Lin Pingzhi smiled "hehe":

"I have assembled an army of one hundred thousand for the Golden Snake Battalion!"

Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu blinked.

One hundred thousand troops?

They wondered if they heard it wrong.

Or, is this a joke Lin Pingzhi played with them?

With an army of [-], it would definitely become a top power in the Qing Dynasty.

Where did Lin Pingzhi come from?

"Lin Lang, are you kidding us?"

Xia Qingqing stared at Lin Pingzhi with a look of expectation in her eyes.

How I hope, what Lin Pingzhi said is true.

There was a "pop" sound.

The waves rolled a few more times.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Xia Qingqing slightly reproachfully.

"Do I look like I'm joking with you?"

A smile slipped across his lips.

Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing looked at each other.

They heard what Lin Pingzhi said.

How dare you not believe it?

However, their eyes were still full of surprise.

"Lin Lang, tell me quickly, where did the [-] troops come from?"

Ah Jiu asked Lin Pingzhi, and then she said shyly:

"As long as you tell us, what I promised you just now will be realized tomorrow."

Can it be realized tomorrow?

Lin Pingzhi was overjoyed.

Last time in Shengjing, there were not enough people.

This time it was more or less the same.

"The one hundred thousand army belongs to Wu Sangui."

Lin Pingzhi said it quickly.

"Wu Sangui?"

Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing's expressions were a little solemn.

They didn't have a good impression of Wu Sangui.

Hearing what Lin Pingzhi said at this time, he thought that Lin Pingzhi had some kind of shady deal with Wu Sangui.

Especially Ah Jiu.

She is the former princess.

Although it is unstoppable for the Ming Dynasty to destroy the country.

But it was because of Wu Sangui that the destruction of the Ming Dynasty was brought forward.

Moreover, Wu Sangui became the King of Pingxi in the Qing Dynasty.

This made Ah Jiu not hate Wu Sangui.

"Lin Pingzhi, I really misjudged you! I didn't expect that you would have a relationship with Wu Sangui. From now on, you and I will have no friendship, just treat me as Jiu, who was bitten by a dog earlier!"

Ah Jiu said angrily.

She hurriedly pushed Lin Pingzhi away and got up to get dressed.

Lin Pingzhi was speechless.

"Hey, isn't it? Either Wu Sangui's army belongs to me, or is it related to Wu Sangui?"

He looked at Ah Jiu strangely and said.

Before he finished speaking, he was so angry and called himself a dog.

Even if it was Lin Pingzhi's woman, he would still have a strange air of yin and yang, ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu could hear Lin Pingzhi's tone.


She turned her head to the side, not looking at Lin Pingzhi.

"If you don't give me an explanation today, I will take all the sisters and leave you!"

Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

No way, you are so ruthless!

"I said I said." Lin Pingzhi softened.

Although Lin Pingzhi wasn't sure if Ah Jiu could take his other women away from him.

And she also has enough confidence in her woman.

However, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

Such a hurtful thing.

You can't do it and you can't do it.

A smug look appeared in Ah Jiu's eyes, as if he had won Lin Pingzhi.

"Actually, I infiltrated into Wu Sangui's army and convinced the commander with my charisma, so he was willing to listen to me."

Lin Pingzhi shrugged and said.

There is such a thing as the soul-destroying method.

It's not that I don't want to say it.

But too unbelievable.

Ah Jiu was shocked.

She didn't care how Lin Pingzhi was convinced.

The important thing is that Lin Pingzhi can directly control an army of 10 people.

This is 10 people!

At the peak of the Golden Snake Camp, there are no more than ten thousand people!

10 people, what kind of concept is this?

Xia Qingqing was already crying at this time.

She was in charge of the Golden Snake Camp during this time, and only she knew what she had experienced.

If there are these [-] troops joining.

The growth of the Golden Snake Camp is just around the corner!

Seeing this, Lin Pingzhi gently hugged Xia Qingqing, without saying a word.

Ah Jiu also fell silent.

She knew that she had misunderstood Lin Pingzhi.

In order to apologize, she had no choice but to go to Lin Pingzhi's side and rub Lin Pingzhi's shoulders.

"Lin Lang, with this [-] troops, will they empty the Golden Snake Camp?"

Xia Qingqing wiped away the tears from her face, looked at Lin Pingzhi tenderly and asked.

This was what Xia Qingqing was worried about.

Although an army of one hundred thousand sounds very tempting.

But there are also big problems.

One hundred thousand troops joined the Golden Snake Camp.

The number of people in the Golden Snake Battalion is obviously not as good as them.

So in the end, who is in charge?

"Don't worry." Lin Pingzhi patted Xia Qingqing's shoulder lightly, "Their commander is Han Xiao, and he will definitely obey your orders."

After all, Han Xiao was controlled by himself using the soul-stirring method.

Although he can think independently.

But a reckless man is a reckless man.

After controlling him with the soul-stirring method, Lin Pingzhi found that he didn't show any signs of rebounding.

So Han Xiao listened to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi asked him to listen to Xia Qingqing.

He would listen to Xia Qingqing.

as predicted.

After hearing Lin Pingzhi's assurance, Xia Qingqing closed her eyes with peace of mind and fell asleep.

Earlier, I dressed Lin Pingzhi together with Ah Jiu.

Directly be punished.

Rao's physique strengthened, and the two of them couldn't bear it.

Qiqi rested at this time.

But Lin Pingzhi did not rest.

A man should work tirelessly to satisfy his woman.

Ah Jiu is there to help.

Tomorrow, the plan to sleep with all the girls and the big quilt will be completed.

Before that, you need to get rid of A Ke who hasn't got it done yet.

Otherwise, Ake can't participate in the co-sleeping plan, which is impossible.

After all, Chen Yuanyuan will participate.

As the saying goes, go to battle, father and son, go to bed...

Lin Pingzhi hurriedly put on his clothes.

For my own sake.

Today, Big Lin must get A Ke done!


A Ke was lying on the bed in the military tent.

Looking at the round tent roof, she felt a little uncomfortable.

At first, she heard from scholars that Lin Pingzhi had many confidante friends.

She doesn't care either.

After all, isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines?

A Ke who grew up in the palace is a little different from A Ke who was taken away by Ah Jiu in the original book.

Whether it is the three views or knowledge, there is a big difference.

But one thing remains unchanged.

That's her beauty.

When A Ke came to the Golden Snake Camp.

Only then did I realize what three wives and four concubines are.

Thirty wives and forty concubines!

In the Golden Snake Camp alone, there are more than ten people.

Ake was a little hard to accept for a while.

After all, which girl is not pregnant?

Which girl doesn't wish that the man she likes also likes herself as much as she does?

Although Lin Pingzhi has many women, A Ke also hopes that he can get a little more love from Lin Pingzhi.

However, after Lin Pingzhi came to the Golden Snake Camp, he sneaked into Xia Qingqing's tent.

It hasn't come out yet.

How could Ake not be disappointed by this?

I thought that following Lin Pingzhi, I would be able to roam the rivers and lakes, and would draw my sword to help when the road was uneven.

Recognized by the world as a couple of gods and immortals, a good story has been achieved.

Never thought, the dream has not set sail, it has broken down.

"I'm furious!"

Ake waved her fist angrily.

It seemed that the round top of the tent was Lin Pingzhi's head, and he kept punching there.

"Kill you, kill you, big bastard!"

While throwing his fist, A Ke shouted.

at this time.

Lin Pingzhi's voice rang in her ears:

"Heroine Ake, who do you want to kill?"

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