Lin Pingzhi led a thousand guards from the inner city, all the way out of the city.

The destination they want to go to is Shengjing.

A group of talents walked less than ten miles away.

Thousands of people stood on the official road and stopped them.

There are thousands of people without any cover.

He directly wore the armor and weapons of Wu Sangui's men.

"Be sensible, hand over the person, or you will all die here!"

The first person shouted at Lin Pingzhi and the others.

He had a stern look on his face, and he seemed to be a man of his word.

"Brother Lin Ping, that man is Han Xiao's confidant, I saw him in the barracks!"

A big inner guard said to Lin Pingzhi.

During the few days he led in the military camp in the south of the city, he also knew a lot of people.

Of course I know that he is Han Xiao's confidant... Lin Pingzhi thought to himself.

"I know, it seems that His Royal Highness King Pingxi wants to destroy the corpse!"

Lin Pingzhi said with a stern face.

When everyone heard the words, they all fell silent.

Fukang'an looked ahead at the soldiers under Han Xiao's command who exuded murderous aura.

My heart is cold and cold.

Now he just hopes, Ouchi Guard, don't hand him over.

If you hand him over.

Then he must die!

He looked at Lin Pingzhi nervously.

Lin Pingzhi faced thousands of enemies ahead.

His eyes were like fire.

"Brother guards, are you afraid of death!"

He stands like a mountain, unmoving.

"Not afraid!"

Behind Lin Pingzhi, thousands of Ouchi guards roared loudly.

"Okay! Since you're not afraid, let's have a good fight!"

Lin Pingzhi roared.

He was the first to draw his knife and rushed towards the opposite side.


The fight of thousands of people began.

Fukang'an understands.

His life and death are linked to the Ouchi guards.

If the Ouchi guards lose.

Then he, Fukang'an, is really going to die here.

He snatched the long knife from a soldier under Wu Sangui's command.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed fiercely at those who wanted to take his life.

Lin Pingzhi swung the saber in his hand every time.

Then there is a corpse.

He will show no mercy in killing these people.

Except for the lead confidant.

The others are not from Han Xiao.

It was Wu Sangui's subordinates, soldiers under the command of other generals.


Get a big drink.

After beheading a soldier.

Lin Pingzhi turned around.

I saw Fukang'an fighting bloody battles.

His eyes narrowed.

In the process of hacking and killing, his footsteps kept approaching Fukang'an.

Everyone in the field did not notice that Lin Pingzhi was constantly shifting the battlefield.

"Want to kill me, dream!"

Fukang'an roared.

The long knife in his hand slashed down in the air, directly splitting the soldier in front of him in half.

Blood spattered on his face.

He didn't bother to wipe it off.

Let the blood slide from his face, to his chin, and finally fall to the ground.

"Come on! Who else! Let me die!"

Holding a long knife in his hand, he kept roaring.

But the fighting on the field was very intense.

No one noticed what Fukang'an was saying or shouting at all.

Fukang'an is excited.

Suddenly I felt a tightness in my heart.

He raised the knife subconsciously, trying to block the imminent fatal attack.

However, he found that his eyes looked up to the sky somehow.

And it seems to have the feeling of falling to the ground.

"Bang" sound.

Fukang'an felt a pain in the back of his head.

It was as if his head fell to the ground.

But in his eyes, he saw his own body.

And, Lin Ping, the guard standing beside him.

this moment.

He was full of doubts.

Why is he?

He was puzzled.

Since you want to kill yourself.

Then in front of Wu Sangui, why did he save himself?

He really wanted to open his mouth and ask Lin Pingzhi.

But consciousness has become more and more blurred.

In the end, die completely.

After doing this, Lin Pingzhi looked at Han Xiao's confidant at the back.

Han Xiao's confidant nodded towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi understood, it was almost done.

"Brothers, follow me to break through the siege! Go!"

He raised his long knife high and roared loudly.


The Ouchi guards shouted one after another.

