi's serious expression, Li Jia nodded solemnly.

that night.

Ningzhong was arranged by Qu Wuyi to live in Hanjiang City.

Lin Pingzhi sensed that the mistress in the next room had fallen asleep peacefully.

He quietly got up.

Following Qu Wuyi's breath, he touched Qu Wuyi's room.

"Squeak" sound.

Qu Wuyi's room door was pushed open.

Lin Pingzhi slipped in while it was dark.

But soon he felt something was wrong.

Why is there no one on the bed?


Lin Pingzhi suddenly felt a softness and threw himself into his arms.

Familiar smell.

It's Qu Wuyi.

Lin Pingzhi hooked his foot.

The door closed again.

"No memory, I miss you very much."

Lin Pingzhi whispered next to Qu Wuyi's ear.

After finishing speaking, I still didn't forget to blow a breath in her ear.

Qu Wuyi buried her head in Lin Pingzhi's chest.

"Me too."

Her voice is very soft.

This is inaudible to others.

Lin Pingzhi lowered his head slowly, and pressed Qu Wuyi's lips.

The two kiss deeply.

Qu Wuyi melted into Lin Pingzhi's affection.

At this moment, she is at the mercy of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was a little excited.

Although Qu Wuyi is Lin Pingzhi's woman.

But they haven't reached the final step yet.

Now, that moment has finally arrived.

How can he not be excited?

Lin Pingzhi hugged Qu Wuyi's soft body, and slowly approached the bed.

Qu Wuyi's face is like a peach blossom.

Under the faint moonlight, the blush on her face was like getting drunk after drinking.

With misty eyes, he looked at Lin Pingzhi affectionately.

"Lin Lang..."

Qu Wuyi called out the title that he hadn't called out before.

Lin Pingzhi didn't respond, just kissed her lightly on the lips.

From Qu Wuyi's attitude.

Lin Pingzhi understood.

Today is the time to successfully take down Qu Wuyi.

His hand had already grasped the silky silk ribbon.

Just a light swipe.

The beauty will unfold before your eyes.

"and many more."

Lin Pingzhi suddenly said softly.

Qu Wuyi's eyes suddenly became sober.

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