Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1296 Molesting Qingqing

Looking at Lin Pingzhi, who was in good condition but had blood on the corner of his mouth, Zhuge Qingqing was very distressed.

Hearing about that kind of thing from Zhui Ming's mouth, I was very worried.

Who is Guan Yutian?That is a master who can be compared with her grandfather.

It's hard to imagine that after receiving three palms from him, he was still safe and sound.

Zhuge Qingqing's hands were sweating unknowingly, and unknowingly, Lin Pingzhi's safety was already considered very important.

Who knew that all of this was actually seen by the cold blood outside the window, and there was another burst of jealousy.

He didn't know why his little junior sister would slowly lean towards Lin Pingzhi, could it be that he wasn't good enough?

"Lin Pingzhi, I would have killed you long ago!"

Cold-blooded secretly swore that he must avenge himself for letting out such a bad breath.

Inside the room.

Lin Pingzhi used his hands to heal the wounds in his body slowly.

Fortunately, he had magical powers to protect his body, and he didn't suffer much injuries.

Coupled with his own profound internal strength, there will be no serious problems after sitting in place for an hour.

Lin Pingzhi let out a mouthful of turbid air slowly, vomiting out all the impurities in his body.

Afterwards, feeling extremely comfortable, she slowly opened her eyes, only to find that Zhuge Qingqing was lying on her lap.

"This girl..."

Lin Pingzhi stretched out his hand and gently stroked Zhuge Qingqing's beautiful hair, it was so soft that people couldn't put it down.

He didn't bother, just quietly watched Zhuge Qingqing fall asleep.

The moonlight outside the window hit the two of them.

The picture is so beautiful.

Zhui Ming had already gone back to his room to rest, and he was relieved to leave this place to the junior sister to take care of him.

Lin Pingzhi didn't make any big moves, he didn't want to wake up the other party, he was happy in his heart, it seemed that he had captured the other party's heart.

The next step is to pierce the window paper.

But he is not in a hurry, and will break the relationship when the time is right.

Now this hazy feeling, on the contrary, made him feel novel, and there was a normal process of falling in love.

It was not until the next morning that Zhuge Qingqing woke up from her sleep and remembered that she was still taking care of others.

The result looked up.

When he found out that Lin Pingzhi was taking care of him, as if he hadn't slept all night, he felt a little guilty.

And some self-blame.

I thought that I was spoiled and spoiled since I was a child, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even do this kind of thing well. It seems that I should change it.

She said: "Young Master Mingyue, are you okay? I heard that you were slapped three times last night. I was so anxious."

Lin Pingzhi looked at Zhuge Qingqing with a smile in his eyes, and said, "I really worried Miss Zhuge.


Why does Miss Zhuge care so much?We don't seem to know each other well. "


Zhuge Qingqing was so questioned that she had nothing to say, her face flushed instantly, and she became extremely shy.

It's only now that I realize it, how can I say such words?So it became a bit stuttering:

"I'm just worried that I won't be able to complete the task assigned by my grandfather..."

The voice of speaking is getting smaller and smaller, obviously lack of confidence.


Only then did Zhuge Qingqing realize how high the other party's status was in her heart.

I finally had a feeling of joy, thinking in my heart, is this what adults call love?

Her deer bumped wildly, her heart was beating wildly.

Lin Pingzhi saw it, and continued to tease the little girl, saying: "Really? Why do I feel that Miss Zhuge is not telling the truth.

When you speak, you lack confidence, and you are not as self-willed as usual. Why, is there something embarrassing to say? "

"You are bad!"

Zhuge Qingqing blushed and had a thick neck after being told, she had never been so embarrassed before, as soon as she pushed Lin Pingzhi away, she wanted to escape from the scene.

Of course Lin Pingzhi didn't give it a chance, he pretended to be injured and lay on the bed crying.

"Oh, I'm a sick patient, how can you mess around?"

Sure enough, Zhuge Qingqing became nervous, took back the foot she had just stepped out, and hurried to the bedside.

"Master Mingyue, how are you? I... I didn't mean to."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Pingzhi acted violently, gently hooked Zhuge Qingqing's nose with his fingers, and said with a smile:

"Silly girl who lied to you, my master's miraculous skills are world-class, and he has already healed his wounds."


Zhuge Qingqing was both happy and ashamed, she didn't expect the other party to make fun of herself.

So he stomped away angrily.


It looks a lot like being coquettish.

Lin Pingzhi smiled heartily, and was not in a hurry to take down the opponent, he really wanted to enjoy the process.

Should be a good experience too.

Like his previous state, but every woman basically throws herself into her arms.

It doesn't seem like a challenge.

Lin Pingzhi wanted to try something new.

Seeing that Zhuge Qingqing had escaped, he got up, packed his clothes and bed, and went out to eat.

Zhui Ming and the others had also woken up, and when they met at the dining table, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Zhuge Qingqing never dared to look at Lin Ping, obviously a little guilty, and embarrassed to admit the joy in his heart.

Lin Pingzhi deliberately didn't say anything, and seeing Leng Xue beside him staring at him, he sneered.

He didn't take it seriously, he was just a waste that could be easily manipulated by others.

too good to use.

You don't even need your hands to deal with it.

Lin Pingzhi looked down on this kind of person, and while chewing on steamed buns, he expressed his opinion:

"I didn't seem to gain much from coming to the Supreme League this time, which proved my guess was actually wrong.

It seems that we have to start from other aspects, let's leave here after breakfast. "

"Let's go now?"

Chasing was a little surprised.

Or do not understand.

Came all the way here, and ended up staying all night?What a waste of expression.

Lin Pingzhi didn't want to, and spread his hands to express his helplessness: "In a way, it can be regarded as very efficient.

We don't have to keep wasting time here.

Next, I have to continue to find the person who framed me, otherwise the world is really dangerous for me. "

Leng Xue sneered, and said, "Young Master Mingyue, what danger is there in your supernatural power?

Even if those dead sects want to seek revenge from you, it is estimated that there will be no return. "

There was obviously some irony in the words.

Lin Pingzhi didn't even want to answer, and started another topic: "By the way, is Chu Liuxiang really locked up in your prison?"

He wanted to be sure.

After going through this trip, Lin Pingzhi thought that his relationship with Zhui Ming and Zhuge Qingqing had become very good.

The other party will not lie to himself.


Zhui Ming nodded and said: "It is indeed true, and the senior brother and I caught it together.

Not to mention, that kid is really hard to catch, he is as slippery as a loach.

I think that Qinggong is invincible in the world, who knows that chasing him will have so much effort. "

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