They followed behind Lin Pingzhi.

Like a torrent of steel.

Lin Pingzhi acted as a sharp knife and passed through thousands of soldiers.

Thousands of soldiers led by Han Xiao's confidants were pierced straight through.

Lin Pingzhi led the Ouchi guards and killed them directly.

Just when Wu Sangui's subordinates wanted to pursue him.

Han Xiao's confidant stood up.

"No need to chase! Let's go back!"

He stopped the pursuit.

After Lin Pingzhi fled with the Ouchi guards.

Run for dozens of miles.

Finally stopped.

"Count the casualties!"

Lin Pingzhi held a long knife in both hands, looked at the guards in the palace and said.

After a while, someone reported.

"Brother Lin Ping, 180 brothers died, and the rest were just injured, but..."

The guard who reported was a little hesitant.

One thousand against three thousand.

In just such a short time, 180 people died...

And he has himself as a striker.

It seems that the combat power of these Ouchi guards is not generally bad.

If you don't have yourself.

They really encountered such a situation, and there was no second result except for the entire army to be wiped out.

As for the last words of the report, Lin Pingzhi also knew what was going on.

"But what?"

He looked at the guard and asked.

The guard looked at Lin Pingzhi resentfully.

He had seen Lin Pingzhi's ferocity in the battle just now.

Knowing that the big brother Lin Ping in front of him is a fierce man.

So I was a little scared of him.

"The princess's body is lost... and Prince Bao's son, Fu Kang'an, seems to be dead too."

He nervously said the following words.

Lin Pingzhi was silent for a while.

Everyone looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Although 180 of them died.

But under Lin Pingzhi's bravery, they are not afraid of life and death.

Now, they are only waiting for Lin Pingzhi's words.

Then dare to rely on more than 800 people to rush into the city again and take back the princess's body!

"Go back to Shengjing."

Lin Pingzhi said such a sentence coldly.

In his words, there was a murderous look and a deadly look.

Many big inner guards were taken aback.

Brother Lin Ping wants us to go back to Shengjing?

What about him?

"Brother Lin Ping, we are going back, what about you?"

Someone asked unwillingly.

Of course I'm going back to the nunnery, with Jianning on the left, Yuanyuan on the right, and Ake in the middle... Lin Pingzhi thought.

But these words must never be said.

Make it so complicated.

Play carefully.

Isn't it just for this time?

"Me? I'm going to take back the princess' body!"

Lin Ping's face was tragic.

Just like a look, although there are tens of millions of people, I will go.

Everyone is infected.

"Brother Lin Ping! Take us with you! We are not afraid of death!"

"No, brother Lin Ping, you can't go!"

"Take us!"

They volunteered one after another.

But it was impossible for Lin Pingzhi to let them follow.

If you follow me, what the hell are you doing?

"To shut up!"

Lin Pingzhi roared with anger.

He looked at them sternly.

"I am a first-rank guard with a sword bestowed by the emperor, and my mission is to protect the princess!"

Lin Pingzhi said firmly.

"The princess is dead, and I must hide behind her body! Your skills are so poor, so don't mess around with me. I'm more flexible by myself!"

Although Lin Pingzhi said that their skills were poor.

In normal times, they might still be angry and want to compete with Lin Pingzhi.

But now, they all thought that Lin Pingzhi said this to prevent them from dying.

Even some Ouchi guards have already cried.

"Brother Lin Ping..."

"To shut up!"

Lin Pingzhi roared directly.

"Crying and crying, what does it look like? Can you be like a man?"

The crowd fell silent.

They looked at Lin Pingzhi without saying a word.

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand.

"Go, go back to Shengjing. If I can bring back the dead body of the princess, I will treat you to a drink then. If I can't bring it back, it means I will never go back."

Of course I wouldn't have gone back.

Lin Pingzhi thought in his heart.

He stands still.

"Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, once the strong man is gone, he won't return!"

"Brother Lin Ping!"


"Good Le!"

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