Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 709 A Ke Offered It

Lin Pingzhi's voice suddenly rose.

Ake was taken aback.

She was stiff, her arms hovering in mid-air.

at this time.

She found that there was a big hand slowly touching her waist.

Whose hand it was, there is no doubt.

When A Ke was touched, her whole body shook again.

She was a little nervous and a little shy.

But vaguely, there are also some expectations.

What exactly she was expecting, she didn't know.

"do not……"

A Ke called out a word softly.

But she just finished speaking.

It was discovered that Lin Pingzhi had bravely climbed the peak!

A Ke used to be the princess.

Ordinary men can't get close to her at all.

Not to mention, there is a man who can have such intimate contact with her.

A Ke firmly held Lin Pingzhi's hand.

But she is no match for Lin Pingzhi.

It was easy, her hand followed Lin Pingzhi's.

"don't want……"

The intense shyness made her suppress the joy in her heart.

But Lin Pingzhi had already kissed A Ke's lips.

A Ke's eyes suddenly blurred.

This feeling is so good...

She experienced it for the first time.

It turned out to be so comfortable.

Under a crackling foundation exercise.

Lin Pingzhi and A Ke came to Boji

The acquaintance of the son-in-law.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for attacking Ake, the conversion rate will increase by one."

Another bit of transformation.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't complain.

Ake's limbs were weak, and she was lying on the bed panting.

Lin Pingzhi still left his mark on Mount Everest and refused to go down the mountain for a long time.

"Lin Lang...don't play, it will be uncomfortable waiting."

Ake was still a little shy.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly smiled strangely.

"Sad? It's okay! If you're sad, I'll give you an injection!"

Listening to Lin Pingzhi's words, A Ke blushed again.

She buried her head in Lin Pingzhi's chest and refused to raise her head for a long time.

Lin Pingzhi hugged her and patted her fragrant shoulder lightly.

"What do you think, how did you feel just now?"

He is guiding Ake.

Ake was a little shy.

She dared not describe the feeling in detail.

"Very...very comfortable..."

In the end, only such an adjective can be said.

Although it is simple, it is enough for Lin Pingzhi.

"Do you like this feeling? If you don't like it, then I won't touch you in the future."

In order to fear that A Ke would say that he didn't like it because of his shyness.

Lin Pingzhi specially added such a sentence.

Ake suddenly became anxious.

First taste, always addictive.

What's more, Lin Pingzhi is extremely powerful.

Ake naturally likes it.

If Lin Pingzhi doesn't touch her anymore, he won't be able to enjoy this feeling anymore.


She held back her shyness and said shyly.

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, a smile slipped across the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that when you were very young, your mother stayed in the nunnery, right?"

He looked at A Ke who was buried in his chest and asked.

"Well, she went to a nunnery before I can remember."

In Lin Ping's arms, A Ke nodded in response.

She didn't realize the trap set by Lin Pingzhi at all.

He simply thought that Lin Pingzhi was chatting with her about family affairs.

"At that time, I thought I didn't have a mother..."

Ake said sadly.

She lacked maternal love since she was a child.

So after she knew that Chen Yuanyuan was in a nunnery.

I often go to the nunnery to accompany Chen Yuanyuan.

She likes the feeling of Chen Yuanyuan being by her side.

This feeling allows her to experience maternal love.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi's emotions were almost aroused.

He knew the time had come.

"Have you ever thought about how your mother lived alone in the nunnery?"

Lin Pingzhi asked again.

when saying this.

Start climbing again.

And in the eyes, a little bit of starlight is shining.

He didn't use the soul-destroying method to control Ake.

But it affected Ake's thoughts a little bit.

What A Ke originally thought was that Chen Yuanyuan worked hard in the nunnery by herself.

Suddenly, it occurred to me.

My own mother has never tasted this kind of taste for more than ten years.

How tormenting should this be?

Thinking of this, A Ke felt very sorry for Chen Yuanyuan.

She cried out straight away.

"Mother... woo woo woo..."

Akko was sobbing.

Lin Pingzhi patted A Ke on the back lightly as a comfort.

After A Ke stopped crying.

She pulled her head out of Lin Pingzhi's chest.

Lifting his head slightly, looking into Lin Pingzhi's eyes, he hesitated to speak.

"what happened?"

Lin Pingzhi gently kissed A Ke on the forehead.

Ake felt sweet in her heart.

It certainly gave her some confidence.

"Lin Lang... Otherwise, you, you, you also take my mother... Anyway, you have so many women, it shouldn't matter if you have one more of my mother? Even better than me.”

A Ke plucked up the courage to say such a sentence.

She is not like Chen Yuanyuan.

When Chen Yuanyuan was young, she stayed in the Land of Love and Moon.

Naturally, there are no scruples about human ethics.

But Ake is different.

She was born in the palace and grew up in the palace.

These things, to her, are taboo.

But out of love for her mother, A Ke made such a request.

In her opinion.

Other men are not reliable.

Only Lin Pingzhi could be worthy of her mother.

Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he felt a little embarrassed.

"It's... not very good."

he said hesitantly.

Let A Ke take the initiative to raise this matter.

This is the result Lin Pingzhi wanted.

After all, Chen Yuanyuan's side has already done it.

However, Lin Pingzhi understood.

Be sure to be self-conscious.

If he agrees readily.

It will definitely make A Ke think that he has an idea for her mother.

In this way, it backfired.

A Ke looked at Lin Pingzhi with a pleading look.

"Lin Lang, I want my mother to be happy... Please, Lin Lang..."

She looked at Lin Pingzhi imploringly, her eyes filled with tears.

In A Ke's opinion, it is undoubtedly difficult for Lin Pingzhi to accept her mother.

After all, it was her mother-in-law.

As for Chen Yuanyuan's age.

Ake wasn't too worried.

Because Chen Yuanyuan's age is not much older than Luo Bing's.

Since his beloved Lin Lang can accept Sister Luo Bing, why can't he accept his mother?

Lin Pingzhi hugged Chen Yuanyuan gently, smiling from ear to ear.

But in his mouth, he said righteously:

"Don't worry, I will treat you mother and daughter well in the future."

Ake was overjoyed.

She knew that Lin Pingzhi agreed!

The happy A Ke actively moved her mouth towards Lin Pingzhi.

This is her reward to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi was naturally not polite.

After a routine operation that comes and goes in a gust of wind and rain.

Ake was exhausted.

The next day, a large tent specially designed to isolate others, and specially thickened for sound insulation, was erected.

There is also a huge bed spread out on the inside.

this day.

Under the leadership of Ah Jiu.

Lin Pingzhi's women in the Golden Snake Camp walked to Lin Pingzhi's side like a Victoria's Secret catwalk.

A contest of three days and three nights.

It made Lin Pingzhi, Ah Jiu and more than a dozen other women exhausted.

Inside, there are princesses of two countries, mother and daughter, and even "master and apprentice".

Various identities really made Lin Pingzhi very excited.

Lin Pingzhi clutched his waist.


He likes this tired and happy feeling very much!

Especially under the blessing of the double revision of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic.

He alone made them complain endlessly.

Get up from a pile of hands and feet.

Lin Pingzhi walked out of the tent.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a trace of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

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