Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 702 Powerless Wu Sangui

Pingxi Palace.

Wu Yingxiong has been taken down.

Treated by the best doctors in town.

Root, although it cannot be kept.

But at least, life is still alive.

at the same time.

Wu Sangui and Han Xiao.

They are talking in secret in the study.

"how is the situation?"

Wu Sangui looked at Han Xiao and asked.

When Han Xiao said that he would kill the weeds and eradicate the roots.

He did not refuse.

Instead, he nodded silently.

"180 died."

Han Xiao said in a deep voice.

Wu Sangui looked a little gloomy.

Only 180?

Thousands of people, only to kill 180 people on the opposite side?

He was a little annoyed.

It seems that there has been no war for a long time.

The soldiers under his command are already a little tired.

Seeing this, Han Xiao continued:

"Don't worry, my lord. Although there are only one hundred and eight left, Jianning's body has been destroyed, and Fu Kang'an is also dead."

He told the truth.

Wu Sangui felt somewhat comforted in his heart.

As long as there is no proof.

Based on the words of those big inner guards, plus a little bit of maneuvering by myself.

Kangxi will not act rashly for the time being.

"Order the three armies to prepare for war at any time."

Wu Sangui said in a deep voice.

He understands that war may break out at any time.


Han Xiao lowered his head slightly, followed Wu Sangui's order, and walked out.

Nowadays, the most troublesome thing for Wu Sangui is nothing else.

But how to make Prince Bao and Kangxi confront each other.

Otherwise, the two will attack themselves at the same time.

You are not an opponent at all.

After Han Xiao went out.

Wu Sangui lowered his head and thought for a long time.

When he looked up again.

There is already a countermeasure in mind.

He walked to the desk, took out a piece of letter paper, and wrote quickly.

When he wrote "Wu Sangui" at the end.

His body seemed to be even more stooped.


He seemed to use all his strength to yell out these words.


A confidant came to Wu Sangui's side.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

The cronies saluted respectfully from Wu Sangui.

He is the dark son of Wu Sangui hiding in the dark.

On the surface, they are trusted followers.

In fact, he is also a rare martial arts master.

Responsible for guarding Wu Sangui's safety.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable with Hu Yizhi, the king of Baisheng swords.

Otherwise, Hu Yizhi's knife would not have been on Wu Sangui's neck.

But he did indeed block many killers for Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui trusted him very much.

Therefore, he only dared to let the shadow deliver this letter that exhausted Wu Sangui's heart and soul.

"This letter must be handed over to King Ruyang!"

Wu Sangui said earnestly.

King Ruyang of Mongolia, the commander in chief of the war with the Qing Dynasty.

He will be Wu Sangui's last hole card.

If you are in a hurry.

He doesn't mind letting the Qing army enter the customs.

Let the Mongolian iron cavalry drive straight into the hinterland of the Qing Dynasty!

Shadow looked up at Wu Sangui.

He didn't speak.

But he already guessed what Wu Sangui wanted to do.

He dared not disobey Wu Sangui's order.


He took the letter and saluted Wu Sangui.

Then he turned and left.

After the shadow left.

Wu Sangui seemed to have lost all strength in his body.

He collapsed on the chair.

His eyes looked at the beams, and his mouth moved slightly.

Want to say something, but can't say it.

Wu Sangui looks back on his life.

Struggle step by step.

Become the general soldier of Shanhaiguan.

Let the Manchu Qing army enter the customs and become a vassal king.

Was insulted by many Han people.

In their eyes, Wu Sangui is a dog.


In order to survive.

Wu Sangui has no choice but to be a dog again.



Lin Pingzhi didn't know Wu Sangui's behavior.

He returned to the nunnery alone.

As Lin Pingzhi.

The bodyguard Lin Ping became a warrior to recapture Jianning's body.

"Lin Lang, you're back!"

Jianning was the first to discover Lin Pingzhi.

She hurriedly stuck it to Lin Pingzhi's body.

Let go of your clinginess.

A Ke looked a little envious.

She thought so too.

But after all, she has no actual relationship with Lin Pingzhi.

So I stood a little reservedly beside my mother Chen Yuanyuan.

Lin Pingzhi gently put his arms around Jianning's waist.

He lowered his head, looked at Jianning and asked:

"What if you can't go back to the palace in the future?"

Jianning looked at Lin Pingzhi suspiciously.

Little did she know that there was a body disguised as her that had been destroyed.

She thought about Lin Pingzhi's question carefully.

For the master's question.

She has never been meticulous.

"If I can't go back to the palace in the future, I will be very happy. After all, it is very boring in the palace."

Jianning replied.

But there was still a hint of sadness on her face.

"It's just that I miss the emperor's brother and the emperor's mother a little bit."

Lin Pingzhi patted Jianning's shoulder lightly to comfort him.

Since she misses his mother-in-law.

Then let Su Quan continue to be her mother in the future.

Anyway, Jianning couldn't find it again.

As for Kangxi...

Lin Pingzhi thinks this is a problem.

At least, for Jianning's sake.

I can keep Kangxi alive.

Before that, Kangxi, who was protected by his great-grandfather Lin Yuantu, would definitely not die.

"I made the news that you are dead. You don't need to go back to the palace for now. I will take you back when you miss them."

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

Jianning did not object.

In her opinion.

Lin Pingzhi is the master.

It is what the master says.

"It's all up to Lin Lang."

Jianning said obediently.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi being so gentle to Jianning, A Ke felt a little sour.

She is also looking forward to Lin Pingzhi's tenderness.

"You guys, do you want to come with me?"

Lin Pingzhi looked at A Ke and Chen Yuanyuan and asked.

In fact, this is an obvious problem.

Ake and Chen Yuanyuan broke with Wu Sangui.

Now there is nowhere to go.

But Lin Pingzhi is a gentleman, how could he make decisions for them without their consent?

A Ke listened to Lin Pingzhi's question.

Immediately blushed.

Lin Pingzhi's words sounded to A Ke.

It was like his confession.

Chen Yuanyuan could see through her daughter's intentions at a glance.

Not to mention.

She could not do without Lin Pingzhi.

Moreover, except for Lin Pingzhi.

I no longer have illusions about any man.

"We are mother and daughter, but it is arranged by the son."

Chen Yuanyuan smiled, looked at Lin Pingzhi and said.

There was a provocative look in her smile.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little itchy in his heart.

I can't wait to let Chen Yuanyuan lose his helmet and take off his armor now!

But there are still some things that have not been dealt with.

Jianning was in Lin Pingzhi's arms.

I saw the ambiguous look of Chen Yuanyuan and Lin Pingzhi.

She glanced at A Ke.

But A Ke was lowering her head in embarrassment at this time.

She thought to herself, if you know that your mother is having an affair with the master, I don't know what you think.

As everyone knows, Jianning later realized this kind of thinking.

"Lin Pingzhi, with a word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase after a horse. What you promised me!"

Dongfang Qingling's voice came from the roof.

She was when Lin Pingzhi first stepped into the nunnery.

I noticed it.

She also believed that Lin Pingzhi knew she was on the roof.

Originally, she just wanted to wait quietly.

It never occurred to Lin Pingzhi to keep chattering with those three women.

Dongfang Qingling's patience was wiped out.

Then I couldn't help it, and reminded him aloud.

Lin Pingzhi was a little dissatisfied.

In such a hurry, rushing to reincarnate?

Believe it or not I got you pregnant?

"It's not in my hands, why are you in a hurry!"

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